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Cross-Cultural Management代写 Cross-Cultural代写

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Cross-Cultural Management代写

Cross-Cultural Management







Cross-Cultural Management

Cross-Cultural Management代写 Introduction,Background Information,Critical Assessment of Cultural Differences Between France and Finland······


Cultural knowledge and adaption are the two critical perspectives in modern globalization and international business. The thesis of this report focuses on the critical analysis of cultural differences between French and Finish business environments. In this context environment is taken to mean people in an organization and interaction between them at business levels. The analysis will use theories and concepts from Greet Hofstede and Edward T. Hall which explains cultural differences between nations.

In the modern fast-growing global market.  Cross-Cultural Management代写

The topic of cross and intercultural management is critical and needs to address to raise awareness of various cultural understanding in the business communities. The acknowledgment of diverse cultures makes people adaptive in international environments and be able to work with different nationalities. Also, the conflicts and misunderstandings that might occur are reduced or eliminated when everyone becomes aware of cultural differences and how they affect interactions.  Cross-Cultural Management代写**成品

In this regard, the cultural diversities between France and Finland are analyzed based on how they affect the business environment and strategies that the management can use to confront them. Therefore, Finish and French business people will be informed of the cultural differences that exist between and hence foster stronger business relations and cross-cultural management strategies.

Background Information  Cross-Cultural Management代写

The start of the understanding of the two countries’ corporate culture underlies the background and histories of these countries (Shao, Kwok, and Zhang, 2013, p. 750). The decision of the company to enter in a foreign market is to study the existing business environment before serious engagements. Companies consider other country’s market environments to minimize the risks considering the diverse global business culture. In the modern global economy, effectiveness is a factor to competitiveness, and thus companies take serious interests in cultural differences and adaptation to the system.

The various studies on the topic of cross-cultural management focus on the differences in network structure and business cultures  Cross-Cultural Management代写

(Hohenthal, Johanson, and Johanson, 2015 p. 188). A typical example is to imagine a challenge a foreign company faces in a new market where network structures are different, and relationships with people are constrained by culture. These two are essential to business success since it’s only through direct relationships with people that business problems are solved.  Cross-Cultural Management代写**成品

Regarding the above points, it is easy to conclude that there is a need for efficiency and mitigation of risks in the contemporary global market in the business engagements through cultural analysis for enhanced adaptation (Magnusson, Westjohn, Semenov, Randrianasolo, and Zdravkovic, 2013 p. 44). The overall benefit is the creation of competitiveness. Business leaders are obligated to acknowledge cultural diversity and adopt right manner as move towards facilitating negotiations.

A good negotiation strategy begins with an understanding of different cultures (Ribbink and Grimm, 2014, p. 115).  Cross-Cultural Management代写

A successful international business partnership is based on the agreeable negotiation between the stakeholders. There are various factors that a good business negotiator needs to put into consideration from proxemics theories to context theories of Edward T. Hall as well as analysis of business etiquettes, among other things. These prove the criticality of understanding cultural differences as well as adapting to eliminate conflicts and increase chances of profitability. The system of multicultural business relationships is observable in Switzerland. It is taken that people should have control over their activities and should be responsible to share in consequences. It has the manner of doing things that people progressively but step by step adapt to the work environment.

Cross-Cultural Management代写
Cross-Cultural Management代写
The look that the European Union in which France and Finland are the members is a multicultural continent with many ethnic groups, religious and language.  

The history of Europe over time tell the continent has had multicultural experiences and has not been easy for them. The countries have been war and political rivalries since the time of the Roman Empire. On the other hand, looking at the borders between various countries in Europe, it is apparent they are positioned relative to the advantages offered by nature but not through mutual agreements. A good example is the Rhine River between France and Germany.  Cross-Cultural Management代写**成品

It is a good explanation of the differences in the borders in European and those of the United States.

They depict Europe as a complex multicultural continent. Nonetheless, culture can not only be defined by boundaries and language differences. It is a variety of factors, as well. Culture is about the mix of rituals, traditions, and values of a particular country, community, or society. Language and communication are the main factors of culture. The understanding of network structures and relationships between countries acts as a springboard for better negotiations. The network structure is the interconnection with structure, culture, and control.

We are living a global culture that is evolving.  Cross-Cultural Management代写

Leaders need to have specific knowledge of the behaviors, attitudes, and rituals when doing business in a foreign country. This report will assist companies from France to have more in-depth knowledge on these factors of cultural difference with Finland.

Critical Assessment of Cultural Differences Between France and Finland    Cross-Cultural Management代写

The cultural differences between the two countries will be analyzed using the theories developed by Geert Hofstede (Hofstede, 2011, p. 8) and Edward I. Hall (Hall, 1963).

1.Geert Hofstede  

Professor Hofstede began the research on cross-cultural comparison. He came up with a model of six dimensions to inquire about the cultural difference between the two countries. They include power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation (Hofstede Insight, n.d). Other variations exist in masculinity, indulgence, and individualism. These dimensions have been recognized as helpful in understanding cultural aspects in the global market. The theory will be used to analyze the differences between France and Finland that impact the business environment.

a.Power distance  Cross-Cultural Management代写

The dimension argues that people are not equal and hence express the cultural attitude towards inequalities. France is more inclined to high power distance than tolerance. The society allows bias to some extent. Power is both centralized in companies and governments as well as geographically. It is evident in companies where there usually are one or two levels in management in which the top management has high privileges and inaccessible.  Cross-Cultural Management代写**成品

On the other hand, Finland has low power distance where individuals have independence, hierarchies are created for convenience, equal rights are recognized and observed, senior officers are accessible, and management creates an environment for empowerment. The power is decentralized, and employees have a contribution to the organization.

b.Individualism  Cross-Cultural Management代写

It is the interdependence between society members. It is about the definition of “I” and “we.” Individualistic society has people who only think of themselves and close families. France is an individualistic society child made emotionally independent from their groups. They are taught to take care of themselves and close family. Finland is more individualist with loosely-knit social concerns. People are expected to take of themselves and their immediate family. In societies that value individualism, offenses cause guilt and loss of self-image, employment is based on mutual advantage, and job appraisal is based on merits only.


The dimension indicates that society can be driven by competition, achievements, and success (high score). High score means the community is caring and mind about equality. France indicates a mix of both feminine and masculine cultures. The upper class recognizes care and social justice while the working class is more masculine. Finland, on the other hand, is seen as a fair society. Managers seek consultation and consensus to create equality, solidarity, and quality working environment. People compromise other people’s faults and solve conflicts through dialogue.

d.Uncertainty avoidance  Cross-Cultural Management代写

It is an indication of how society deals with the unknown future. France scores high on uncertainty avoidance. It has been found that French people do not like surprises and prefer structure and plan. They need to be given all the necessary information before entering a negotiation. Given that they score high in power distance and individualism, they need space to vent, and hence they are very talkative.  Cross-Cultural Management代写**成品

Finnish people have a high preference for avoiding uncertainty. A country with high uncertainty avoidance are very rigid on belief and behavior and tend to be intolerance to unorthodox practices and ideas. In such cultures, people tend to follow the rules, observe time, people are busty and work hard, and punctuality is a norm.

e.Long term orientation  Cross-Cultural Management代写

The dimension explains how society maintains the link with the past and deal with present and future uncertainties. One is the normative society that prefers to preserve traditions and norms and does not like change. On the other is the pragmatic community that encourages thrift, and efforts are ready for the future. France is a pragmatic society, and people believe that the truth can be defined in terms of the context, situation and time.  Cross-Cultural Management代写**成品

French people have a higher ability to adapt to traditions and changes at the same time. They are self-driven to save and make investments, have thriftiness and perseverance for results. On the contrary, Finland is a normative society that has strong drive for the truth, and people are normative in thinking. Finnish respect traditions and have less propensity to save, and due to lack of perseverance they are not able to invest in long-term.

f.Indulgence  Cross-Cultural Management代写

The dimension defines the self-control in socialization based on how one was raised. One indulges when it is weak to control impulses while restraining the ability to control urges. France falls between indulgence and restraint. The character is combined with uncertainty avoidance to depict that French people are less relaxed and do not have time to enjoy life. On the other hand, Finnish people have higher indulgence. Societies with higher indulgence scores have the power to recognize impulses and desires and as such enjoy life. Finnish people are optimistic and positive. Overall, they are relatively leisurely and can be extravagant.  Cross-Cultural Management代写**成品

Generally, the two countries, according to Geert Hofstede, share few in common. The roles of individuals are defined in each country but not the same between the two countries. These differences reinforce the need for managers to study a specific culture and business environment. It is also an indication that no company can have absolute competitive assets of consumer preferences.

2.Edward T. Hall Model  Cross-Cultural Management代写

Edward T. Hall came with three cultural indicators, including high context culture, polychromic time, and meaning of space (Hall, 1963 p. 1003; Tuuva, 2016). They can be used to analyze the culture of various countries since they change from one culture to the other. French does not have a significant personal space compared to Finnish people (Tuuva, 2016).  Cross-Cultural Management代写**成品

French can stray with extended families under the same roof. Cultural French are polychronic. There are interested in many things that surround them, and they tend to do them at once. As such, meeting for a French manager is for exchanging ideas. Lastly, Hall viewed French to have a high context culture, and hence, their decisions are not based on rationality but emotions.

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Cross-Cultural Management代写

On the other hand, Hall saw Finnish as opposite to French regarding space and time (Tuuva, 2016). Finnish value personal space and prefer staying with close family. They have a low context culture and thus value detailed explanation. Hall also observed that they are monochronic in that they concentrate on a single thing.

Strategies for Effective Cross-Cultural Management  Cross-Cultural Management代写

Therefore, regarding the above assessment, the cultural differences between France and Finland are apparent. Business leaders shifting in either of the countries need to be aware that organizational productivity is also dependent on the state of the workforce environment. The business to support diversity and balance the pressure of management, time, and cost.  Cross-Cultural Management代写**成品

There are many tactics that business leaders can use to make the organization adapt to the new cultural environment. One of the most important of all is being open to change. The organization needs to be open-minded to adjust to social and structural changes in society. The management should have some knowledge of people’s cultural background when entering the market. Additionally, since conflict exists in every business organization, the administration should have explicit norms and maintain and use them to resolve disputes that may arise.

Conclusion  Cross-Cultural Management代写

With the rise of globalization in all aspects of life, it becomes essential to recognize the existence of cultural differences and how they affect our interaction and, most important ways of doing business. Business managers need to have knowledge and skills on effective cross-cultural communication, especially between France and Finland since, as it has been observed, the two countries are culturally different.  Cross-Cultural Management代写**成品

As such, managers should strive to create work diversity for enhanced adaptation to new cultures as well as create opportunities. That said, strong emphasis should be placed on employee development to build cultural awareness and make them be able to embrace personal differences and use them as sources of opportunities and growth.

References  Cross-Cultural Management代写

Hall, E.T., 1963. A System for the notation of proxemic behavior 1. American anthropologist, 65(5), pp.1003-1026.

Hofstede Insight, n.d. Country comparison. Available from https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country-comparison/finland,france/

Tuuva, T., 2016. Finnish companies entering French business culture and environment.

Hohenthal, J., Johanson, J., and Johanson, M., 2015. Network knowledge and business-relationship value in the foreign market. In Knowledge, Networks, and Power (pp. 187-224). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Hofstede, G., 2011. Dimensionalizing cultures: The Hofstede model in context. Online readings in psychology and culture, 2(1), p.8.

Magnusson, P., Westjohn, S.A., Semenov, A.V., Randrianasolo, A.A., and Zdravkovic, S., 2013. The role of cultural intelligence in marketing adaptation and export performance. Journal of International Marketing, 21(4), pp.44-61.

Ribbink, D., and Grimm, C.M., 2014. The impact of cultural differences on buyer-supplier negotiations: An experimental study. Journal of Operations Management, 32(3), pp.114-126.

Shao, L., Kwok, C.C., and Zhang, R., 2013. National culture and corporate investment. Journal of International Business Studies, 44(7), pp.745-763.


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