Midterm of ECEGY 6233 Spring 2021
运筹学代考 Determine the plastic moment capacities Mb , M c and the plastic hinge moments M 3 , M4, M5 for the above formulation.
Problem 1: 运筹学代考
Given f =
4x221 + 3x222 – 4x1 x2 + x1 , the point X0 = (-1/ 8, 0)T , and the direction vector d0= – (1/ 5, 2 / 5)T
(i) Is d0 a decent direction?
(ii) Denoting g(a ) = f (x0 + ad0 ), find dg(1) / da , or equivalently, g’(1).

Problem 2: 运筹学代考
Consider a minimum weight design problem based on plastic collapse formulated by
P = 8Mb + 8Mc
subject to M3 ≤Mb ,
M4 ≤Mc ,
M5≤ Mc ,
2M3 – 2M4 + M5 -1120 ≤Mc,
2M3 – M4 – 800 ≤ Mb ,
2M3 – M4– 800 ≤Mc ,
Mb ≥ 0, Mc ≥ 0,
M3 , M 4 , M 5 unrestricted in sign
Determine the plastic moment capacities Mb , M c and the plastic hinge moments M 3 , M4, M5 for the above formulation.
Problem 3: 运筹学代考
Consider the following constrained minimization problem
minimizef = 0.01x2 + x2
subject to
g1= 25 –x1x2 ≤ 0,
g1 = 2 – x1 ≤ 0,
x1 ≥0,x2 ≥ 0
(i)Obtain the solution graphically.
(ii)Obtain the solution using KKT condition.
(iii)Verify the sufficient conditions for optimality.

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