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音乐工程技术代写 MMI 436代写

2022-04-07 15:09 星期四 所属: course代写,Online course代写代做-品原创拿高分! 浏览:714


MMI 436 Final Project Specification Spring 2021 

音乐工程技术代写 Timely completion of the project, Naming and organization of tracks, Volume and Pan, EQ, gain management at track level, no clipping

★ This project should be thought of as legitimate resume material. Using your APPROVED Video Clip. You can download/capture/edit your own or use some of the example clips in in our class Box folder titled “Final Project Reference Video Clips”

★ please make your best effort to show:

➔ attention to detail – inclusion of all necessary overt/implied/ambient sounds

➔ sound design – manipulation of sonic elements using sample placement/manipulation, synthesis and modulation techniques to match unique visual content

➔ audio skills: gain management and mixing, signal processing, synthesis

➔ video skills: editing and titling

★ Demonstrate your competence in at least 2 of the following general categories of Post Production/Sound Design:   音乐工程技术代写

A.Pitch/Modulation based sounds via sampled audio – For Example: Tron Cycles from Project 2, StarWars Speeders/Podsetc

B.Synchronization of Reality-Based and Sweetened Action/Chasesounds

C.Complex GUIs and HUDs – Synthesis techniques with dynamic modulation of synthparameters

D.Surround Mixing – option for students licensed in Weeks orMMS

E.ADR/Voice Over Recording andEditing*

*this is an option if you feel you can create/collect/add recorded dialogue


★ Implement Intro and Outro Titles/Credits   音乐工程技术代写

★ Submit a High Quality Rendered Video with Embedded Stereo Mix and all supporting files (Logic/AfterEffects/Alchemy Instruments/Samples for EXS-24 Instruments etc)

★ Grades are generated using the following criteria:

  • Dynamics Management/Volume-Perspective and Impact ofMix
  • Synchronization Issues Placement of appropriate sounds aligned with all pertinent video
  • Pitch and Pitch ModulationIssues   
  • AmbienceIssues
  • Sound DesignComponents    音乐工程技术代写
  • Intro/OutroElements
  • Proper render setting to maintain original AspectRatios
  • MiscellaneousIssues:

Timely completion of the project, Naming and organization of tracks, Volume and Pan, EQ, gain management at track level, no clipping, mastering settings, organization/naming of files

Project “Deliverables”, consistent with previous work, DUE ON COURSE BOX FOLDER BY 5:00 pm : Friday, May 7

 Project 4 Folder



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