Critical Reading Response
Critical Reading Response
Reading Response代写 Critical Reading Response:Black Girls and School Discipline Policies in the Afterlife of Slavery
Black Girls and School Discipline Policies in the Afterlife of Slavery
The study illustrates the problems of discrimination in schools in America (Wun, 2016). The study explains how disciplinary actions are not equally applied to all students with black youths being the victims of constant surveillance to adhere to school rules and regulations. It shows the problem of social injustice in schools with black girls being psychologically tortured and enslaved in school. The schools are viewed as conduits to prison for black youths who have been found guilty and expelled from school. Reading Response代写**成品
The text use facts collected from the victims. It is proof that racism still exists in modern American society and has extended to learning institutions. The article forms a basis on which policies can be made to rectify the trend in U.S schools. The article also helped address the plight of the black woman in modern society. Reading Response代写**成品
However, the article has the shortcoming of not being able to sample the responded from diverse cities and schools. Only a few victims were interviewed. The respondents may not give correct information as one may tend to defend their actions. It is also important to note that, discipline is applied to all students regardless of the race, in this regard it is of paramount importance to research on the prevalence of black girls to indiscipline.
Second-generation Dominican, West Indian, and Haitian youth in New York City Reading Response代写
The researcher, Lopez (2002), is concerned of the gender gap that is widening in educational attainment by the second-generation immigrants. Her research illustrates a social problem where fewer men are excelling in education than women. She identified this as a race-gender problem, where Black and Hispanic women attain higher in education compared to men. Reading Response代写**成品

The issue is intertwined between race, gender, and schooling. In this case, black men are tagged to be violent and criminals making them more prevalent to victimization. Therefore, most don’t complete school and they end in the streets. The study offers a good reference for solving a social problem of low education attainment that has affected most black men. The article uses data to demonstrate the contrast that has persisted in modern society’s American education.
The Anomaly of Women’s Achievement Reading Response代写
The work of Mickelson (1989), is exciting to read as it exposes the problem of gender stratification in career growth regardless of women having better credentials than men. The article raises the issue of women continued effort to excel and advance in education the anomaly notwithstanding. The research vividly explains the society where men are gratified at the expense of a woman. The argument brought out in the article is important in understanding why modern society still discriminates against women in career advancement. It is also a perfect proof that women are equal to men, but society tends to ignore.
Adolescence Masculinity and the Fag Discourse Reading Response代写
The article by Pascoe (2005) touches on a pertinent of sexuality. It explains how boys realized and develop a sense of being masculine because of the “fag” or “faggot” identity. It portrays a society where homophobia is an insult to the masculinity. Therefore, the boy wants to prove their masculine nature not to appear a faggot. However, this argument is not applicable in modern society where homophobia has gained acceptance. In my opinion, the article is an insult to contemporary society where everybody regardless of their social orientation has to feel accepted and has freedom of expression.
The Role and Influence of Environmental and Cultural Factors on the Academic Performance of African American Males Reading Response代写
The article studies the reason why black males are more prevalent to negative behaviors (Noguera, 2003). The main issue is the role played by the environment and culture in shaping the black men and how this has contributed to poor performance in school and indiscipline. The article shows a society where black men undergo hardships of various kinds which consequently affect their behavior as well as education performance. This article is important to the correction centers, schools, and specialist dealing with male blacks. The outcomes can be used to rectify the situation through affirmative actions and policies.
References Reading Response代写
López, N. (2002). Race-gender experiences and schooling: Second-generation Dominican, West Indian, and Haitian youth in New York City. Race Ethnicity And Education, 5(1), 67-89. DOI: 10.1080/13613320120117207
Mickelson, R. (1989). Why does Jane read and write so well? The anomaly of women’s achievement. Sociology of Education, 62(1), 47. DOI: 10.2307/2112823
Noguera, P. (2003). The Trouble with Black Boys: The Role and Influence of Environmental and Cultural Factors on the Academic Performance of African American Males. Urban Education, 38(4), 431-459. doi: 10.1177/0042085903038004005
Pascoe, C. (2005). ‘Dude, you’re a gag’: Adolescent Masculinity and the fag discourse. Sexualities, 8(3), 329-346. DOI: 10.1177/1363460705053337
Wun, C. (2016). Against Captivity. Educational Policy, 30(1), 171-196. DOI: 10.1177/0895904815615439

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