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代写Engineering Sciences Computer Science代写 report代写 code代写

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Engineering Sciences1代写


代写Engineering Sciences Assignment Release Date: 2nd October 2019•Assignment Hand-in Date: 16th October 2019 at 11.55am•Format: Problems

Faculty of Engineering Sciences

Department of Computer Science

COMP0036: LSA – Assignment 2

Dr. Dariush Hosseini (dariush.hosseini@ucl.ac.uk)

Overview Engineering Sciences

  • Assignment Release Date: 2nd October2019
  • AssignmentHand-in Date: 16th October 2019 at 55am
  • Format:Problems

Guidelines 代写Engineering Sciences

  • You should answer all THREE
  • Note that not all questions carry equal
  • You should submit your final report as a pdf using Turnitin accessed via themodule’s Moodle page.
  • Within your report you should begin each question on a newpage.
  • You should preface your report with a single page containing, on twolines:
    • The module code:‘COMP0036’
    • The assignment title: ‘LSA – Assignment2’
  • Your report should be neat andlegible.代写Engineering Sciences

You are strongly advised to use LATEX to format the report, however this is not a hard requirement, and you may submit a report formatted with the aid of another system, or even a handwritten report, provided that you have converted it to a pdf (see above).

  • Pleaseattempt to express your answers as succinctly as
  • Please note that if your answer to a question or sub-question is illegible orincomprehen- sible to the marker then you will receive no marks for that question or sub-question.代写Engineering Sciences
  • Please remember to detail your working, and state clearly any assumptions which you make.
  • Failure to adhere to any of the guidelines may result in question-specific deduction of marks. If warranted these deductions may be punitive.
Engineering Sciences1代写
Engineering Sciences1代写

1.Assumean unlabelled dataset, .x(i)  RmΣn, with sample mean, x = 1 Σn 代写Engineering Sciences

x(i), and an orthonormal basis set u[j] Rm j=1, where d < m.

We have investigated the ‘Projected Variance Maximisation’ approach to PCA in which we are interested in finding the d-dimensional subspace spanned by .u[j]  Rm|u[i] · u[j] = δij i, jΣd

for which the sum of the sample variance of the data projected onto this subspace is max-imised.代写Engineering Sciences

This leads to a formulation of the PCA problem as:

However there are several other approaches to PCA. One is the ‘Reconstruction Error Minimisation’ approach.Engineering Sciences代写

Here we are interested in finding the d-dimensional subspace spanned by .u[j]Σd

which minimises the reconstruction error, i.e.:

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代写Engineering Sciences

(a) [6 marks]

Show that problems (1) and (2) are equivalent.

(b) [4 marks]

In each analysis we were careful to centre our input data by effectively subtracting off the mean. Why is it important to centre the data in this way?

(c) [6 marks]代写Engineering Sciences

Show that we can re-write the objective of problem (1) as follows, and provide an expression for the matrix S:

(d) [4 marks]

If we were to replace S with the sample correlation matrix and then proceed to perform PCA with this objective, under what circumstances would this form of PCA differ from the covariance matrix version?代写Engineering Sciences

2.Assume a set of unlabelledpoints, {x(i)|Rd}n, which we wish to separate into k clusters.代写Engineering Sciences

We wish to use a ‘Spherical’ Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) for this clustering task. Here  we  assume  that each  point has  an  unknown,  latent,  cluster  assignment  associated  with  it, z ∈ {1, …, k}, which is the outcome of a multinomial random variable, Z:

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代写Engineering Sciences

Furthermore, contingent on the cluster assignment, z, we assume that each point, x, is the outcome of a Gaussian random variable, X :

X |(z = j) ∼ N (x|µ , Σ  )


µ[j] Rd is the mean associated with cluster j, and;

Σ[j] = sI is the covariance associated with each cluster j.

Here s is a constant, and I denotes the d × d identity matrix.Engineering Sciences1代写

(a) [6 marks]

Give an expression for the log likelihood of the dataset, {x(i)}n

in terms of s and {µ[j], π[j]}k .

(b) [5 marks]代写Engineering Sciences

We wish to maximise this expression subject to the usual constraints using the EM algorithm.

Give an expression for the responsibilities, γi[j], in this case.

(c) [8 marks]

Explain why, as s  0, the solution we generate from the spherical GMM EM clustering algorithm will tend towards the solution we would generate from the k-means clustering algorithm.Engineering Sciences1代写

(d) [3 marks]

Describe and explain the form of the boundary which discriminates between clusters in this case.

(e) [3 marks]

Now consider the more usual GMM EM clustering algorithm, in which we assume that the covariances, Σ[j] > 0, are no longer constrained to take the isotropic form which we assumed earlier and are in general distinct j.Engineering Sciences代写

Describe and explain the form of the boundary which discriminates between clusters in this case in general.

3.(a) [4marks]

Explain the importance of the Representer Theorem?

(b) [3 marks]

Consider the A1-regularised Logistic regression optimisation problem:


{x(i), y(i)}n=1

represents a set of training data, where x Rm are input attributes,

while y ∈ {0, 1} is the output label;代写Engineering Sciences

w Rm is the weight vector of the linear discriminant which we seek, and;

λ > 0 is some constant.

Is this problem susceptible to the kernel trick? Explain.

(c) [4 marks]

Consider the following clustering problem:

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{x(i)}ni=1represents a set of unlabelled points, where x Rm are input attributes;

{µ[j]  Rm}represent the k cluster centroids, and;

{ρi[j]  {0, 1}}n,k represent a set of assignment variables.代写Engineering Sciences

Let us seek to perform this optimisation using the k-means algorithm.

Is the M-step of this procedure susceptible to the kernel trick? Explain.

(d) [4 marks]

Assuming 2-dimensional input attributes, x = [x1, x2]T , what kernel function, κ, is associated with the following feature map, φ (express your answer in terms of vectordot products):

(e) [5 marks]代写Engineering Sciences

Assuming 1-dimensional input attributes, x, what feature map, φ : x ›→ φ(x), is associated with the following kernel, κ:

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代写Engineering Sciences

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