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代写留学生计算机CS专业C++编程题目:实现C++ GUI管理系统英文

2017-12-21 08:00 星期四 所属: C++/C代写,c语言代写代考-100%安全,包过 浏览:540
















一、设计要求 :

1. 此课程设计需要实现CUICommand User Interface)版本 (如能实现C++ GUI则更好)。

2. 至少应包含以下要求功能,在项目实现时还应能尽可能多考虑实际软件的必须因素(如登陆等等)

3. 在实际编程中类的设计建议尽量考虑利用面向对象的相关知识,在项目的可重用性 可拓展性 易修改性上反复调优代码质量。(:基础较弱的同学可先考虑功能实现,待功能实现后再考虑代码优化)


 4. 建议额外功能

 a. 用户登陆和登出操作,用户密码在用户文件中实现加密功能

  b. 增加员工信息修改功能 (界面逻辑方面,自行设计)

c.  全系统设置为GUI界面或者只是用户登陆部分设置成GUI

d. 符合逻辑的其它额外功能设计




      5. 软件项目提交内容:

       a. 项目工程源代码

       b. 项目需求和设计文档

       c. 分工协作相关说明

       d. 项目代码编制和实施心得体会。






   1) 合理的OOP理念,良好的系统结构    20

   2 良好编码规范                       20

   3) 功能完整,性能稳定                 40

   4) 文档说明和其它展示内容             20



兴邦资讯是上海的一个小咨询公司,创建于1998年,目前已经有700名以上的全职员工。请创建一个小mis(Management Information System)系统,主要完成对该公司员工信息的管理。在该系统中,员工信息存储在文本文件中。 (emp_data.txt


111:02-98781999:Williams:Nick:T:35:Computer Officer:14-10-2000





869:02-95671660:Jones:Sarah:B:45:Sales Manager:14-12-1995

148:02-93272658:Smith:John:C:43:Technical Manager:21-10-1988



812:02-98781987:Xue:Fei:L:35:Computer Officer:10-08-1998




· employee payroll number:3位数字

· telephone numberXX-XXXXXXXX X都为数字,详细要求见下文P8

· name, (last name, first name, initial) (必须都为英文)

· department number, (都为数字)

· job title (必须都为英文)

· date of hiring.  XX-XX-XXXXX都为数字)




1. Displaying all current employee records on the screen.

2. Displaying all current employee records (formatted and sorted) on the screen. (工号)

3. Displaying only names and phone numbers on the screen.

4. Displaying only names and phone numbers (formatted and sorted) on the screen. (名字)

5. Searching for and displaying specific employee record(s).

6. Add new records to the data file.

7. Delete records from the data file .


1 2 3 4主要实现的是显示功能\5实现的是查找功能,6实现的增加功能,7实现的是删除功能。









兴邦资讯 – Employee Information – Main Menu



1 – Print All Current Records

2 – Print All Current Records (formatted)

3 – Print Names and Phone Numbers

4 – Print Names and Phone Numbers (formatted)

5 – Search for specific Record(s)

6 – Add New Records

7 – Delete Records


Q – Quit


Your Selection: | (waiting for user input)

· 如果数据文件不存在,应做提示之后并终止运行。Employee information data file can not found! Now exit!”, 然后退出程序。

· menu菜单上,如果用户的选择输入的不是1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Q, 程序应该显示"Invalid code! Press Enter to continue…" (这时候,程序的光标应该停在这个消息的后面,而不能停在下一行的开头). 用户重新敲回车后,最初的主菜单重新显示以便用户重新做选择。用户可以通过输入Q q退出程序.

· menu菜单上,如果用户的选择输入仅仅敲回车,应该提示"No selection entered. Press Enter to continue…"(这时候,程序的光标应该停在这个消息的后面,而不能停在下一行的开头). 用户重新敲回车后,最初的主菜单重新显示以便用户重新做选择。


When the User Selects Option 1 – Print All Current Records


Here is a sample output from menu when the user selects option 1 from the main menu:


(The main menu here)


Your Selection: 1 (user input)

111:02-98781999:Williams:Nick:T:35:Computer Officer:14-10-2000





869:02-95671660:Jones:Sarah:B:45:Sales Manager:14-12-1995

148:02-93272658:Smith:John:C:43:Technical Manager:21-10-1988



812:02-98781987:Xue:Fei:L:35:Computer Officer:10-08-1998



Press Enter to continue… (Waiting here for the user to press Enter. After the user presses Enter, the main menu is displayed again)





When the User Selects Option 2 – Print All Current Records (formatted)


Here is a sample output when the user selects option 2 from the main menu:


(The main menu here)


Your Selection: 2 (user input)

Anderson Sarah K 236 02-95437869 19 CEO 21-09-1988

Brown Sarah B 112 02-99893878 12 Electrician 09-02-1992

Chen Xiao Y 059 02-95673455 26 Consultant 01-05-2003

Coles David M 553 03-99999999 12 Manager 12-12-1999

Couch David A 131 02-95673456 26 Consultant 23-04-1994

Jones Sarah B 869 02-95671660 45 Sales Manager 14-12-1995

Miller Sam B 372 02-12345678 22 Engineer 12-03-1998

Smith John C 148 02-93272658 43 Technical Manager 21-10-1988

Wang Mengjie X 619 02-95436669 26 Consultant 12-02-2001

Williams Nick T 111 02-98781999 35 Computer Officer 14-10-2000

Xue Fei L 812 02-98781987 35 Computer Officer 10-08-1998


Press Enter to continue… (Waiting here for the user to press Enter. After the user presses Enter, the main menu is displayed again)





When the User Selects Option 3 – Print Names and Phone Numbers


Here is a sample output when the user selects option 3 from the main menu:



(The main menu here)


Your Selection: 3 (user input)













Press Enter to continue… (Waiting here for the user to press Enter. After the user presses Enter, the main menu is displayed again)


When the User Selects Option 4 – Print Names and Phone Numbers (formatted)


Here is a sample when the user selects 4 on the main menu,


(The main menu here)


Your Selection: 4 (user input)

Anderson Sarah 02-95437869

Brown Sarah 02-99893878

Chen Xiao 02-95673455

Coles David 03-99999999

Couch David 02-95673456

Jones Sarah 02-95671660

Miller Sam 02-12345678

Smith John 02-93272658

Wang Mengjie 02-95436669

Williams Nick 02-98781999

Xue Fei 02-98781987


Press Enter to continue… (Waiting here for the user to press Enter. After the user presses Enter, the main menu is displayed again)





When the User Selects Option 5 – Search for specific Record(s)


Here is a sample when the user selects 5 on the main menu,


(The main menu here)


Your Selection: 5 (user input)

Enter keyword: Jones (user input)


869:02-95671660:Jones:Sarah:B:45:sales manager:14-12-1995


Press Enter to continue… (Waiting here for the user to press Enter. After the user presses Enter, the main menu is displayed again.)





(The main menu here)


Your Selection: 5 (user input)

Enter keyword: Monks (user input)

Keyword – Monks – not found


Press Enter to continue… (Waiting here for the user to press Enter. After the user presses Enter, the main menu is displayed again.)


 (The main menu here)


Your Selection, 5 (user input)

Enter keyword: (user simply presses the Enter key without typing in anything)


No keyword entered – try again…


Enter keyword: (still wanting for the user to type in something)


· 用户输入的关键字应该是大小写不敏感的, (比如 JONES  jones产生一样的输出).





 (The main menu here)


Your Selection, 6 (user input)



兴邦资讯 – Employee Records:



Employee Record Additions:


Enter the following details of the new employee:


Employee 3 digit payroll number

Phone Number

Last Name

First Name

Middle Init

Dept #

Job Title

Date Hired


Enter employee 3 digit payroll number: 123 (user input)



If the user simply presses the Enter key, the following must be produced,

Enter employee 3 digit payroll number: (user simply presses the Enter key)

No payroll number entered – try again

Enter employee 3 digit payroll number: abc (user inputs invalid characters)

Payroll number can contain only numerical characters

Enter employee 3 digit payroll number: (waiting for the user to enter a valid payroll number)




Enter Phone Number (02-12345678):
02-90807986 (user input)



No phone number entered – try again

Phone Number (02-12345678), (still waiting for the user to enter a valid phone number)



Enter Phone Number (02-12345678): abc123 (user input)

Invalid phone number – try again

Enter Phone Number (02-12345678): (still waiting for the user to enter a valid phone number)

对合法电话号码的约束如下:有效的电话区号是02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08. 电话号码的首位(不包括区号)可以是 1  9 之间的任意数字,  7个数字可以是0  9 之间的任意数字。一个有效电话号码的例子是 02-95671600. 无效电话号码的例子是0363243416, 1099887766, 1299998877, .



Enter Last Name: Warren (user input)

(一个合法的名只能是字母和空格的组合,如果用户输入一个非法的名字,则提示Last name can contain only alphabetical characters and spaces ”然后要求用户重新输入,如果用户什么名字都没输入而直接按回车,则提示No last name entered – try again 然后要求用户重新输入)


Enter First Name: Todd (user input)

(一个合法的姓只能是字母和空格的组合,如果用户输入一个非法的姓,则提示First name can contain only alphabetical characters and spaces ”然后要求用户重新输入,如果用户什么名字都没输入而直接按回车,则提示No First name entered – try again 然后要求用户重新输入)


Enter Middle Init: L (user input)

(一个合法的职位只能是字母和空格的组合,如果用户输入一个非法的职位,则提示Middle Init can contain only alphabetical characters and spaces ”然后要求用户重新输入,如果用户什么名字都没输入而直接按回车,则提示No Middle Init entered – try again 然后要求用户重新输入.)


Enter Dept #: 20 (user input)

(一个合法的部门号码只能是数字。如果用户输入一个非法的部门号码,则提示 Dept # can contain only digits with no spaces”然后要求用户重新输入,如果用户什么名字都没输入而直接按回车,则提示No Dept # entered – try again 然后要求用户重新输入))


Enter Job Title: Engineer (user input)

(一个合法的职称只能是字母和空格的组合,如果用户输入一个非法的职位,则提示Job title can contain only alphabetical characters and spaces ”然后要求用户重新输入,如果用户什么名字都没输入而直接按回车,则提示No Job title entered – try again 然后要求用户重新输入)


Enter Date Hired (dd-mm-yyyy): 21-02-1996 (user input)


(你的程序必须能够判断日期的有效性,比如 30-02-1998无疑就是一个错误的日期格式!

如果日期格式错误,则提示 Invalid Date Hired然后要求用户重新输入,如果用户什么名字都没输入而直接按回车,,则提示No date hired entered – try again然后要求用户重新输入)



Record Saved




Add another employee record? (y)es or (n)o, y (user input)

如果用户敲入y,则重新跳出新增加页面如果用户敲入n, 那么离开该界面返回到主菜单页面 以便用户做新的选择,如果用户不小心敲不是ny的其它字符,也一样返回到主菜单。


< 建议员工信息录入部分的数据验证,考虑使用正则表达式来完成>




(The main menu here)


Your Selection, 7 (user input)


(Clear the user screen first)


兴邦资讯 – Employee Records:



Employee Record Deletion:


Enter employee’s 3 digit payroll number to enable record deletion: 869 (user input)


869:02-95671660:Jones:Sarah:B:45:sales manager:14-12-1995




Enter employee 3 digit payroll number: (user simply presses the Enter key)

No payroll number entered – try again

Enter employee 3 digit payroll number: abc  (user inputs invalid characters)

Payroll number can contain only numerical characters

Enter employee 3 digit payroll number: (waiting for the user to enter a valid payroll number)


Confirm record deletion, (y)es or (n)o, y (user input)


Record deleted. (只有在记录确实从records删除后才会出现该提示.)




Delete another? (y)es or (n)o, y (user input)








兴邦资讯 – Employee Records:



Employee Record Deletion:


Enter employee’s 3 digit payroll number to enable file deletion: 123 (user input)


Employee record for 123 not found!


Press Enter to continue …





