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青少年行为论文代写 青少年犯罪代写

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What is the Link Between Peer Relationships and Influences to Juvenile Delinquencies in Chicago



青少年行为论文代写 The research paper focuses on peer influence on increased juvenile behaviors. The study was based on the social and ···



The research paper focuses on peer influence on increased juvenile behaviors. The study was based on the social and personal control theory on adolescent behaviors. The study will use hypothetical comparative and qualitative approaches to study the group of teenagers with their peers and how social and individual behavior change over time. A questionnaire was administered to psychologists, parents, and teachers. Overall, there were 20 participants in the equal proportion who signed up for the study.

The study also employed other data collection methods like observations and interviews with the teenagers and their peers. The data collected was then analyzed and presented to come up with a conclusive statement of the study. It was found that there exists a close relationship between a teenage behavior and that of his/her peers. This represents a major developmental problem in the contemporary world where there are increased cases of juvenile delinquency. Further studies should be developed to analyze and evaluate the relationship that exists between the family background and the juvenile delinquency.

Keywords: Adolescents, peer influence, Personal and Social Control, juvenile delinquency.


摘要  青少年行为论文代写





The criminal activities among the teenagers have been on the rise in many countries regardless the many interventions measures. The rate can be well explained by the studies of the role played by the social influences through peers. Adolescent life is mostly full of psychological, emotional, and developmental turmoil which varies in life experiences, thus most as open to the social group influences (Suldo, Minch,  Devon, & Hearon, (2015). The relationship between the adolescent and the peers is considered a key to the how the teenage behaves and the risk they are exposed to. According to Osgood (2005), at the adolescent stage, they tend to spend more time with friends as they see them essential to their lives which validate the need for studies to focus on the peer influence on their teenage behavior.

The study of juvenile development in the midst of peer influence and how these social groups influence their behavior is vital in teenage protection initiatives (Mundt, Antonaccio, French, & Zakletskaia, 2017).

Moreover, the study help in understanding the intrinsic needs of the teenage in their development stages which make them inclined to the peer influences. As such, the results from the study will help in developing a curriculum for impacting the social life skills to the teenagers. Another essential aspect in this research is the reason for adolescence inclination to the particular groups of peers, a question which will be beyond the scope of this research but will help in the understanding the psychology behind peer relationships.

This study will also consider the social ecology and how it helps to structure the day to day life of a teenager. The social environment helps in shaping the opportunities for learning and emitting any behavior (Fine, Mahler, Steinberg, Frick, & Cauffman, 2017). Studies have shown that people relate with people who they feel a share in the same personality and opinion regarding life. As such, it can be presumed that teenagers relate to those friends where they will feel accepted or appreciated. During their emotional and psychological conflicts, they tend to be associated with wrong friends who can influence n their behaviors which can be positive or negative.


介绍  青少年行为论文代写


在同龄人影响中的青少年发展研究以及这些社会群体的行为在青少年保护计划中的重要性(MUNDT,ANTONACCIO,FRENCH,and ZAKLETSKAIA,2017)。



Another critical perspective is the romantic with the opposite sex.  青少年行为论文代写

Although this seems natural, in psychological terms, the behavior is influenced by the need to seek identity and status as well as acceptance in a specific level of adolescent life. These relationships should also be studied on how they structure the adolescent behavior which can either be positive or negative. Additionally, these early romantic relationships are majorly associated with deviant peers (Friedlander, Connolly, Pepler & Craig, 2007).

This paper presents hypothetical results of research done in Chicago on the investigation of the increasing rate of juvenile delinquency and how it is related to the peer relationships and influences. In this regard, a theoretical-methodological approach to adolescent development is used. This research proposes that the regulation of juvenile behavior is a result of interactions between personal psychological development and teenage personality and that of social ecology.

The impact on adolescent behavior exists in the dynamics of affiliations created and peer pressure (Andrews, Hanish, & Santos, 2017). The constraints a group exert on a teenager may determine their inclination to a particular behavior. As such, if the association is conventional, the teenager is likely to have conventional behavior and vice versa.


另一个至关重要的观点是对性的浪漫主义。 青少年行为论文代写






The group constituted 50 adolescents both delinquent and non-delinquent. The sampling was voluntary as every participant was informed of the purpose of the study.

Materials and Procedure

In data collection, the study used various methods including close observations, interviews, and questionnaires. A structured questionnaire was administered to the participants. The survey was semantically adapted from and authorized by Marc Le Blanc. The Peer Questionnaire consist of 53 questions which seek information about:

a. The peer’s relationships perspectives regarding size and approval by parents.

b. The type of bond between the peers

c. The amount of time spent with peers. This will help answer the level of attachment and influence.

d. Level of attachment

e. The level of communication

f. Romantic relationships created, the behavior of the partner

g. The delinquent behavior of a friend(s)

h. Pressures in social groups and the constraints

i. Fear of the teenagers to losing a friend for not behaving consistently with the groups

The teenage target groups aged between the range of 15 to 25 years in all ethnic groups and races and gender.

The interviews were structured and confidential. All groups participants were questioned and interviewed individually in private. The questionnaire was administered orally. For the assurance of standardized responses, survey, answers, and alternatives were read out to the participants. The interviews are recorded where the participants were asked structured questions which were then later analyzed for content. Both answers from the interview and questionnaire were entered in the MASPQ. The program provides raw and standardized scores for each variable. The method uses raw data which are then inserted in the spreadsheet for analysis. Then the t-test and the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test were used.


方法  青少年行为论文代写




在数据收集中,该研究使用了多种方法,包括近距离观察,访谈和问卷调查。对参与者进行了结构化的问卷调查。该调查在语义上经过了Marc Le Blanc的改编并得到其授权。对等调查表由53个问题组成,这些问题寻求有关以下方面的信息:

a. 同行之间的关系观点,涉及父母的人数和认可程度。

b. 同行之间的联系类型

c. 与同伴共度的时间。这将有助于回答依恋和影响的程度。

d. 附件级别

e. 沟通水平

f. 建立了浪漫的关系,伴侣的行为

g. 朋友的不良行为

h. 社会团体的压力和制约因素

i. 担心青少年失去与小组表现不一致的朋友




The findings were summarized in the in the table below. The results show the average score per groups in all dimensions as well as the comparisons between the groups. The research found that the adolescent delinquent differs from the non-delinquent in 10 out of 17 aspects evaluated (p<0.05.

The differences the two groups emerge at the network size at p<0.001 and approval by the parents or guardians at p<0.002. The delinquent peers have a smaller number of friends and few approvals of friends by parents of non-delinquent. In the bond on peers, there were differences of 5 of 8 variable. Generally, the delinquents have weaker relationships with non-delinquents. Moreover, the delinquents were found to be well acquainted with criminal adults than non-delinquents. Lastly, in the dimension of constraints, the disparity is found at losing friends and engaging in criminal acts.


结果  青少年行为论文代写

下表中汇总了调查结果。 结果显示了各个维度上各组的平均得分以及各组之间的比较。 研究发现,青少年违法行为与非青少年违法行为在所评估的17个方面中有10个存在差异(p <0.05)。

两组之间的差异出现在网络规模为p <0.001时,而得到父母或监护人的认可为p <0.002。 违法的同龄人的朋友数量较少,而非违约者的父母对朋友的认可很少。 在同伴关系中,有8个变量中的5个存在差异。 通常,违规者与非违规者之间的关系较弱。 此外,发现犯罪者比非犯罪者更熟悉犯罪成年人。 最后,在限制的维度上,差异在于失去朋友和从事犯罪行为。


Discussion and Conclusion 

The research found differences in the aspects of peer relationships. The number of friends in both groups was different. The delinquents had smaller groups and many disapprovals of their friend’s associations with the non-delinquent teenagers. The non-delinquent adolescence had a higher affinity of approval to friends. However, the level of friends’ approval by parents is low for delinquent teenagers. However, the delinquent juveniles claim to have a more extensive network of friends which is a real sense they don’t have close contact nor know them personally. These results show how delinquent teenagers have difficulty in establishing good relationships with other people. One reason for this phenomenon is, they are a bad influence on the other non-delinquent teenagers. The parents seem to appreciate the fact that by a friend being an offender he/she may influence the behavior of their teenage child, hence the need to shun the relationships.

On time investment, non- delinquents spend more time with friends with more attachment based on good communication. It was also found that they have proper engagement and loyalty regarding friendships. At this level, any delinquent behavior that may emerge in the group can easily be copied to other friends who claim the allegiance of friendship. Therefore, it is essential for parents to keep watch of the groups their teenagers engage in because through closeness the lousy habit can quickly be taken over. Regarding attachments that are found in teenagers, they can be exploited by the delinquent adolescence to influence bad habits. Communication between teenagers plays a crucial role in communicating and controlling; it also creates bonds which as a result build loyalty to the groups. As such, any of these features of a group make the groups vulnerable if they don’t have moral and skill support.


讨论和结论  青少年行为论文代写




Other relationships formed outside teenage groups as also crucial in determining the level of influence.

It was found that delinquents have friendship with adults especial those in crime. In this regard, it means that the teenagers want to be identified with people who share the similar behavior orientation. According to (Dong & Krohn, 2016) relationships with deviant peers leads a teenager into joining criminal acts or organized criminal groups. The level of association with groups and behavior depends on the bond that exists between the adolescent and that social group. The quality of relationships between a teenager and the peers determines the level of influence on behavior.

Indeed, the relationship between the teenagers is determined by the values shared regarding that group. The research shows that the bonds, attachment, loyalties, and leadership also exist in certain juvenile groups which may act as the influencing medium of delinquent behaviors across the group individuals. Their parents also play a crucial role in influencing the level of influence on the teenager. Their approval or disapproval also evidence the existence of peer influence to a juvenile delinquent. Further studies are needed on the reason for adolescence inclination to the particular groups of peers.


在确定影响力水平时,还影响了青少年群体以外的其他联系。  青少年行为论文代写



References  青少年行为论文代写

Andrews, N. C., Z., Hanish, L. D., & Santos, C. E. (2017). Reciprocal associations between delinquent behavior and social network position during middle school. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(9), 1918-1932. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10964-017-0643-2

Dong, B., & Krohn, M. D. (2016). Dual trajectories of gang affiliation and delinquent peer association during adolescence: An examination of long-term offending outcomes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45(4), 746-762. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10964-016-0417-2

Fine, A., Mahler, A., Steinberg, L., Frick, P. J., & Cauffman, E. (2017). Individual in context: The role of impulse control on the association between the home, school, and neighborhood developmental contexts and adolescent delinquency. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(7), 1488-1502. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10964-016-0565-4

Friedlander, L. J., Connolly, J. A., Pepler, D. J. & Craig, W. M. (2007). Biological, familiar, and peer influences on dating in early adolescence. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36(6), 821-830. doi: 10.1007/s10508-006-9130-7

Mundt, M. P., Antonaccio, O. P., French, M. T., & Zakletskaia, L. I. (2017). The role of adolescent friendship group integration and cohesion in weapon-related violent crime as a young adult. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(8), 1643-1660. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10964-017-0631-6

Suldo, S. M., R Minch, , Devon, & Hearon, B. V. (2015). Adolescent life satisfaction and personality characteristics: Investigating relationships using a five-factor model. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(4), 965-983. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10902-014-9544-1


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