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人机交互代写 application代写

2022-01-20 11:49 星期四 所属: 人机交互代写 浏览:720


Human-Computer Interaction

Exercise sheet 7

人机交互代写 This project is the last in a series of three activities that take you through one iteration of the complete design process.

Project 3 – Evaluation (110 points)

This project is the last in a series of three activities that take you through one iteration of the complete design process.

As a reminder, the overall goal is to design an interactive application that helps students connect, make new friends, do joint activities, and move past the self-isolation that has dominated during more than one year of pandemic. The application should support (but does not have to be limited to):

  • help create new or find an existing group of people with similar interests.
  • motivate each other to be more active.
  • provide support for mental well-being.
  • show information about new in-person and/or virtual events.
  • organize joint activities: in-person and/or virtual.


Note:  人机交互代写

– Please keep all of your answers short and on point, and write them in concise bullet points.

– Please read the instructions for submission at the end of this exercise.

– For tasks that require user feedback, please use virtual communication tools like Google Meet, Skype, or Zoom.

– For groups that have only 2 members, we reduced the amount of work of some tasks. Therefore, it is indicated with a Groups of 2 : as an identifier. This does not apply to groups that have three members.


Tasks:  人机交互代写

In this project task, your goal is to evaluate your high fidelity (hi-fi) prototype you have created in the previous project phase. To this end, you will design and run a small user study, in which you evaluate the usability and user experience of your prototype qualitatively and identify opportunities for improvements that would be realized in the next iteration of the user-centered design cycle.

In your study, 4 participants shall perform a given task with your prototype. As methods for data gathering, you should use observation (due to Covid via the video and screen-sharing option in virtual communication tools), followed by semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire. Note that a solid solution for this assignment does not necessarily confirm that many aspects of your prototype work well.

It will be equally (or even more) important to identify concrete problems with the current implementation and identify concrete opportunities and ways of improving the prototype in the next iteration of the design cycle.

1.Procedure of your study (10 + 10 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 2 = 35 points)  人机交互代写


In this task, your goal is to find the key questions that are important to be answered with your study. Find four questions, and try to find the answers with your study. Here are some example questions:

Groups of 2: find 3 questions

  • How easy is the interface to use? Do users make errors? If yes, which ones? What problems occurred? Why?
  • Do the users find the interface helpful to find new people?
  • How well does the interface help users to feel motivated?
  • Is there any additional functionality the users would like to be included?
  • What (important) concrete suggestions for improvement did the participants make?
(b)  人机交互代写

Prepare a study task that will be performed by the participants and develop instructions for the task. Your task should be a realistic sequence of actions as they would occur in practice when a student is using the interface.

  • Make use of the functions you have implemented in the last project phase (e.g., showing people with similar interests, providing creative methods to reduce the absence of copresence, providing information about exciting events)
  • Include at least 5 actions, of which at least 3 are unique.
  • Make sure one can perform these actions with your prototype.
  • You must formulate the instructions to be read to ensure that all participants get the same instructions.
  • Here is a short example of an action sequence (note, these are not the complete instructions):

Select an activity

Make a friend who is also interested in that activity.

Organize a virtual event to share your past experiences.




(c) Observation method:  
  • Define the type of participants
  • Decide what site will be used for observation
  • Define how observations will be recorded
(d) Prepare a questionnaire to be administered after the observation.
  • Write your own questionnaire to collect the demographic information about the participants .
  • Use the NASA TLX questionnaire for participant feedback. It is available as an iOS app or PDF (https://humansystems.arc.nasa.gov/groups/TLX/) (see slide set 10, slide 87).
(e) Interviews
  • You need to prepare questions for a semi-structured interview.
  • Each interview takes 10-15 min per participant (no group interview).
  • Every group member should conduct at least one interview.

Prepare a consent form. Use the template provided on the Moodle platform and fill in your details.


Combine all of the above to a complete procedure description. Hand in the complete procedure description (including instructions).


2.  人机交互代写

Run a pilot study with one or two participants (roughly one hour per participant). Make sure you run the study exactly following your written procedure. Make note of difficulties and problems during the pilot study. Briefly explain the changes you have made to the study procedure in response to those issues, and adapt the study procedure accordingly. (10 points)


3.Conduct the study (30 Points)

(a) Recruit 4 representative participants. You can ask your friends or colleagues but exclude members of your group.

Groups of 2: recruit 3 participants.

(b) Conduct the study according to your procedure from above.

(c) Hand in your collected and anonymized dataset.


4.Data analysis (10 Points)

(a) Evaluate the usability of your prototype based on your observations, interviews, and the results of questionnaire collected from participants. (Base your analysis on the questions you have identified in 1.a.)

(b) Briefly summarize your findings for each question. Prioritize important findings.


5.Final presentation on project challenges (25 points) This is mandatory!  人机交互代写

(a) Identify 3 main challenges you have encountered throughout the entire project cycles (01-03) which you found to be particularly difficult, a unique aspect in your project, or to yield a valuable lesson learned. Briefly describe each challenge.

Groups of 2: 2 challenges

(b) For every challenge, briefly describe how you addressed it, e.g. what solution you came up with and the outcome, e.g. what did you learn or take away.

(c) Prepare a slide set to present your challenges, solutions, and outcomes in your tutorial.

  • You have 10 minutes sharp for presentation, following 5 minutes for discussion. Therefore the maximum number of slides is better to be around 15.

Groups of 2: around 10 slides with a 7 minutes time limit and 3 minutes for discussion.

(d) Present your slide set in the tutorial.

  • Every member from the group must present one challenge.
  • You must use the presentation that was submitted to Moodle. You will not be allowed to change the presentation after submission.
  • Practice the entire presentation at least once. This is important to help you to stay on time. You will lose points if we have to cut you off after your time is up.
  • If for any acceptable reason, one of the group members can not attend the presentation, she/he should inform the tutors in advance.


Instructions for submissions:  人机交互代写

  • If one of your group members are not contributing to the exercises, you must inform your tutor.
  • This is a creative exercise. Innovative ideas and solutions are rewarded in grading.
  • Please put your answer sheet and all the other relevant documents in one archive file (zip) and name your submissions according to the following scheme:


XX = exercise number (e.g. 03)

GGGG = group number (e.g. M001)

Hand-in via Moodle (https://hci-lecture.cs.uni-saarland.de)






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