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财务规划与控制代考 ACCT40415代考

2024-02-25 11:47 星期日 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:386

Examination Paper

Examination Session:




Exam Code:



Title: Financial Planning and Control
Time Allowed: 2 hours
Additional Material provided: None
Materials Permitted:
Calculators Permitted: Yes Models Permitted:
Visiting Students may use dictionaries: No


Section A (Answer ONE question from this section)   财务规划与控制代考


Le Village Bakery produces artisan bakery products for a chain of stores across Durham.Sales personnel are paid substantial commission on each unit of product in addition to the basic salary as an incentive to their sales efforts. The following cost and revenue data relate to a custom-made cake of one of its artisan stores in the county.

Custom- Made Cake/ Unit (£)
Sales price 30.00
Variable expenses:
Product cost 13.50
Sales commission 4.50
Total variable expenses 18.00
Fixed expenses:
Advertising 30,000
Rental 20,000
Salaries 100,000
Total fixed expenses 150,000

You are required to write a report to the Managing Director with recommendations of your analysis which should include all the relevant workings based on the following outlines:

i. Calculatethe annual break-even point in revenue and in units for the custom-made cake at this store.

ii. Preparea CVP graph showing cost and revenue data for the custom-made  Clearly indicate the break-even point on the graph.

iii. If 12,000 cakes are sold annually, what would be the store’s profit or loss? Present your answer in the CVP income statement    财务规划与控制代考

iv. Thecompany is considering paying the store manager an incentive commission of £0.75 per cake (in addition to the salesperson’s commission). If this change is made, what will be the new break-even point in revenue and in units for the store?

v. Refer to the original data. As an alternative to (iv) above, the company is consideringpaying the store manager £0.50 per cake sold in excess of the break-even  If this change is made, what will be the store’s profit or loss if 15,000 custom-made cakes are sold? Present your answer in the CVP income statement format.

vi. Refer to the original data. The company is considering eliminating sales commissionentirely in the store and increasing fixed salaries by £31,500 annually. If this change is made, what will be the new break-even point in revenue and in unit for this

vii. Wouldyou recommend the change in (vi) above?

Total 50 marks



2.   财务规划与控制代考

The Vista Property Limited values, advertises, and sells residential property on behalf of its The company has been in the business for a short time and is preparing a cash budget for the first four months of 2023. Expected sales of residential properties are as follows:

2022 2023 2023 2023 2023
Month December January February March April
Units sold 15 15 18 25 30

a Theaverage price of the property is £250,000 and the company charges 3% fees for each property sold. The company receives 1% of its fees in the month of sales and the remaining 2% in the month after sale. The company has 9 employees who are paid on monthly basis. The average salary per employee is £35,000 per year. If more than 20 properties sold in a month, each employee is paid a bonus of £180 for each additional property sold in that month.

b Variableexpenses are incurred at the rate of 8% of the value of each property sold and these expenses are paid in the month of sale.    财务规划与控制代考

c Fixed overheads of £4,500 per month are paid in the month in which they arise.The company pays interest every three months on a loan of £200,000 at a rate of 6% per  The last interest payment in each year is paid in December.

d Thecash balance at the start of January is expected to be a deficit of £53,000.


i. Preparea monthly cash budget for the period from January to April  Your budget must indicate each item of income and expenditure and the opening and closing monthly cash balances. (30 marks)

ii. Explainthe meaning of participative budget, its major advantages and cautions that need to be exercised in its application. (10 marks)

iii. Explainthe advantages of budgeting to this  (10 marks)

Total 50 marks


Section B (Answer ONE question from this section)   财务规划与控制代考


Walter von Stolzing is the Innsbrück-based controller of Beckmesser GmbH, a rapidlygrowing manufacturer and marketer of Austrian food  Stolzing is currently considering the purchase of a new cost management package for use by each of its six manufacturing plants and its many marketing personnel. There are four major competing products being considered by Stolzing.

Pogner 1-2-3 is an aggressive software developer. It views Beckmesser as a target of opportunity. Every six months Pogner has a three-day users’ conference on the Costa del Sol. Each conference has substantial time left aside for ‘rest and recreation’. Pogner offers Stolzing an all-expenses-paid visit to the coming conference. Stolzing accepts the offer believing that it will be very useful to talk to other users of Pogner software. He is especially looking forward to the visit as he has close relatives living near Marbella.

Prior to leaving, Stolzing received a visit from the president of Beckmesser. She shows him an anonymous letter sent to her. It argues that Pogner is receiving unfair favourable treatment in the Beckmesser software decision-making process. The letter specifically mentions Stolzing’s coming “all-expenses-paid trip to Marbella during the depths of Innsbrück’s winter’. Stolzing is deeply offended. He says he has made no decision and believes he is very capable of making a software choice on the merits of each product.

Beckmesser currently does not have a formal written code of ethics.

Required   财务规划与控制代考

i. Doyou think Stolzing faces an ethical problem as regards his forthcoming visit to the Pogner’s users’ group meeting?

ii. Should Beckmesser allow executives to attend users’ meetings while negotiating withother vendors about a purchase decision? Explain. If yes, what conditions on attending should apply?

iii. Would you recommend Beckmesser develop its own code of ethics to handle situationssuch as this one? What are the pros and cons of having such a written code?

Total 50 marks


Nixon and Burns (2013) discussed the development of strategic management accountingand suggest that there is a paradox in the literature in this area.

Required:   财务规划与控制代考

i. Providea discussion on strategic management accounting practice and its benefits to a business organisation. You need to provide a perspective from an example of an organisation from a specific industry. (35 marks)

ii. Discusswhy Nixon and Burns (2013) suggested there is a paradox in the literature on strategic management accounting when it is contrasted to strategic management  (15 marks)

Total 50 marks





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