python">from time import * #a function to find your age def age(): print "Enter Your Date of Birth" d=input("Day:") m=input("Month:") y=input("Year:") #get the current time in tuple format a=gmtime() #difference in day dd=a[2]-d #difference in month dm=a[1]-m #difference in year dy=a[0]-y #checks if difference in day is negative if dd<0: dd=dd+30 dm=dm-1 #checks if difference in month is negative when difference in day is also negative if dm<0: dm=dm+12 dy=dy-1 #checks if difference in month is negative when difference in day is positive if dm<0: dm=dm+12 dy=dy-1 print "Your current age is %s Years %s Months & %s Days"%(dy,dm,dd) age()