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高级概率与统计代写 MAFS5020代写

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MAFS5020 Advanced Probability and Statistics

Assignment 1

高级概率与统计代写 Problem 1 (Required, 30 marks) (a) We let Ω = {ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4, ω5, ω6 } be a sample space and let ω1 = {ω1, ω2 } and ω2 = {ω3, ω4 } be two events

Problem 1 (Required, 30 marks)    高级概率与统计代写

(a) We let Ω = {ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4, ω5, ω6 } be a sample space and let ω1 = {ω1, ω2 } and ω2 = {ω3, ω4 } be two events

(i) Write down the smallest σ-algebra that contains E1, E2 (denoted by σ(E1, E2 ). No reason is required.

(ii) Define ℱ = σ(E1, E2 ) ∪ {{ω5, ω6 }}, determine if ℱ is σ-algebra. Explain your answer.

(b) We let Ω be a sample space and let ℱ1 and ℱ2 be two σ-algebra on Ω.

Prove that the set defined by

1 ∩ ℱ2 = {A ⊆ Ω:A ∈ ℱ1  and  A ∈ ℱ2 }

is a -algebra.

(☺Hint: You just need to verify that the set satisfies the three conditions stated in the definition of σ-algebra.)


Problem 2 (Required, 25 marks)   高级概率与统计代写

We consider a motor vehicle insurance issued by an insurance company. The insurance company predicts that

  • The number of claims made by the policy in a year, denoted by N, has Poisson distribution with mean λ.
  • The insurance company does not know the true value of λand conjectures that λhas the following distribution:

P (λ=1) =0.2, P (λ=2) =0.6, P (λ=3) =0.2.

After two years, the insurance company is going to estimate the distribution of using the data observed in the past two years.

(a) Suppose that no claims are made by policyholder in the first year and 3 claims has made in second year, calculate the probability that there is at least 1 claim made by the policyholder in the coming year.

(b) Suppose that the policyholder made a total of 3 claims in the past two years, calculate the probability that there is at least 1 claim made by the policyholder in the coming year.




Problem 4 (Optional, 30 marks)   高级概率与统计代写

In lecture note, we say a random variable is measurable if and only if X−1 (−∞, x ] = { ω : X(ω)  x } ∈ ℱ for all x ∈ R  so that Fx(x) is well-defined.

In fact, there are some other possible ways to define a measureable random variable.

We let X be a random variable defined on a probability space (Ω,ℱ,P ), we say X is measureable if and only if

X−1 (a,b) = {ω : a < X(ω) < b} ∈ ℱ,

for all real a < b . (i.e. the probability P(a < X < b) is well-defined).

Suppose that X is measurable according to this new definition, show that the following probabilities are well-defined and give formula for each probability.

(a) P(a < X ≤ b) and P(a ≤ X ≤ b) for any real and with a < b .

(b) P(X ≤ x) for any x  R.

(☺Hint: To prove (b), you may consider the set {ω : –n ≤ X  ≤ x} for any positive integer n.)




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