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项目管理报告代写 Project Management代写

2022-03-22 11:42 星期二 所属: report代写 浏览:529


Project Management


项目管理报告代写 Assessment Guidance:To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by

Assessment Guidance:To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by all assessment criteria for the unit.



LO Description


AC Description

1 Be able to plan the requirements for a project and estimate the resources

necessary for its completion.

1.1 Determine projects required from an appraisal of business objectives.
1.2 Produce project sub-divisions and high-level estimates of time
1.3 Evaluate a project methodology suitable for the specific project.
1.4 Assess the feasibility of a proposed project.
2 Be able to devise a project plan using relevant project management tools and models. 2.1 Devise a structure for the management and execution of the project.
2.2 Define the roles and responsibilities of the project manager and team members.  项目管理报告代写
2.3 Prepare a detailed project plan.
3 Be able to monitor and control a project to completion.  3.1 Assess suitable project team structures.
3.2 Design quality management processes to be used in a project.
3.3 Design procedures for managing project change proposals.
3.4 Design systems for monitoring and appraising the status of a project.
4 Be able to apply project management techniques and skills to a project application. 4.1 Design control systems to manage challenges arising during the execution of projects.
4.2 Determine issues and risks likely to be encountered in the final stages of a project.
4.3 Assess the necessary project tasks to be completed in the final stages of a project.


Scenario  项目管理报告代写

Manley’s is a family-owned home improvement specialist similar to Homebase. The day to day operation is run by the owner and his son who make up the Senior Management Team. It has 4 stores around London and is planning an expansion. Like its competitors, it offers DIY solutions as well as a range of furniture, and kitchen and bathroom design. Its unique selling point is the fact it employs designers and, through subcontractors, offers guaranteed installation and workmanship such as plumbing, electrical, etc.

Due to these unique services which helps customers to achieve designer houses at an affordable price, Manley’s enjoyed financial success and a rapid growth. The first store opened 7 years ago, the second store 3 years ago, the third store 1 year ago, and the fourth store opened last week. Several other stores are also planned.




Although, the company is doing well, the owner has concerns about some parts of the business operation.

Manley’s only online presence is a static web page showing the location of its 3 stores (the page has not been updated for the fourth store yet), and there is no possibility to either order online or book appointments with designers.

The owner and his son feel that a new Management Information System (MIS) is required to improve customer service and operations. The new MIS will help manage stock, personnel, subcontractors, marketing, customers data etc. They are also planning on either updating the current loyalty programme or introduce a new to one to encourage repeat customers through benefits and promotions.

During the last board meeting, they identified the need to handle these tasks as projects and recommended employing a project consultant to help out. The board decided to hire you as the project consultant and they want everything to be completed within 3 months.


Task 1 of 3 – Project Selection (ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4)  项目管理报告代写


Your first task is to:

  • Develop an overall Gantt chart of the various projects that need completing, including subdivision and a time-scale.
  • Write a report, recommending a project management methodology for each project (and your reasons for your recommendation)
  • In the same report, assess the feasibility of all the projects and decide on one to carry out first.

Delivery and Submission

  • 1x Gantt chart and 1x short report – (1000 words) excluding TOC, diagrams, references and Please note, it is recommended that you use http://www.ganttproject.biz/ but you are free to use any software that you feel appropriate.


Task 2 of 2 – Project Details (AC 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3)  项目管理报告代写

Currently Manley’s employ : 4 store managers, 4 store assistant managers, 10 store attendants, 4 designers, 1 HR officer, 1 Accountant, 1 Procurement Manager, 3 Account Executives in charge of maintaining relationship with suppliers, 1 Executive Assistant and 1 Administrator.

In addition, the owner and his son are involved in the management of the organisation. There is no IT department looking after the information and IT infrastructure of the company.


Select one of the projects from Task 1 and:

  • Create a detailed Gantt chart, including the roles and responsibilities of the participants (this could be integrated in your Gantt chart if using http://www.ganttproject.biz/)
  • Create an organisational structure to carry out the project, and add a commentary regarding your team structure.

Delivery and Submission

  • 1x Gantt chart and 1 x Organisational chart with commentary – (1500 words) excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices.


Task 3 of 3 – Project Monitoring (ACs 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3)  项目管理报告代写


In relation to your selected project, prepare a document with the following details:

  • Explain the purpose of PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) or a CPA (Critical Path Analysis) diagram
  • Create a PERT or a CPA diagram to identify likely challenges, issues and risks during the life of the project.
  • Create a general quality management process to be used for the project,
  • Explain the change control procedure
  • Design a method to use to measure project

Delivery and Submission

  • Project monitoring report – (500 words) ) excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices.



  • Each section must reflect any supporting Harvard style citations.
  • A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.

Evidence to be submitted:

  • Gantt chart and Report – 1000 words
  • Gantt chart and Organisational Summary – 1500 words
  • Report – 500 words






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