Course Projects (tentative)
预测分析代写 The project’s goal is to take a real-life dataset and apply Machine learning Algorithms(at least three methods) and compare the algorithms
The project’s goal is to take a real-life dataset and apply Machine learning Algorithms(at least three methods) and compare the algorithms’ performance with some metrics. Finding a dataset is up to you, but you can find the dataset on Kaggle.
Your proposal should be up to two pages and address each of the following:
- Your name
- Project description and goals: Describe the problem you plan to solve and give a basic outline of what you propose to implement. You can change later as you go along, but try to think this through as much as possible in advance. Identify the desired outcome and pose maximum and minimum goals.
- Resources: Specify what data you plan to use.
- Relationship to your background: Describe how your proposed project relates to your background or level of knowledge. Which methods, software packages, etc., are you already familiar with, and which ones will be new to you?
Progress report 预测分析代写
The progress report should be two to four pages and should contain the following:
- An updated statement of the project definition and goals. If there are any changes, discuss them specifically, together with the reasons for these changes.
- They selected machine learning methods in the form of a detailed outline, pseudocode. How you plan to implement. 预测分析代写
- Data: specific description, including the number of features. Data preprocessing step that you have done. Examples of your actual data are required.
- Initial results: brief description of which steps (if any) from above you have already implemented.
Note: The progress report will not receive a separate grade, but its content and quality will contribute holistically to the overall project grade at the end of the semester. Late submission will incur a 10% per day penalty on the final project grade.
Final report, powerpoint, and code 预测分析代写
Final deliverables include:
- Final Report: Here is an outline to follow for the report:
- Introduction: Define and motivate the problem, discuss background material or related work, and briefly summarize your approach.
- Details of the approach: Include used methods(at least three) definition any formulas, pseudocode, diagrams – anything that is necessary to clearly explain what you have done. If possible, illustrate the intermediate stages of your approach with results images.
- Results: Clearly describe your experimental results, data preprocessing, training, data test data, cross-validation, and performance metrics you used.
- Discussion and conclusions: Summarize the main insights drawn from your analysis and experiments. 预测分析代写
- Statement of individual contributions.
- References: including URLs for any external code or data used.
- 5-minute Narrated powerpoint that explains your project and summarizes the points above.
- Code: A zip file of your source code to be uploaded to Harvey. We are looking for only the most important code that you wrote yourself for the project, not any external libraries. We do not plan to run the code, but want to see it to be able to verify that you actually did the work you claim to have done.
Grading 预测分析代写
Grades will be based on the quality of the project and the clarity of the written report and presentation. More will be expected of larger groups. You can still get a good grade if your ideas do not work out, as long as your presentation and report show evidence of extensive analysis and exploration and provides thoughtful explanations of the observed outcomes.
Submission Instructions
Project proposals, progress reports, and final reports all should be in PDF form. There is no format for these reports. It is up to you. The project proposal should be up to two pages, the progress report should be between two to four pages, and the final report up to 6 pages.
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