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诗歌论文代写 诗歌分析文章代写

2024-02-19 11:35 星期一 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:418



Name:   诗歌论文代写

Consider which of the topics/questions best fits the theme of the poems you analyzed.

1. How do individuals attempt to secure the satisfaction of self-fulfillment?

2. How do individuals take responsibility for themselves or others?

3. What is the significance of an individual’s memory of the past?

4. What is the significance of an individual’s attempt to live unconstrained by convention or circumstances?

The next stage will be to write a comparative analysis essay, using your interpretations of which two poems’ elements work together to express a theme of one of the following questions.  Planning is optional, but highly recommended!    Pay particular attention to how the poetic techniques (e.g., tone, mood, figurative language sound devices, poetic structure, imagery,  diction) of each poem work together to create greater unity in the exploration of the question you chose?

Identify two poems that address a similar question and come up with an answer to that question.   诗歌论文代写

I.e. a thesis.  You will then discuss the elements of those poems based on how they support that thesis.

In a minimum of two body paragraphs, analyze and compare the effectiveness of the poetic techniques (e.g., tone, mood, figurative language sound devices, poetic structure, imagery,  diction) you have chosen to discuss.  Remember you are comparing two poems on the basis of these techniques and how they express an answer to the thesis you created.  This means you can discuss both similarities and differences, but you must be able to show that the techniques do support the answer to the question you chose. You are advised to complete an  outline, web or map to see where the similarities and differences are.  Then you will be able to better formulate your response.

Figurative language: similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, understatement, metonymy, synecdoche, apostrophe

i. Sound devices: rhyme, alliteration, repetition, onomatopoeia, assonance, consonance, punctuation

ii. Poetic structure: stanzas, lines, use of white space

iii. Imagery: Are all 5 senses aroused? Did the poet deliberately activate one sense in particular?

iv. Diction: word choices


Planning (Optional but highly recommended!)  诗歌论文代写

Use the outline below, or another outline form of your choice (map or web), to create an outline for your In your response, be sure to:

1.Consider the speaker’s tone.

a. What seems to be the speaker’s attitude toward the subject?

b. What specific details from the poem support your conclusions?

c. Is tone consistent or does the poet’s attitude shift throughout the poem?

d. Why might the poet have used this tone?

2.Determine the mood when determining the theme.

a. What predominant emotion is the reader intended to feel?

b. What words or phrases support this mood?

c. Is the mood consistent or does it shift throughout the poem?






Attention Grabber (useful hooks include quote, question or definition): <

Introduce Text Creator, Genre & Text Used: <

Thesis Statement (answers EQ in a complete sentence; indicate a minimum of three points to be developed): <

Poetic techniques selected (e.g. tone, mood, figurative language, sound devices, poetic structure, imagery, diction):






Main Idea: <

Topic Sentence (built from thesis): <

Supporting Evidence and Specific Details (include at least one or two quotations from the text/texts):

  • <
  • <
  • <

Concluding Sentence:



Main Idea: <

Topic Sentence (built from thesis): <

Supporting Evidence and Specific Details (include at least one or two quotations from the text/texts):

  • <
  • <
  • <

Concluding Sentence:



Main Idea: <

Topic Sentence (built from thesis): <

Supporting Evidence and Specific Details (include at least one or two quotations from the text/texts):

  • <
  • <
  • <

Concluding Sentence:



Reword the Thesis Statement:


Summary of Main Ideas:





CART:   诗歌论文代写

Writing Reminders:

  • Stay within this word count range: 800-1600 words.
  • Formatting:
    • Times New Roman font
    • black text
    • 12 point
    • 15 line spacing
    • Regular or narrow margins
  • Remember that this is a formal response.   Write in third person present tense.
  • Be focused and succinct.
  • Read your draft out loud, and revise your work. Consider the following questions, as you revise your draft:
    • Does your introduction establish the topic and your purpose?
    • Do you support your thesis with specific supporting details?
    • Do you conclude your response effectively?
    • Do your ideas flow easily from one to the next?






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