北美统计网课代上 Topics covered will include two-sample t-tests, nonparametric procedures, analysis of variance, linear and logistic regression.
TF 8:10 – 9:25 am; Anderson B-13 Course Syllabus Spring 2020
Office Hours: M 9:30-11:30 am, and by appt.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Statistical thinking and data analytics are necessary skills for graduates in most disciplines. Intermediate statistics builds on the basic tools of data analysis and the methods of statistical inference that are introduced in Stat 202 and Stat 203. In this course, we will analyze data from designed experiments and observational studies, formulate questions and interpret the results in the context of the statistical problem of interest. Emphasis will be placed on determining the appropriate statistical model, understanding the assumptions of the model, assessing whether the data satisfies the assumptions, and improving the model if necessary. Topics covered will include two-sample t-tests, nonparametric procedures, analysis of variance, linear and logistic regression. Statistical software will be integrated into the course for exploration, analysis, and demonstration of concepts. 北美统计网课代上
PREREQUISITE: Stat 202 Basic Statistics or Stat 203 Basic Statistics with Calculus.
(Note: These items are on reserve for class use and may be checked out at the reserve desk in the library.)
- The Statistical Sleuth, 3rd edition by Ramsey andSchafer
- An Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, 8th edition by Moore, McCabe andCraig
- Practicing Statistics: Guided Investigations for the Second Course, by Shonda Kuiper and Jeffrey Sklar, Pearson (2013).
These texts are available online through the library,
- Regression Analysis by Example, 5th edition by Chatterjee andHadi
- Applied Regression Analysis, 3rd edition by Draper andSmith 北美统计网课代上
SOFTWARE: We will be using the statistical software SPSS to analyze data in class, on homework, and on exams. SPSS can be accessed through AU’s VCL ( which you should install on your own computer by class on Friday. You can find instructions on how to install VCL on the class’ Blackboard page under the Information tab. SPSS is also available on the computers in many of the statistical labs at AU including our classroom. I will instruct you on the use of SPSS throughout the semester. If you would like additional help with SPSS or VCL, the Research Applications and Methods Center located in the Library offers drop-in support and appointments. CTRL offers an Intro to SPSS workshop. You must register for the workshop at
This course meets the Quantitative Literacy II (Q2) requirement of the AU Core Curriculum. The Q2 learning outcomes are
(1)translate real-world questions or intellectual inquiries into quantitativeframeworks
(2)select and apply appropriate quantitative methods orreasoning
(3)draw appropriate insights from the application of a quantitativeframework
(4)explainquantitative reasoning and insights using appropriate forms of representation so that others could replicate the findings. 北美统计网课代上
Therefore, at the end of this course you will be expected
- To be able to draw correct statistical conclusions from a given set of data and to report them in a manner that is understandable to the appropriateaudience.
- When given a dataset, be able to identify the appropriate model foranalysis.
- To understand the assumptions on which each model is built and be able to assess if those assumptions are satisfied by thedata.
- To be confident applying linear regression analysis to a set of data and to be able to interpret the
- To gain experience using Stata for data analysis and include relevant output in a well-written statistical
Exam 1 | 15% | (around February 20) |
Exam 2 | 15% | (around March 30) |
Project | 30% | (last day of class) |
Homework | 20% | (4) 北美统计网课代上 |
Final Exam | 20% | (take-home) |
Grade distribution (percentage using the above weights)
[93,100] A | [87,90) B+ | [77,80) C+ | [55,65) D | [0,55) F |
[90,93) A- | [83,87) B | [68,77) C | 北美统计网课代上 | |
[80,83) B- | [65,68) C- |
PROJECT: You will complete a group project that will involve using the techniques developed during the semester to investigate an issue in a field of interest that the group will define. Groups will consist of 3-4 members, which I will assign. Each group will be responsible for defining the problem of interest and identifying a relevant data set. You may either construct your own data set or use an existing data set. Each group will submit a 1-2 page project proposal, which will include defining the problem of interest, describe the potential variables of interest, explain how the data will be collected, and the initial model that you are interested in fitting. A final project presentation by the group will take place on the last day of class
SS PROTOCOL: 北美统计网课代上
Attendance: It is expected that you will attend class. When determining final grades attendance will be taken into consideration in borderline cases.
Electronic Devices: The use of electronic devices during class time will only be allowed with the instructor’s permission. We will use the computer as a statistical tool during class at times, but I expect that during class you will not surf the net, do other class work, email or text. Please turn your phones on silent. 北美统计网课代上
Blackboard: Information regarding the class will be posted on the class’ Blackboard site. You will find copies of the syllabus, homework, data sets, class information, and other relevant information. Please check it regularly. Information placed on Blackboard is for the use of class members only during the period enrolled in this course. The dissemination of information placed on Blackboard is not allowed without the written permission of the author.
Math/Stat Tutoring Lab: Don Myers Building Rm 103
Drop-In Tutoring: (No appointment necessary)
Hours: Monday – Thursday 11 am – 8 pm; Friday 11 am – 3 pm; Sunday 3 pm – 8 pm. 北美统计网课代上
One-on-one tutoring: Students may sign up for 45-minute appointments, up to 2 times per week. Schedule appointments at
Drop-In Support and Tutorials for STATA and/or VCL: Research Applications and Methods Center – Library Room 5 Hours: Sun – Thurs. 11am – 9pm
email: phone: 202-885-3862
CTRL Intro to Stata Workshop: (preregistration required Thursday, Sept 19 2:30 – 3:45.

University’s Academic Integrity Code: I encourage you to work together to discuss the solutions to homework
problems, but you must submit your own written results. Submitting someone else’s work as your own, even if you work cooperatively on achieving the results is considered plagiarism. Submitting homework problems to internet sites such as and then reporting their solutions as your own is also considered a breach of the University’s Academic Integrity Code. I am required to report cases of academic dishonesty to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Please read American University’s academic code carefully and ask me if you have any questions. The code can be found at
Sharing of Course Content:
Students are not permitted to make visual or audio recordings, including live streaming, of classroom lectures or any class related content, using any type of recording devices (e.g., smart phone, computer, digital recorder, etc.) unless prior permission from the instructor is obtained, and there are no objections from any of the students in the class. 北美统计网课代上
If permission is granted, personal use and sharing of recordings and any electronic copies of course materials (e.g., PowerPoints, formulas, lecture notes and any classroom discussions online or otherwise) is limited to the personal use of students registered in the course and for educational purposes only, even after the end of the course. Exceptions will be made for students who present a signed Letter of Accommodation from the Academic Support and Access Center. Unauthorized downloading, file sharing, distribution of any part of a recorded lecture or course materials, or using information for purposes other than the student’s own learning may be deemed a violation of American University’s Student Conduct Code and subject to disciplinary action.
Emergency Preparedness:
In the event of an emergency, please refer to the AU website ( and the AU information line at (202)-885-1100 for general university-wide information. Information specific to this course during a prolonged closure of the university will be posted on Blackboard. Support Services. A wide range of services is available to support you in your efforts to meet the course requirements. 北美统计网课代上
- Academic Support and Access Center (x3360, MGC 243) offers study skills workshops, individual instruction, tutor referrals, Supplemental Instruction, writing support, and technical and practical support and assistance with accommodations for students with physical, medical, or psychological disabilities. Writing support is also available in the Writing Center, Battelle-Tompkins228.
- Counseling Center (x3500, MGC 214) offers counseling and consultations regarding personal concerns, self- help information, and connections to off-campus mental healthresources.

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