UPenn – Interview Questions
面试问题代写 The interview is the most important element in the job search process. When an employer invites you to an interview, he or she generally already
The interview is the most important element in the job search process. When an employer invites you to an interview, he or she generally already thinks you may be qualified to do the job. Now you both need to exchange enough information to allow you both to determine whether you and the organization are a good “fit” for each other. Therefore, think of an interview as a highly focused professional conversation. Use the limited amount of time you have to learn about the employer’s needs and discuss the ways you can contribute to meeting them. In many cases you will interview at least twice before being hired for a position, once in a briefer screening interview and at least once again in a visit in which you speak with many of the people you will be working with.
Preparation is vital. While you cannot anticipate every question, you can prepare yourself to make the most of whatever you are asked. It is critical to know as much as you can both about the organization/position and industry but also do lots of self-analysis so that you can best articulate your skills and experiences.
General Tips
Provide a great first and last impression – firm handshake, good posture, smile. Maintain eye contact as you speak, have good posture, and avoid “um,” “like,” and “uhh”, etc.
Listen to the questions. While the interviewer controls the flow of the interview, you can control the content. If the employer is looking for specific facts, provide them. If a question is general, refocus it to your advantage.
Be honest. Let an employer get to know you. Avoid dissembling or comparing yourself to others. You want to be sure that you and the employer know what you are getting if you are hired.
Be positive. 面试问题代写
Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors. Employers, like anyone, tend to generalize: if you didn’t like “x”, you are a negative person and won’t like me either. Figure out what was positive about an experience and talk about that.
Be enthusiastic and demonstrate interest. If you are genuinely interested in the job, let the interviewer know that. This can be achieved by doing research on the organization prior to the interview. It can also come across by asking questions during the interview about the job, the organization and its services and products. When asking questions, be sure that the answers will give you information that you don’t already have (or should have) and that the questions are genuinely of interest to you.
Silence is OK 面试问题代写
– taking a moment to consider your answer is certainly appropriate. It can be a sign of thoughtfulness and intelligence, in addition to giving you time to collect your thoughts.
Convey professionalism, maturity, and poise in all interactions with the organization. In a sense, the interview process extends well beyond your actual interview to include all interactions with the organization, employer presentations, night-before events, and correspondence.
Use examples to stress your points. For example, if asked, “What three words best describe you?” list three traits and give examples that show how you have demonstrated each.
Do not ask about salary or benefits. Wait until you have an offer to negotiate. There are many places to research salary trends in the meantime (www.bls.gov, Career Services surveys, etc.).
When you are at a loss for words 面试问题代写
What if an interviewer poses a question that catches you so completely off guard that you cannot come up with an answer at all? Ideally, you can use some of the following suggestions to buy time and come up with a response:
Stall for time – ask to have the question repeated, repeat it yourself
Ask for a few moments to think over the question
Ask for clarification
Try to redirect your thought process and find an answer
Read this blog for more ideas
And if all else fails … In a gracious and polite way, say something like “May we return to this question later on? I seem to be at a loss at the moment.” (Then think of something to say as the interview proceeds!)
… and if they interviewer returns to the question and you still don’t have an answer…
“This is a question that has really stumped me for some reason. May I have your card so that I can follow up later on today with an email?” (This is a last resort, of course, but if you go this route – make sure you follow up as promised!)
Employers tell us that when interviews go wrong, they go wrong (typically) for these reasons:
The student didn’t really know why s/he applied for the position and how it fits into her/his career path. Think through this beforehand and be able to articulate it.
The student is confused about what the organization does. Be sure to take the time to learn what they do and be able to discuss it.
The student is not enthusiastic. It’s OK to smile and be excited! You set the tone for the interview, so demonstrate your enthusiasm!
Almost always, your interview will end by your interviewer asking if you have any questions for them and these questions are also being evaluated. Be responsive to what has gone on in the interview. If you have listened well, you should be able to come up with thoughtful questions which impress the interviewer. You may want to prepare a few questions in advance, but an insightful comment based on your conversation can make an even stronger statement.
What areas need the immediate attention of the person you hire?
What are the major responsibilities of this position?
How long have you been with the company?
What attracted you to this company?
What qualities and skills are most valued at this firm?
What characteristics must one have to thrive at this organization?
What are the company’s growth projections?
Whom do you identify as your major competitors?
What are your plans for new products or services?
How would you describe a typical patient/client/customer in this organization/facility?
How would you define your management philosophy?
What are you looking for in the person who will fill this job?
Describe a typical day. 面试问题代写
Describe the ideal candidate for this position.
What kind of training would I receive?
What activities could I engage in now that might help me on the job if I’m hired?
How centralized is the organizational structure?
What do you like most about your job and the company?
Whom could I speak with who has the position now or who has been promoted from the position recently?
What are the avenues for advancement?
What is the turnover rate?
Who would be my supervisor and what is that person’s supervisory style?
What do you see as the key issues/challenges facing the person in this job?
How has this organization/facility been affected by all the changes in the xxxx industry?
What is the time line for filling this position? (Will there be additional interviews? When can I expect to hear back?)
All interviewers are ultimately trying to see if a candidate is the right fit for their organization or program. This means that in any interview you have you will always be asked both about your interest in the position/organization as well as what skills/experiences you bring that will be an asset to you in the role. These questions include:
Why are you interested in this position/opportunity/program?
Why are you interested in this organization?
What skills and experience make you a good fit for this role?
Candidates who have prepared responses for these questions will start the interview off on a positive note.
Here are some other questions that are very commonly asked:
Tell me about yourself.
When did you know you wanted to be an xyz?
Describe yourself in 3 adjectives.
How would your friends describe you?
What makes you tick or what motivates you?
Why should I hire you?
Why did you decide to go to Penn?
Why did you choose your major?
How did you learn about our organization?
What do you know about our organization?
Where do you see yourself in five years? 面试问题代写
What was the worst thing that happened to you on a summer job?
What contributions could you make to our organization?
What do you expect from a job with us?
What is your greatest asset?
If you were an interviewer, what do you think the three most important criteria would be for hiring someone for this position?
On what grounds would you dismiss someone?
Do you like working with people? Is this an important factor?
How would you handle an irate client if the complaint were against the organization’s policy?
Describe a situation when you had to learn a large amount of material quickly. How did you do it?
Why are you interested in this field of work?
Do you have any questions?
What was your best subject in school?
Why do you want to work for us?
Why did you take a leave of absence?
Would you consider relocating?
Could you travel three days a week?
How do you relieve stress? 面试问题代写
Do you plan to go to graduate school?
If we hired you, what is the top position you see yourself holding?
Is there anything which could potentially interfere with your performance?
Tell me about your experience on a part-time job.
Of what accomplishment are you most proud?
What was the best part of your college experience?
What do you think is the most important/difficult ethical dilemma facing our industry today?
How do you get people to do things they don’t like to do?
Are you more interested in program development or implementation?
If you could be one person in the world, who would it be?
What do you like to do for fun?
More and more interviewers are asking behavioral questions, in which the employer asks you to recount a specific example of a past experience which s/he can use as a predictor for your future behavior. “Tell me about a time you demonstrated initiative. Give me an example of your leadership ability. Describe your most recent group effort and how you contributed to the team.” In answering these questions, be certain to describe a SPECIFIC example (don’t describe your leadership style in general, but rather recount a specific time you were in a leadership role). After setting the context, describe your role, contribution to, or influence on that situation. Finally, always provide a statement describing the outcome of your efforts (e.g., the grade you received, the percentage increase in sales volume due to your efforts, etc.) so they can evaluate your effectiveness.
A common way to approach answering behavioral questions is to use the STAR method:
- S = Situation: Describe what you were facing
- T = Target: Describe what you wanted to achieve
- A = Action: Describe what you did
- R = Results: Describe what happened, how things turned out, what you learned, and perhaps what you’d do differently if presented the same circumstances
ILLEGAL 面试问题代写
An employer cannot discriminate against you because of your race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, disability or, in some states or cities, your sexual orientation. As such, employers should not ask any interview questions in regards to these topics.
Illegal interview questions include but are not limited to:
Are you married? or, How is your spouse going to handle your schedule in this position?
Are you planning on having children? How will you handle child care?
How old are you? Who was the first president you voted for?
Are you a U.S. Citizen? (However, employers can ask “Are you legally authorized to work in the U.S.?)
As a woman, how would you handle working in a male dominated environment?
What religious holidays do you observe?
Some employers may end up asking questions that they don’t realize are illegal as a conversation starter or as a way to get at certain environmental or schedule-related issues in the job. In these cases, usually the intent is innocent as the interviewee, your choice is to refuse to answer or dodge the question, or answer the question behind the question.
In some instances, an interview might involve a group or team component. This could mean one of two things—either you will be interviewed by a group of people at once, or that you are simultaneously interviewing with other candidates for the same position.
In former case, this will mean that you will need to be sure to try to answer to the group. Start your response for a question by looking at the person who asked you the question but be sure to also make eye contact with the other interviewers during your answer before returning to the person who asked the question at the conclusion of your answer.For the latter, usually you are given a scenario to work through as a team. When this happens, the interviews are evaluate how well you work as a team player so it will be important to show your listening skills as well as your ability to take initiative.
Some employers will ask questions that are deliberately challenge. This is done to see how you think on your feet, how you handle stress, and, in some cases, how creative you are.
Here are some examples:
I see you received a very low grade in XXXX. Why?
What was your worst subject in school?
Let’s pretend that the first 25 minutes of the interview have passed. What were you planning to tell me in the last 5 minutes?
Why do you, an xyz major, want to go into business?
With your educational background in xyz, why didn’t you apply for law school?
You don’t seem to have done as well academically in college as you did in high school. Why?
How do you feel about working with numbers? What is 12% of 69? How did you figure that out?
Where do you think employment with this company will take you five years from now?
You strike me as graduate school material. Why are you applying for jobs?
What do you think of our organizational structure?
How do you feel you work without direct supervision? Are you prepared right now to work without supervision?
Would you prefer to work independently or as part of a team? Why?
How much traveling would be ideal in a job? 面试问题代写
What is your greatest liability?
What is one of your weaknesses? Now, I know you had one prepared, so give me another one?
What major problem have you encountered and how did you deal with it?
What have you learned from your mistakes?
Of what activity are you least proud?
What was the worst part of your college experience?
Why should we hire you rather than one of the 200 other applicants?
How much do you expect to earn?
What question do you wish we had asked?
Highlight the one thing on your resume that separates you from everyone else on Penn’s campus.
What don’t you do well?
Tell me about a time when you failed at something.
Tell me about a time when you made a mistake and what you learned from it.
Describe a group work situation where you and your partner were having trouble getting along with each other. How did you resolve the problem?
Describe a situation when you were faced with a deadline that you couldn’t meet. How did you handle it?
You are very qualified. Why would you want to work at a small company like ours, when you could work at a larger company?
How would someone who dislikes you describe you?
Tell me everything you know about___xyz____in three minutes (or tell me everything you know about our organization in three minutes?)
Why didn’t you get a permanent offer from your last summer employer?
Who else are you interviewing with? What do you think of those organizations?
What characteristics/traits do you most dislike in a person? 面试问题代写
If you could be a fruit, what type of fruit would you be?
You work in a library, and a book has been misshelved. How do you find it?
What is the one question you don’t want us to ask you?
What is the biggest risk you ever took?
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Give me an example of how you are a risk taker.
What is your grade point average?
Why are tennis balls fuzzy?
What is the lowest salary you would consider?
Tell me something that is not on your resume.
How much do you think you will be earning in ten years?
Give me an example of a time your ethics were tested and how you responded and reacted.
Could you make a commitment now?