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论文考试代写 exam essays代写

2021-10-12 10:12 星期二 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:535

take-home open-book exam

论文考试代写 This is a take-home open-book exam. You have access to all your notes, readings, lecture slides, and any further materials at your disposal. 


This is a take-home open-book exam. You have access to all your notes, readings, lecture slides, and any further materials at your disposal.

Your two answers should be long essay format, that is, 5-paragraph minimum length (keep in mind there is no maximum length). I am looking for a well-supported and well-constructed argument that is detailed and information rich. Take the time to fully flesh out an introduction that outlines the argument of your essay (it is the road map for the reader) and a clearly written conclusion.

Although I cannot prescribe an essay length, please consider that you should limit your writing time to a class session (approximately 2.5 to 3 hours). This is ‘writing time’ and does not include preparation of your outline, research, reading, or looking up notes.  Please ensure whilst preparing your answers that your two essays be distinct and avoid excessive repetition of examples, sources, and quotes.



ESSAY QUESTION 1.   论文考试代写


Titian, Man with the Blue Sleeve, 1510; and Gentile Bellini, Sultan Mehmed II The Conqueror, 1480



Text prompt:

In this course, we discuss in length the methodology of studying history in a global context, especially that of Renaissance Europe. This essay asks you to explore the themes raised by authors Kathleen Christian and Leah R. Clark in their introduction to their monograph, European Art and the Wider World, 1350-1550. The first, how trade and travel established global connections with particular attention to the cultural transfer of knowledge, ideas, and technologies that led to innovation in Europe; and second, how the visual culture of Christian Europe communicated “imagined ideas about the wider world” (p.8). Your answer must directly engage with these two themes; broaden and support your argument by incorporating examples from lectures and assigned readings.




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