Programming Assignment #2
Due date: 2/15/18 11:59pm
Programs are to be submitted using handin on the CSIF by the due date using the command:
handin rsgysel 60-Program2 file1 file2 … fileN
1 Overview & Learning Objectives
In this program you will implement a priority queue with an underlying binary heap implementation. There are multiple objectives of this assignment:
1. strengthen your knowledge of JSON,
2. strengthen your understanding of automated testing,
3. understand and implement a binary heap.
This program consists of three parts:
1. creating a priority queue with an underlying binary heap implementation (in C++ I implemented this as priorityqueue.cpp and priorityqueue.h),
2. use a priority queue to implement HeapSort (; in C++ I implemented this as heapsort.cxx),
3. build a binary heap given a sequence of instructions (; in C++ I implemented this as buildheap.cxx).
Example inputs with expected outputs are in the directory
You can copy all of them to your current directory using:
cp ~rsgysel/public/60-Program2-Examples/* .
You can also create your own examples for the two executables you are writing. For, use createsortingdata.exe. For, use createheapoperationdata.exe. Refer to the syllabus for group work policies. You may use Rust, Java, or C++ for your code.
Students that work alone for all programs a receive a B- or better on the programs will receive 1% extra credit at the end of the quarter. Programs submitted up to 24 hours late will still be accepted but incur a 10% grade penalty.
2 PriorityQueue
Create a Max-PriorityQueue as a C++ class, a Java class, or Rust struct called PriorityQueue. It must implemented as an array-based binary heap with the root node at index 1 of the array1. The keys are non-negative integers. You must implement:
Construction : When your priority queue is created, an integer max_size must be passed to the priority queue. It is full if the number of items in the priority queue is equal to max_size.
insert(Key k) : Insert the key k into the priority queue. If the priority queue is full and insert is called, print the following error and then exit:
PriorityQueue::insert called on full priority queue
removeMax() : Remove the maximum key from the priority queue. If the priority queue is empty and removeMax is called, print the following error and then exit:
PriorityQueue::removeMax called on an empty priority queue
removeKey(Key k) : Remove the key k from the priority queue. If this key does not exist in the priority queue, print the following error and then exit (in this example, k = 45):
PriorityQueue::removeKey key 45 not found
change(Key k, Key newK) : Change the key k to the key newK. If this key does not exist in the priority queue, print the following error and then exit (in this example, k = 63):
PriorityQueue::change key 63 not found
You may implement any other functions that you find helpful. Amongst others, I imple-mented heapifyUp, heapifyDown, and JSON (which prints a JSON object representing the priority queue; see part 4 for details on its structure).
3 HeapSort
The HeapSort algorithm works as follows, given an input array A.
1. Put all elements of A into a binary heap.
2. Extract the maximum element from the heap and place it at the last position of A that has not yet had a heap element placed in it. Repeat this until the heap is empty.
Implement HeapSort which reads a JSON file of integer arrays to be sorted. The format of this file is identical to that of Program 1. Write a shell script called that runs your program on an input file. For example, my executable is called heapsort.exe, so the shell script I wrote is:
./heapsort.exe inputFile
Your program should output the sample arrays in sorted order. For example, on input
{ "Sample1": [ 2231, 1563, 2374, 344 ], "Sample2": [ 1972, 3350, 523, 4921 ], "metadata": { "arraySize": 4, "numSamples": 2 } }
You should see output:
{ "Sample1": [ 344, 1563, 2231, 2374 ], "Sample2": [ 523, 1972, 3350, 4921 ], "metadata": { "arraySize": 4, "numSamples": 2 } }
To make sure that your code works, I suggest you use the code & testing procedures detailed in Program 1 to verify that your sorting algorithm is correct.
4 BuildHeap
Write a program that does the following:
1. reads a JSON file of heap operations,
2. executes the heap operations from the JSON file,
3. prints the priority queue as a JSON object to stdout.
The contents of BuildExample.json, an example of a JSON file of operations, is as follows:
{ "Op01": { "key": 3804, "operation": "insert" }, "Op02": { "key": 4035, "operation": "insert" }, "Op03": { "key": 1755, "operation": "insert" }, "Op04": { "operation": "removeMax" }, "Op05": { "key": 2109, "operation": "insert" }, "Op06": { "key": 3333, "operation": "insert" }, "Op07": { "key": 105, "operation": "insert" }, "Op08": { "operation": "removeMax" }, "Op09": { "key": 1755, "newKey": 2634, "operation": "change" }, "Op10": { "operation": "removeMax" }, "metadata": { "maxHeapSize": 5, "numOperations": 10 } }
You can create these files using the executable createheapoperationdata.exe. After running build heap, my output2 is:
"1": { "key": 2634, "leftChild": "2", "rightChild": "3" }, "2": { "key": 105, "parent": "1" }, "3": { "key": 2109, "parent": "1" }, "metadata": { "maxHeapSize": 5, "max_size": 5, "numOperations": 10, "size": 3 } }
Here, the top-level keys are either node data or metadata. The root node, a.k.a. node 1, has key 2634, its left child has key 105 (node with index 2), and its right child has key 2109 (node with index 3). Each node must contain the following key value pairs:
key: the key the node contains.
parent: the index of its parent node, if it exists (i.e. if it is not the root).
leftChild: the index of its left child, if it exists. Otherwise, this field must be omitted.
rightChild: the index of its right child, if it exists. Otherwise, this field must be omitted.
The metadata must contain the following key value pairs:
maxHeapSize: defined from the input file, this is the maximum heap size possible.
max_size: the max_size of the priority queue passed during construction.
numOperations: defined from the input file, this is the maximum heap size possible.
size: the number of elements in the priority queue.
To test of your code, use createheapoperationdata.exe to create a few operations and then run your and examine its output. createheapoperationdata.exe will ensure that the heap operations it produces will not produce errors in a properly working implementation. For final testing, consider testing with a few million operations and verifying that no errors are produced.
5 Compilation
Submit a script called that will compile all of your source code once it is run. For example, in the skeleton code I have provided, I have used which uses a Makefile to build my code.
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