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运筹学作业代写 | operations research代写 | theory Problem

2019-10-23 18:15 星期三 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:1444

运筹学作业代写 Problem: Emergency Medical Response

The Emergency Service Coordinator (ESC) for a county is interested in locating the county’s three ambulances to best maximize the number of residents that can be reached within 8 minutes of an emergency call.

Problem: Emergency Medical Response

The Emergency Service Coordinator (ESC) for a county is interested in locating the county’s three ambulances to best maximize the number of residents that can be reached within 8 minutes of an emergency call. The county is divided into 6 zones and the average time required to travel from one zone to the next under semi-perfect conditions is summarized in the following Table 1.

  Average Travel Times (min.)
Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 8 12 14 10 16
2 8 1 6 18 16 16
3 12 18 1.5 12 6 4
4 16 14 4 1 16 12
5 18 16 10 4 2 2
6 16 18 4 12 2 2

Table 1: Average Travel Times From Zone i To Zone j In Semi-Perfect Conditions.

The population in zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are given in Table 2 below:

Zones Population
1 50,000
2 80,000
3 30,000
4 55,000
5 35,000
6 20,000
Total 270,000

Table 2: Population In Each Zone

Goals of your model:

  1. Determine the locations for the three ambulances which would maximize the number of people who can be reached within 8 minutes of a 911 call. Can we cover everyone? If not, then how many people are left without coverage?
  2. We now have only two ambulances since one has been set aside for an emergency call; where should we put them to maximize the number of people who can be reached within the 8 minute window? Can we cover everyone? If not, then how many people are left without coverage?
  3. Two ambulances are now no longer available; where should the remaining ambulance be posted? Can we cover everyone? If not, then how many people are left without coverage?
  4. If a catastrophic event occurs in one location with many people from all zones involved, could the ESC cover the situation? How do counties or cities design for those rare but catastrophic events?
  5. Please prepare a short 1-2 page non-technical memo outlining your recommendations from your model and analysis finding for the ESC.



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