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Using Evidence to Support an Argument



Using Evidence to Support an Argument

论证论文代写 Thesis statement: Social media overuse has damaging effects on mental health including addiction, self-esteem, and anxiety.

Thesis statement: Social media overuse has damaging effects on mental health including addiction, self-esteem, and anxiety.

Support references

Statistics: Number of social media users

Smith, A., Anderson, M. (2018). Social media use in 2018. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2018/03/01/social-media-use-in-2018/. [assessed on 24 March 2020]

Smith and Anderson reported for Pew Research Center on social media in 2018. The survey investigated social media use in the United States. The growth in social media is attributed to technology development. Young people were found to embrace a variety of social platforms. Facebook and YouTube were found to be the most popular platform. More than 78 percent of young people aged between 18 to 24 years were found to mainly use Snapchat (Smith, & Anderson, 2018). At least 71 percent of them visit Snapchat regularly daily.




统计数据:社交媒体用户数量  论证论文代写

史密斯,A.,安德森,M.(2018 年)。 2018 年社交媒体使用情况。皮尤研究中心。 取自 https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2018/03/01/social-media-use-in-2018/。 [2020 年 3 月 24 日评估]

史密斯和安德森在 2018 年为皮尤研究中心报道了社交媒体。该调查调查了美国的社交媒体使用情况。 社交媒体的增长归功于技术发展。 发现年轻人拥抱各种社交平台。 Facebook 和 YouTube 被认为是最受欢迎的平台。 超过 78% 的 18 至 24 岁年轻人被发现主要使用 Snapchat(史密斯和安德森,2018 年)。 其中至少有 71% 的人每天定期访问 Snapchat。

Also, more than 70 percent of the young population is on Instagram and half of them on Twitter.

Facebook was most popular with adults with at least 68 percent having an account and 75 percent of them visit the site regularly every day. The number of social media users has been on the rise for the last decade mostly attributed to the ease of communication and networking that comes with the platform as well as development in mobile technologies. As a result, people have become dependent on social media platforms to connect and network with people and businesses. Smith and Anderson revealed that the number of people who feel difficult to give up social platforms has significantly increased by 12 percent since 2014. These trends reveal the need to evaluate the impact of social media use on mental health.

This source is essential in providing a context to social media usage. It forms a foundation to the argument on how social media has impacted mental health particularly due to popular use. The number and frequency of social media use are critical to understanding the negative impact on the users.


此外,超过 70% 的年轻人在 Instagram 上,其中一半在推特上。  论证论文代写

Facebook 最受成年人欢迎,至少 68% 的成年人拥有帐户,其中 75% 的人每天定期访问该网站。在过去十年中,社交媒体用户的数量一直在增加,这主要归功于该平台带来的通信和网络的便利以及移动技术的发展。因此,人们已经变得依赖社交媒体平台来与人和企业建立联系和网络。史密斯和安德森透露,自 2014 年以来,感到难以放弃社交平台的人数显着增加了 12%。这些趋势表明需要评估社交媒体的使用对心理健康的影响。


Examples: Low self-esteem

Chou, H. T. G., & Edge, N. (2012). They are happier and having better lives than I am: The impact of using Facebook on perceptions of others’ lives. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(2), 117-121.

The false impression of the physical and personal traits of the people one admires is a trigger to depression due to low self-esteem, jealousy, isolation, addiction, bullying, etc. Chou and Edge (2012) did a sudsy to establish the impact of social media on the perception of other people’s life. A sample of 425 students was shown, social media models. The students were for the opinion that the models are successful and hence life favors famous and successful people more than them.

They also found that people with existing depression are more likely to exhibit poor mental health after continuous exposure to social media models. However, this can be refuted by the claim that as long as one is a mindful social media user, routine use may not in itself be a problem and could indeed be a good thing to relieve. Nonetheless, overusing social media to compare one’s life with followers can be demeaning and result in depression. This source gives an example of the negative impact of social media use.


例子:低自尊  论证论文代写

Chou, H. T. G., & Edge, N. (2012)。他们比我更快乐,生活也比我好:使用 Facebook 对其他人生活看法的影响。网络心理学、行为和社交网络,15(2), 117-121。

由于自卑、嫉妒、孤立、成瘾、欺凌等,对所欣赏的人的身体和个人特征的错误印象会触发抑郁症。 Chou 和 Edge (2012) 进行了一项研究,以确定社交媒体对他人生活的看法。展示了 425 名学生的样本,社交媒体模型。学生们认为模特是成功的,因此生活比他们更偏爱名人和成功人士。


Testimonials: About cyberbullying

The Cybersmile Foundation. (2017). Lucie’s cyberbullying story. The Cybersmile Foundation. Retrieved from https://www.cybersmile.org/blog/lucies-cyberbullying-story. [accessed on 24 March 2020]

There are many cases of cyberbullying especially in social media. Most of the people involved are young people aged between 15 to 30 years. A testimony through The Cybersmile Foundation by Lucie details the impact of social media cyberbullying (The Cybersmile Foundation, 2017). Lucie was in 10th grade when she was bullied by her close friends and schoolmates.

Her predicaments began when she failed to attend a big party called LIFE organized by her classmates and instead posted a spam message on Instagram that was immature, rude and angry. The message was directed to her classmates and those who attended the party. Her message was meant to console herself since she could not manage to attend the party. She made it seem that she was not interested in going to the party.


感言:关于网络欺凌  论证论文代写

Cyber​​smile 基金会。 (2017)。露西的网络欺凌故事。 Cyber​​smile 基金会。取自 https://www.cybersmile.org/blog/lucies-cyberbullying-story。 [2020 年 3 月 24 日访问]

网络欺凌的案例很多,尤其是在社交媒体中。参与的大多数人是15至30岁的年轻人。 Lucie 通过 Cyber​​smile 基金会的证词详细说明了社交媒体网络欺凌的影响(The Cyber​​smile Foundation,2017)。 Lucie 读 10 年级时,她被亲密的朋友和同学欺负。

她的困境始于她没有参加同学组织的名为 LIFE 的大型聚会,而是在 Instagram 上发布了一条不成熟、粗鲁和愤怒的垃圾信息。这条消息是发给她的同学和参加聚会的人的。她的信息是为了安慰自己,因为她无法参加聚会。她表现出她对参加聚会不感兴趣。

However, a few months later things turned wild when her classmates discovered the message and shared with other students in the grade.

The message made her friends furious and began to talk ill of her. Although she apologized to the few girls, the bullying was reignited six months later and escalated to worse. Rude and humiliating comments were posted on a photo of herself that has a caption “Life is good.” It was unbelievable to her to see even her close boyfriend attached her rudely in support of other students. Regardless of her efforts to calm the online storm, it only got worse.


She said that “I was scared and devastated when students from my grade whom I thought were my friends commented about how funny she was and how annoying I was” (The Cybersmile Foundation, 2017).  Lucie saw that everyone was against her and ganged up to demean and humiliate her. She did not see her friends’ efforts to console as enough because they did not openly defend her. She stated that, “I had this horrible sinking feeling of everyone hating me and talking about me behind my back” (The Cybersmile Foundation, 2017). Some comments insinuated she commit suicide for the public humiliation she has been dragged into. The online bullying made her confused and sad.

Cyberbullying has adverse impacts on the victim. The humiliation and insult that Lucie faced lowered her self-esteem, creating anxiety and stress. Bullying is a result of young people using social media to get acceptance. When things do not turn to the expected and instead the user receive dislikes and bad comments, he/she will begin to feel less accepted and hated and hence depression, and low self-esteem looms. Therefore, this source will be used to support the harmful effects of social media use.


然而,几个月后,当她的同学发现了这条消息并与同年级的其他学生分享时,事情变得疯狂起来。  论证论文代写


她说:“当我认为是我朋友的同年级学生评论她有多有趣和我有多烦人时,我感到害怕和沮丧”(The Cyber​​smile Foundation,2017)。露西见大家都反对她,就联合起来贬低她、羞辱她。她认为朋友们安慰她的努力还不够,因为他们没有公开为她辩护。她说,“我有一种可怕的下沉感觉,每个人都恨我,在我背后谈论我”(The Cyber​​smile Foundation,2017)。一些评论暗示她因被卷入的公开羞辱而自杀。网络欺凌让她困惑和悲伤。


References  论证论文代写

Chou, H. T. G., & Edge, N. (2012). They are happier and having better lives than I am: The impact of using Facebook on perceptions of others’ lives. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(2), 117-121.

Smith, A., Anderson, M. (2018). Social media use in 2018. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2018/03/01/social-media-use-in-2018/. [assessed on 24 March 2020]

The Cybersmile Foundation. (2017). Lucie’s cyberbullying story. The Cybersmile Foundation. Retrieved from https://www.cybersmile.org/blog/lucies-cyberbullying-story. [accessed on 24 March 2020]


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