Assignment 4
Software Testing代写 This document describes a problem statement for the issues encountered in the existing RMIT web portal1. The Web Solutions
ISYS1087 Software Testing Semester 2, 2018
Overview Software Testing代写
This document describes a problem statement for the issues encountered in the existing RMIT web portal1. The Web Solutions and Maintenance (WSM) group would like to address these issues by hiring a professional and independent testing consultancy group to address the current issues and continue to provide testing solutions for future projects.Software Testing代写
BackgroundSoftware Testing代写
RMIT conducted a post-implementation review (PIR) on there existing web site. The aim of the review was:
- To identifyif the objectives of the project had been met.
- Tobenchmark RMIT’s website performance against international standards and a selection of other universities.
- To make recommendations for future development.Software Testing代写
Representative samples of the RMIT web site2 have been benchmarked against international standards and the RMIT homepage was compared to its equivalent at other universities. Surveys, interviews and usability testing complemented these assessments.
An independent group was hired to perform the survey to ensure current issues are taken into accountwhilst planning for the future projects associated with the website. The survey company (which cannotbe named for confidentiality purposes) submitted the top 3 issues which could affect the progress of the website enhancement plan.
1. Speed
a)RMITwebsite performance was drastically affected when 1000 or more concurrent users were using the search engine on the website.Software Testing代写
b)RMIT’sperformance was compared against the top 20 universities in Asia and the results showed that RMIT’s performance was ranked 10th.
c)Largermultimedia files had long download times
2. UsabilitySoftware Testing代写
a)20%of users found it “hard” to navigate and found the website to be
1 This is a work of fiction for the purposes of this assignment.
3. Accessibility
a)Manyinternational students could not use video streaming via the website due to browser/ network issues.
b)Userswith lowcost devices and/or with poor communication infrastructure, wanting lowbandwidth wireless access, with small personal display devices continue to constitute the largest proportion of the university community.Software Testing代写
c)Universal access is important.
4. Production Issues
a)Ithas been found that more than 90 help desk interactions are received each week con- cerning the website
b)WSMis capable of fixing nearly 80% of the issues in a week with a staff of 5 developers and 10 test analysts.
c)Thedefect trend shows that number of issues has remained at 150 —- 200 defects for the last 6 months.Software Testing代写
Website Development and Maintenance
The current system has been developed and tested by RMIT’s WSM group. WSM group is responsible for the website development, testing and maintenance.
The current system has been developed and tested by RMIT’s WSM group. WSM group is responsible for the website development, testing and maintenance.Software Testing代写
The inspection results show that more than 50% of the testing was conducted informally due to close peer-to-peer relationship within the groups. It has been along found that towards the end of the testing lifecycle, some of the tests were not run due to time constraints.
During the entire period of the testing lifecycle, 567 defects were, out of which, 40% were directly asso- ciated with the incorrect requirements captured during the system development. PIR found that testingteam did not include any verification activities on the supplied documentation beforehand, which result- ed in delays to the entire project.
The testing team also has a regression suite,Software Testing代写
which consists of nearly 345 manual test cases. For each defect found in the website, after go-live, the test analysts perform impact analysis and manually runthe regression test cases applicable to the fix. This tends to slow the time-to-market for production fix- es.
Applications used for the testing include Rational Manual Tester. Defects are managed via Rational ClearQuest.Software Testing代写
Performance testing and security testing were conducted by an external party who presented a testsummary report indicating that there is risk to the performance of the website if more than 800 userslogin at the same time. It has been found that an incorrect version of the report was submitted for review at the time of considering the deployment of the website.
The Business Requirements Documents (BRS) and other related documents are also under a reviewby the WSM group. The requirements were changed during the development via a formal change request approval method agreed by the project team, however, the actual documentation(BRS and others) were not updated due to lack of time. It has been found this could have resulted in misalignmentand poor management of requirements and test cases, resulting in false negatives (requirements relat- ed defects found during testing).Software Testing代写
The project sponsor has also submitted a harsh statement in the survey claiming that the test schedulewas grossly underestimated. There was little/no visibility of the test progress (actual/planned) at severalpoints due to adhoc testing conducted by the test team.
VisionSoftware Testing代写
RMIT has developed a 2-year plan to develop a more robust website allowing users from across the world to efficiently and effectively take advantage of the information and resources available in the uni- versity. The plan also aims to improve the ranking of the website.
The vision is broadly categorised into following steps:
- Establish a new testinginfrastructure Software Testing代写
- Plan for websiteenhancement
- Stabilise thesystem
- ProductionSupport
- Continueto develop and test for defects found in production
Establish a new testing infrastructure Software Testing代写
RMIT Information Technology Services (ITS) group has decided to recruit an external testing group to ensure testing remains a prime focus for website solutions to be delivered by the WSM group. The existing testing group will be available for another 3 months to support the transition process. The team will be re-structured and become part of the help-desk centre due to their knowledge of the system.
ITS is responsible for funding any resources (staff, tools, equipment, etc.) required for sup- porting the current and growing needs for testing. The current budget accommodates a testing group of ten, including one Test Manager and nine Test Analysts that can be housed within the RMIT premises.Software Testing代写
With the new plan in place, ITS is expecting changes to current resources, especially, a reduc- tion in the number of testing staff.
Once the testing vendor is hired, it is envisaged that the infrastructure should be put into place immediately.

Plan for website enhancementSoftware Testing代写
RMIT has identified the following key requirements that will help the university materialise its vision of providing a robust website:
- Requirement 1: Deploy performance enhancement
- Requirement 2: Allow accessibility to wider audience across multiple
- Requirement 3: Increase support from 800 to 1500 concurrent
- Requirement 4: Include a feature to allow access to emails via mobile
- Requirement 5: Include a feature to allow students to pay semester fees via RMIT’s secure login and e-commerce
- Requirement 6: Increase the size of acceptable email attachments from 10Mb to
- Requirement 7: Introduce a chat-applet on the portal, allowing usersto chat with each other and ITS Software Testing代写
The requirements will be developed via iterative releases, promoted over a period of one year. This plan assumes that the testing infrastructure of WSM is in place to support the de- velopment.
It is estimated that the current team of 5 developers may grow to realise the above plan. If necessary, certain parts of the development phases may be outsourced.
Stabilise the systemSoftware Testing代写
This is one of the most important components of a two-year-roadmap of ITS. It has been 7 months after the system implementation and the number of defects have remained signifi- cantly high. The previous implementation only accounted for a 3-month stabilisation period.Software Testing代写
The new development endeavour is anticipated to be technically complicated; therefore, the IT group plans to accommodate a period of 6 months to support the defects arising after the implementation of all the iterations planned for all the aforementioned requirements.
After a period of two years, staff reduction is likely to happen once the system has achieved its desired stable state.
Productions supportSoftware Testing代写
The vision includes a production support activity that will continue to be part of a two-year roadmap throughout its entire course. Currently, a group of 15 staff is supporting production fixes and minor enhancements. Although nearly 80% of the defects are resolved each week, the survey company expects that with the current staff, other companies are able to achieve similar results with 20% less resources.
ITS aims to ensure that production support is not affected by the two-year plan.
In future, ITS also aims at reducing the time for testing the production fixes and minor en- hances. However, appropriate testing is still a major requirement for ITS.
Recruitment Process of Testing ServicesSoftware Testing代写
ITS would like to recruit testing services that can help the university achieve its desired vi- sion. The key requirements for considering the successful tenderer include the following
- Presentation of testingstrategy
- Introduction and background of thecompany
- Testingcapabilities
- Resourcerequirements
- Test schedule aligning with the plannedreleases
- Testing tools(recommendation)
- Approach and recommendation on testing for existing issues and plannedactivities
- Ability to deal with changing requirement within aproject Software Testing代写
- Presentation skills o Professionalstaff
- Excellent verbalcommunication
- Display of concepts andinformation
- Testingskills
- Testingportfolio
- Standards and procedures followed by the company o Levels of testingoffered
ITS would like to be presented with a walkthrough of the proposal by the testing team likely to be part of the WSM team in future (in a group of 5-6 max).Software Testing代写
The presentation will take place on RMIT premises towards the start of October and continue to the middle of the month. It is anticipated that by month–end, the testing services will be hired to begin work by first week on November.
The RMIT Group will be available to answer any questions.

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