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金融货币分析代写 | BFF2401 Commercial Banking and Finance Written Assignment

2019-09-22 22:26 星期日 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:1794

金融货币分析代写 Topic: Banks’ liquidity and liability management

Following the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, Australian banks have shifted towards more

Semester 2, 2019

Due date: Tuesday 24th September 2019, before 11AM (Week 9)


This individual assessment task is designed to test a student’s achievement of objectives 1-6. The total mark is 20 marks (weight: 10% of total assessment). Word limit: 1,200 words (±10%), excluding references and appendices.




Topic: Banks’ liquidity and liability management

Following the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, Australian banks have shifted towards more

stable sources of funding.


  1. Detail two (2) examples of “stable funding”. Discuss the risk-return trade-off in the choice between stable versus non-stable funding

Guide: 300 words, 6 marks.


  1. Choose one type of banks’ non-equity stable funding, and find annual (yearly) data to calculate and graph the percentage of this liability source for the top four Australian banks over 2012-2018. Conduct trend and peer analyses based on your graph, and provide insights into these banks’ funding

Guide: 400 words, 8 marks. Your graph must be shown alongside your discussion, while your data and calculated ratios must be shown in the appendix.


  1. Explain how the Net Stable Funding Ratio introduced by the Basel III framework helps banks manage their liquidity and funding risk exposure more

Guide: 300 words, 6 marks.


Note: Approximately 200 words are recommended for introduction and conclusion together. Subheadings should be used to separate parts a, b and c.



Suggested data source for part b: Orbis Bank Focus database (access via Monash library database website, under the “Banking and Finance” tab) or banks’ annual reports published on their website.


Instructions to students


You are required to retain a copy of the assignment until results are finalised.


Any query by email must be sent from your Monash student email address

<Your.Name>@student.monash.edu. Any other email addresses will not be accepted.


Referencing requirements


Work submitted for assessment must be consistent with the guidelines set down in the Q Manual, which is the faculty’s student guide for producing quality work on time. Copies of this manual can be purchased at the bookshop or accessed online at:



Chapter 3 of the Q-Manual provides instructions on how to properly cite and list references for an assignment.

Faculty style guide


Work submitted for this assessment must follow the ESSAY style as outlined in the Faculty Q Manual.

Estimated return date


UPDATE (27/08/2019): Assignments will be graded online. Marks and feedback will be available on Moodle in week 11 or 12.

Academic integrity


In order to ensure the academic integrity of your submission and to deter others from copying your work, your submission may be processed by text matching software such as Turnitin. For additional information, the University’s Student Academic Integrity Policy can be found at URL:

http://www.policy.monash.edu/policy-bank/academic/education/conduct/student-academic- integrity-policy.html

Criteria for marking


Overall, the work submitted for assessment will be graded in accord with the table showing examples of grades and corresponding achievement levels published in the Q Manual (2012, p. 6).


Submission date and time

The due date of the assignment is Tuesday 24th September 2019, before 11AM (Week 9).

UPDATE (27/08/2019): Hard copy submissions are no longer required as per the faculty’s new submission policy. All assignments are now submitted online via Turnitin (link to be posted under the “Individual Assignment” section), as detailed below.

Online submission: The online submission via Turnitin has TWO parts,


  • Part 1 for the completed coversheet file (template available on Moodle),and
  • Part 2 for the assignment file(.docx).

IMPORTANT: You are allowed to resubmit your  assignment  via  Turnitin  as  often  as you wish until the assignment due date. A  similarity  report  of  around  15-20%  is  generally acceptable, anything above this threshold will be  investigated,  penalised,  or  failed depending on the nature of similarity.

The name of your .docx file should conform to the following format:


  • S219 – Your First name and Last name and Student ID – Tutorial day and time – Your tutor’s First name and Last

For example: S219 – John Smith 1234567 – Thursday 3PM – Xing Yan


Applications for extension of time


All applications for an extension of the time allocated to an assessment task must be made by completing the application form. The form together with supporting evidence must be submitted to the chief examiner for approval no later than 48 hours after the due date.

Penalty for late lodgement


An assessment is late if it is submitted after the due date, or after the extended due date if an extension has been granted. A penalty of 1 (out of 20) mark will be deducted for each working day (24 hours) the assignment is late after the due date (based on the 11AM cut-off).

Assignments will NOT be accepted after October 11th 2019.

LATE submission: Late assignments must also be submitted via the same Turnitin link. No hard copies will be accepted. Late penalties are based on the submission time recorded on Moodle.

Should you have any queries or issues, please contact:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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