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Place Branding代写 tourist brand代写 popular brands代写

2020-09-08 11:55 星期二 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:1217

Place Branding代写

Place Branding

Place Branding代写 In ordinary discourse, branding is a term used to refer to the process of creating a distinct and unique image targeted

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Place Branding Place Branding代写


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In ordinary discourse, branding is a term used to refer to the process of creating a distinct and unique image targeted specifically to capture the customer’s imagination by exceeding their expectation. Though popular brands refer to commodities and services, there is an emergent idea about brand that refers to the image associated with certain locations such as cities, towns, and regions (Bayraktar & Uslay, 2017).

For instance, New York has gone beyond being a city and become a tourist brand owing to Wolff Olins’ cultural diversity NYC theme. In Las Vegas, the essence of place branding is to make it a favorable tourist destination for leisure activities. While city branding strategies for both cities have varied significantly over the years, the ultimate objective has been to transform them into major tourist destinations. Both cities have deployed different set of standards but they have worked hard to brand their respective locations as is discussed in this article.Place Branding代写

Place Branding Place Branding代写

In a rapidly globalizing world, competition has gone beyond goods and services to include cities, towns, regions, and other forms of localities therefore. Governments, businesses and other stakeholders are now venturing in the business of destination marketing. As a result, certain locations are in direct competition for people, business, and resources, which in turn calls for image communication to specific target markets (Bayraktar & Uslay, 2017).

Communicating a region’s image to the market requires proper branding to sell a particular idea that will appeal to the market; this scenario of destination marketing is referred to through the umbrella term ‘place branding.’ (Dinnie, 2010) Place branding, therefore, entails establishing a strong link between the identity of a certain location, its product or service offering, and the perception of the place in the customer’s point of view. Ultimately, successful place branding requires enhancing a location’s image to gain sustainable competitiveness in the larger market.

The Case for New York and Las Vegas

Destination marketing requires authenticity and distinctiveness;Place Branding代写

the location must speak to the consumer’s heart and exceed their imagination. Wish fulfillment is therefore at the center of place branding. For instance, Las Vegas has traditionally been viewed as a city of fun with the absence of responsibility; they even have a slogan ‘what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas’ (Kemp et al, 2012).

With that image in mind, the city has rebranded itself as a destination of choice for local and international tourists who are looking to enjoy their time and spend their money on meaningless pursuits while taking no responsibility for their actions (Bayraktar & Uslay, 2017).Place Branding代写

To communicate this idea to potential tourists, the city has remodeled the Las Vegas Strip to create a place brand to attract gamblers and other heavy spenders. The most common logos have the name of the city branded with tonal variations of eye-catching red, yellow, white, and other bright colors. This is mostly about visual optics; these colors signify adventure and thrilling experiences

Elsewhere in New York, the situation is slightly different from that of Vegas though both pursue a similar tourist agenda. Within the heart of every New Yorker lies a different perception of the city; this indifference is largely cultural in a densely populated city that is home to an almost infinite mix of cultures. The people residing there speak close to 140 different languages; likewise, they have varying opinions about a broad range of issues yet they have to live side by side within the same geographical space. New York has therefore evolved into a complex society where everybody has their own version of the city.

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 There si only one New York City but there is no one New York City.

Given the cultural distinction of the city, the challenge was in capturing an essence as opposed to defining a purpose. Driven by the need to capture its essence, Wolff Olins originated the idea “only one, but no one NYC.” Wolff Olins build a distinct brand for a city of infinite opinions and created a coherent image of cultural complexity. The new brand managed to capture the essence of diversity and cultural interaction and created a new form of New York identity. It is to be understood that this helped market the city as a destination of choice for visitors. The purpose of place branding in this case was destination marketing.

Appearing in fashion, popular culture, and numerous forms of souvenirs, Wolff Olins NYC logo has been widely recognized and associated with identity, patriotism, and consumerism alike. It closely resembles the cultural significance created by the ‘I heart New York’ campaign of the 1970s.

Rebranding New York took a deeper look into the history of the city and that of the people who call it home with the goal of identifying its archetypes, identity, culture, and geography. Wolff Olins has partnered with key stakeholders including the civil society, media outlets, federal and state governments, and New York’s business class mainly the fashion designers (Bayraktar & Uslay, 2017). Songs have been composed to promote the brand; some of the popular ones include New York I Love You and Empire State of Mind, which depict the city as a ‘concrete jungle where dreams come true.’

City branding centers around one question:

what comes to mind when someone hears of the place? For instance, when someone says New York, popular culture comes to mind (Nishi, 2016). Even someone who has never been to the city understands that it has rich and profound musical culture, art, and fashion. Think Broadway and Madison Square. Likewise, with a comprehensive destination marketing strategy, city branders have managed to create the image that New York is the fashion capitol of the world flooding with major designer labels such as Christian Louboutin, Prada, Calvin Klein, Adidas, and other luxury powerhouses (Dinnie, 2010).Place Branding代写

One of the key events that have helped create brand reputation for the city is the longstanding tradition of the New York Fashion Week, which is an annual event widely publicized around the world. This event is also used as an avenue to showcase American fashion designs to the world (Nishi, 2016). Through a comprehensive city branding strategy, New York has become one of the world’s leading destinations of choice for tourists. The New York City Marathon, for instance, is a popular event that attracts millions of people from beyond borders.

One of the key strengths Place Branding代写

of the city’s branding strategy is that it has managed to transform New York into a tourist brand synonymous with cultural and geographical distinctiveness. The term New York is now used synonymously with distinction; for instance, one would say that Paris is the New York of France in an attempt to recognize it as the fashion capitol of the country (Dinnie, 2010).

The fashion culture associated with the city is popularly referred to as the New York style. Place branding has elevated New York beyond being a city; it is now a brand, a concept, a culture, a movement, and a meme in the same package. Even with all the success, branding New York has had significant challenges with the prevailing perception of violence and crime. As evidenced on television and in film, the idea of chaos still dominates public opinion about this location (Nishi, 2016).

As a renowned holiday destination,

Las Vegas has been branded over the years as a city of discretion for people willing to disappear into a fantasy realm of adventure without being responsible for their choices. Wish fulfillment is Vegas’ forte; with the Strip’s incredible facilities such as casinos, speakeasy joints, and marvelous skylines, people have traditionally grown fond of this place as their destination of choice. Like New York, Las Vegas is looking to attract tourists to come and enjoy a unique experience of wish fulfillment (Kaplan et al, 2010).

However, the city branding strategy for Vegas is different from that of New York. While the latter focuses of cultural distinction; the former is all about state-of-the-art technology; every person visiting Vegas is drawn in by marvelous facilities and the city geographical landscape. The city has been branded to become hub of technological innovation;

for instance,

in 2014, the world’s tallest observation wheel was launched and in a spectacular glare of neon it lit up the Las Vegas Strip. The wheel, identified as the Las Vegas High Roller, has added to the city’s iconic skyline standing at a record 550 feet. Vegas’ place branding strategy involves direct-to-consumer advertising where images of the high roller illuminated at night are plastered on billboards and television throughout the country. The message is to urge the customer to come for an experience of a lifetime.Place Branding代写

The Strip is presently a destination of choice for local and foreign tourists with the new $550 million entertainment district at the heart of Vegas (Bayraktar & Uslay, 2017). One of the biggest strength of Vegas’ branding strategy is the popularity of the ‘what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ logo, which has become the city’s trademark slogan. They have managed to sell irresponsibility and unnecessary spending through the promise of discretion.

It is important to emphasize that Vegas’ brand promise is discretion as epitomized in the slogan. The success of this strategy is that customers trust in the brand promise (Nishi, 2016). Ultimately, the branding strategy has managed to differentiate Vegas as a favored wish fulfillment destination. However, the plan has encountered a major setback as many accuse the city of downplaying American cultural ideals by encouraging immorality. Conservatives have denounced the promise of discretion to encourage immoral behavior as a mockery of American social values.

References Place Branding代写

Bayraktar, A. & Uslay, Can. (2017). Global Place Branding Campaigns across Cities, Regions and Nations. IGI Global.

Dinnie, K. (2010). City Branding: Theory and Cases, Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillian.

Kaplan, M., Yurt, O., Guneri, B. &  Kurtulus, K. (2010). Branding Places: Applying brand personality concept to cities. European Journal of Marketing, 44, 9/10, 1286-1304.

Kemp, E., Childers, C. & Williams, K. (2012). Place Branding: Creating self-brand connections and brand advocacy, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 21, 7, 508-515.

Nishi, O. (2016). Brand Value Examples: The Good, Bad, and Unfortunate. Titian Web Marketing Solution. Retrieved from: http://titanwebmarketingsolutions.com/brand-value-examples-good-bad-unfortunate/

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