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计量经济学 quiz代写 经济学代写

2021-09-08 16:50 星期三 所属: 商科代写,金融经济统计代写-100%原创拿高分 浏览:661

计量经济学 quiz代写

ECON UA 266: Intro  to Econometrics Spring 2021

计量经济学 quiz代写 1.In class, we regressed covid cases per 100k residents on median family income for NYC zip codes.Using the same data file

Quiz 1 additional practice problems Not for credit 计量经济学 quiz代写



1.In class, we regressed covid cases per 100k residents on median family income for NYC zip codes.  Using the same data file, repeat the same exercise using deaths per 100k residents as   the dependent variable.

a)What proportion of variation in deaths is explained by variation in familyincome?

b)Report the estimated regression coefficients and their standard errors.

c)Construct 90% two-sided confidence intervals for each parameter.

d)Construct95% upper and lower one-sided confidence intervals for each  Hint: you should be able to use your answer to part (c) to do this.

e)Is there evidence that median family income is significantly associated with mortality rates? You may use a 10% level of signifificance.

Hint: you should be able to use your answer to part (c) to do this. 计量经济学 quiz代写

f)Is there evidence that increases in median family income is associated with decreases in mortality rates? You may use a 5% level of signifificance.

Hint: you should be able to use your answer to part (d) to do this.

g)Do the data appear conditionallyheteroskedastic?

h)Can the estimates be interpreted causally?

Hint: think about whether or not there might be other factors that are correlated with income and also correlated with likelihood of catching covid.


计量经济学 quiz代写
计量经济学 quiz代写

2.Using similar steps to those in Lecture 6, derive the formula for a 95% lower confidence interval for a parameterθ. 计量经济学 quiz代写

3.Consider the Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2001) data.

a)Regress log GDP per capita in 1995 (logpgp95) on the measure of property rights(avexpr) and report your results. Use HC standard errors.

b)Construct 95% confidence intervals for the intercept and slope coefficients.

c)0Test H0: γ1 = 0 against H1 : γ1 > In answering, be sure to report the test statistic and p-value. 计量经济学 quiz代写

d)TestH0 : γ1 = 0.5 against H1 : γ1 > 0. In answering, be sure to report the test statistic and p-value.

e)Test H0: γ1 = 0 against H1 : γ1 < In answering, be sure to report the test statistic and p-value.

f)Test  H0: γ1 = 0 against H1 : γ1 ƒ= 0. In answering, be sure to report the test statistic        and p-value.

4.(a) Briefly describe the difference between random sampling from a fixed population and random assignment of treatment in a RCT. 计量经济学 quiz代写

(b) Suppose you have data (Xi, Yi) on n individuals where Xi is a binary variable indicating treatment or control (Xi =  1 denotes treatment, Xi =  0 denotes control). Can the  data be a random sample from the population but the Xi variables are not randomly assigned?

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计量经济学 quiz代写

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