Digital Signal Processing 1
Lab course Winter Term
Assignment 3
1. Interpolation in frequency domain
▪ Create a sine signal with one period consisting of 10 samples (Fs = 10Hz).
▪ Enhance the sine signal sampling by using frequency domain interpolation using a variable factor L (e.g. L = 5) yielding in a sampling frequency of Fs*M.
2. Up-sampling in time domain
▪ Up-sampling is the method to artificially increase the sampling rate by inserting zeros between the sample values of the original discrete signal.
▪ Enhance the sine signal sampling of section 1 by using time domain up-sampling using a variable factor L (e.g. L=5).
3. Interpolation in time domain
▪ Explain why time domain interpolation requires low pass filtering of the up-sampled signal.
▪ Design a corresponding low pass filter
▪ MATLAB commands: fir1, filter
4. Down-sampling in time domain
▪ Reduce the number of samples by a variable factor M (e.g. M=3)
Applied Image & Signal Processing
Informationstechnik & System-Management 1/ 2
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
Digital Signal Processing 1
Lab course Winter Term
Home Assignment: Resample demo
▪ Implement a demo script demoresample.m which shows the effects of up-sampling/interpolation and down-sampling/decimation.
▪ Generate a Fourier series (as in assignment 2) with variable series length [1 21], fixed signal frequency (5Hz), fixed sample frequency (100Hz), fixed amplitude (1) and fixed signal length (1sec).
▪ Provide two sliders for Up-sampling and down-sampling with factors [1 10].
▪ Use two checkboxes to enable interpolation and decimation.
▪ Use a 3×2 plot to show the following:
▪ Time-domain plots (1st column); two-sided linear spectrum (2nd column).
▪ Original Fourier series (1st row); up-sampled/interpolated signal (2nd row); down-sampled/decimated signal (3rd row);
▪ MATLAB files must have a header. Plots should be labeled and must have axis labeling.
▪ Required upload
▪ demoresample.m
Applied Image & Signal Processing
Informationstechnik & System-Management 2/ 2
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
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