I. Economics
Economics代写 Czech Republic macroeconomic indicatorsThe table below describes the development of some key macroeconomic indicators
Czech Republic macroeconomic indicators
The table below describes the development of some key macroeconomic indicators of the Czech Republic for period 2014 – 2018.
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | ||
GDP | %, y/y, real terms | 2,7 | 5,3 | 2,5 | 4,4 | 2,9 |
Final Consumption Expenditure | %, y/y, real terms | 1,6 | 3,2 | 3,4 | 3,4 | 3,3 |
Household Expenditure | %, y/y, real terms | 1,8 | 3,8 | 3,6 | 4,2 | 3,2 |
Gross Capital Formation | %, y/y, real terms | 8,6 | 13,0 | -4,3 | 4,0 | 5,5 |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation | %, y/y, real terms | 3,9 | 10,2 | -3,1 | 3,7 | 10,5 |
Exports of Goods and Services | %, y/y, real terms | 8,6 | 6,1 | 4,3 | 6,8 | 4,6 |
Imports of Goods and Services Economics代写 | %, y/y, real terms | 10,0 | 6,9 | 2,8 | 6,0 | 6,1 |
General Unemployment Rate | % | 6,1 | 5,0 | 4,0 | 2,9 | 2,2 |
The share of unemployed persons | % | 7,70 | 6,57 | 5,55 | 4,26 | 3,20 |
Average Gross Nominal Wages | %, y/y | 2,9 | 3,2 | 4,4 | 6,2 | 8,1 |
Rate of Inflation | % | 0,4 | 0,3 | 0,7 | 2,5 | 2,1 |
Exchange Rate: CZK/EUR | year average | 27,533 | 27,283 | 27,033 | 26,330 | 25,643 |
General Governement deficit(surplus) | in % of GDP | -2,1 | -0,61 | 0,72 | 1,56 | 0,89 |
General governement debt | in % of GDP | 42,17 | 39,96 | 36,81 | 34,66 | 32,71 |
With regard to the data contained in the table, provide the following information:
1) Gross domestic product Economics代写
a.Describethe development of GDP in the Czech Republic in 2018 using the expenditure approach.
b.Briefly explain a relatively high growth of household’s expenditure during last 5 year.
2) Unemployment
a.Explainthe difference between General Unemployment rate and the Share of Unemployed persons.
b.Explain key factors of the development of the General Unemployment Rate of the Czech Republic in a given time period.
3) Inflation rate
a.Evaluatethe development of inflation in the Czech Republic based on data contained in the table.
b.Explain the development of real wage in a given timeperiod.
4) Exchange rate Economics代写
What was the exchange rate commitment of the Czech National Bank?
5) Fiscal situation
Evaluate the fiscal indicators of the Czech Republic with regard to the Maastricht criteria.
6) Oligopoly and monopolistic competition
a.Explain the differences between oligopoly and monopolistic competition.
b.Using graphs, explain how optimal price and quantity are set by a firm in monopolistic competition in a short time (in the case of maximization ofprofit).
7) Elasticity of demand
a.Explain an income elasticity of demand.
b.Explain a price elasticity of demand.
c.Explain a cross elasticity of demand.
II. Finance Economics代写
The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Company, a beverage company, manufactures and distributes various nonalcoholic beverages worldwide. The company provides sparkling soft drinks; water, enhanced water, and sports drinks; juice, dairy, and plant-based beverages; teas and coffees; and energy drinks. It also offers
concentrates, syrups, beverage bases, source waters, and powders/minerals, as well as fountain syrups to fountain retailers, such as restaurants and convenience stores. The company sells its products primarily under the Coca-Cola, Diet Coke/Coca-Cola Light, Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, Fanta, Schweppes, Sprite, Thums Up, Aquarius, Dasani, glacéau smartwater, glacéau vitaminwater, Ice Dew, I LOHAS, Powerade, AdeS, Del Valle, innocent, Minute Maid, Minute Maid Pulpy, Simply, ZICO, Ayataka, Costa, FUZE TEA, Georgia, Gold Peak, and HONEST TEA brands. The Coca-Cola Company offers its beverage products through a network of company-owned or controlled bottling and distribution operators, as well as through independent bottling partners, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. The company was founded in 1886 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.Economics代写
Please answer these questions1:
- Presentin a table(s) The Coca-Cola Company general financial data (incl. Balance Sheet and Income Statement important items) between 2014 and
- Break down (analyse) the structure of The Coca-Cola Company Balance Sheet (important) items between 2014 and 2018.
- Describe the sources of The Coca-Cola Company
- Analyse the development of The Coca-Cola Company main Income statement and Balance Sheet items between 2014 and
- Find at least 2 competitors of The Coca-Cola Company and make a reasoning for your Economics代写
- What was the profitability of The Coca-Cola Company? Compare to the
- What was the company’s market capitalization as of the end of each year? If you werefinancial
investor, would you currently suggest to buy/sell The Coca-Cola Company shares and why?
- Discuss the reasons for price turns of The Coca-Cola Company shares within last 5 years.
1 You are free to find and use any sources of The Coca-Cola Company information.
III. Accounting Economics代写
Preparation of financial statements
YOJ is preparing its annual financial statements as at 31 December 2X15. The following trial balance has been extracted from its general ledger:
Trial balance in € | Debit | Credit |
Equity shares | 125,000 | |
Retained earnings, as at 31. 12. 2X14
Building at acquisition cost Economics代写 Building accumulated depreciation, as at 31. 12. 2X14 Transport vehicles at acquisition cost Transport vehicles accumulated depreciation, as at 31. 12. Inventory (merchandise), as at 31. 12. 2X14 Trade payables Trade receivables Allowances for trade receivables, as at 31. 12. 2X14 Cash Borrowings from banks |
38,000 |
36,000 |
Revenue from goods sold Economics代写 | 395,000 | |
Cost of goods sold | 228,000 | |
Salary and other payroll expenses | 80,200 | |
Fuel consumption | 33,300 | |
Services purchased | 7,900 | |
Interest expense from bank borrowings | 3,600 | |
Total | 903,000 | 903,000 |
To complete the preparation of financial statements, several year‐end closing transactions have
to be accounted for yet. The relevant information is as follows:
1. Depreciation:
a)buildingis straight‐line depreciated at 5 % per annum on its acquisition cost
b)accelerated depreciation is applied for transport vehicles at 20 % per year using the diminishing balancemethod Economics代写
2. Impairment of receivables:
a)basedon past experience, YOJ estimates that 8% of the closing balance of trade receivables will be never collected Economics代写
b)impairmentof uncollectible receivables is classified as other operating expense/income
3. Inventory:
a)YOJ applies the periodic inventorysystem Economics代写
b)theclosing balance of inventory as at 31 December 2X15 is 75,000 €
4. Borrowings:
- 25% of the loan is repayable on 1 June 2X16; the remaining balance shall be repaid three years later on 1 June2X19
- all interest charges for 2X15 are already accounted for, shown on trial balance andpaid
5. Income tax:
a)statutory tax rate applicable in the country of YOJ’s domicile is 20%
b)company’s tax advisor has prepared the tax‐filling, according to which incometax expense for 2X15 is 12,800 € Economics代写
c)liability from current income tax is due on 1 April 2X16; no advance payments have been made in2X15
d)do not consider the deferred incometax
Tasks required
Financial statements Economics代写
- Workout all calculations relating to the year‐end closing transactions described above
- Prepare Balance sheet statement and Income statement of YOJ as at 31 December 2X15 following generally accepted accounting principles, including closingtransactions
Supplementary questions
- Inventory Economics代写
The acquisition cost of inventory has been steadily increasing throughout 2X15. Let us suppose that YOJ could apply either FIFO or LIFO formula for expensing of goods sold. Compare hypothetical impact of the selection of the first or the latter method on:
a)cost of goods sold in2X15
b)total cash flows in2X15
c)closing balance for inventory as at 31 December2X15
- Accounting andtaxation
a)What is the current income tax and what is the deferred income tax? What are the main principles of bothcategories?
b)Can the negative pre-tax accounting profit be subject to taxation, resulting in current income tax expense? Under which conditions can thishappen?
- Financialstatements Economics代写
a)What is the difference between individual (separate) financial statements and consolidated financial statements? Why consolidated statements are important forusers?
b)What is the distinction between public and private firm? What are the main differences in financial reporting of public and privatefirms?
Study areas and Literature
Study areas from Economics:
- Consumer anddemand
- Theory of thefirm
- Marketstructures
- Inputsmarkets
- Market failures and microeconomic statepolicy
- Gross domestic product and itsdevelopment Economics代写
- Money and Monetarypolicy
- Aggregate supply and demandmodel
- Inflation andUnemployment
- Openeconomy
Recommended reading Economics代写
- MANKIW, N G. Principles of economics. South‐Western/Cengage Learning, 2012. 978‐0‐538‐ 45342‐4 (or laterissue)
- FRANK, R H. ‐‐ BERNANKE, B. Principles of macroeconomics, brief edition. New York: McGraw‐ Hill/Irwin, 2011. 978‐0‐07‐731676‐1 (or laterissue)
- FRANK, R H. ‐‐ BERNANKE, B. ‐‐ JOHNSTON, L. Principles of microeconomics. Boston: McGraw‐ Hill/Irwin, 2009. 978‐0‐07‐128540‐7 (or laterissue)
Study areas from Accounting:
- Objectives of financial accounting, scope of financial reporting, users of financial statements. Accounting harmonisation (IFRS; US GAAP;EU)
- Balance sheet statement: structure and mainelements
- Income statement: structure and mainelements
- Cash flow statement: structure and methods ofpresentation
- Equity:classification, features of different types of companies, capital contribution and distribution
- Notes to financial statements. Annual Report. Audit of financialstatements
- Non‐current assets: definition, classification, measurement, depreciation and
- Inventory: definition, classification, Economics代写
- Receivables and revenues: recognition, measurement, accruals anddeferrals
- Liabilities and provisions: recognition, measurement, accruals anddeferrals
Note: Topics are in compliance with ACCA F3 (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)
Recommended reading
[1] Wood Frank & Sangster Alan: Business Accounting 1, 2012, 978‐0‐273‐75918‐8 Collins, McKekeith: Financial accounting and reporting, 2010, 9780077114527 (or later issue)Study areas from Finance:
- Time value ofmoney
- Risk, its concept, types, measurements methods and its influence on corporate finance decision making.Economics代写
- Relation of corporate finance to financial markets. Valuation of shares and
- Financial
- Short‐term financial
- Long‐term financial management. Capital budgeting. Financial structure
- Income distribution. Dividend
- Corporate financial planning, principles, coordination and
- Business valuation
Recommended reading Economics代写
Brealey, R.; Myers, S.; Marcus, A.: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, New York, McGraw‐Hill, 2014,
9780077861629 (or later issue)
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