Assignment computer class Risk Theory 2017–2018; week 3
computer class Risk代写 determining maximum likelihood estimates for parameters;•Makeham’s and Gompertz’ mortality laws;mortality rates;
The purpose of this assignment is to learn about computer class Risk代写
- determining maximum likelihood estimates forparameters;
- Makeham’s and Gompertz’ mortalitylaws;
- mortalityrates;
- findingmean remaining lifetimes by estimating them from the sample or computing them from the cdfs using the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters;
- proportional hazardmodels;
- the Akaike Information Criterion(AIC); computer class Risk代写
- making appropriate
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Makeham’s and Gompertz’ mortality laws computer class Risk代写
In the year 1899, 100 000 people were born in the Netherlands. Their exact age-at-death Xi (in fractional years) was not recorded, only its integer part Ki = |Xi∫, i = 1, . . . , 100 000. All their realized ages-at-death k1, . . . , k100000 (integer) are known by now. They are summarized
in a table with the numbers of people dx that died at a particular age x = 0, 1, . . .
This tableof the ‘curtate lifetimes’ can be read in (in R) as follows:
rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)) d.x <- scan(n = 95) ## numbers that died at age x = 0,1,2,...
2618 | 390 | 85 | 41 | 26 | 26 | 30 | 32 | 34 | 33 | 22 | 37 | 28 | 32 | 25 |
20 | 36 | 38 | 29 | 27 | 30 | 38 | 28 | 38 | 52 | 33 | 48 | 49 | 45 | 48 |
51 | 55 | 56 | 55 | 67 | 76 | 82 | 104 | 92 | 114 | 94 | 121 | 139 | 152 | 163 |
205 | 196 | 237 | 275 | 296 | 343 | 382 | 421 | 526 | 582 | 622 | 742 | 878 | 921 | 1075 |
1216 | 1398 | 1594 | 1840 | 1923 | 2253 | 2483 | 2688 | 3186 | 3346 | 3710 | 3817 | 4121 | 4490 | 4688 |
4734 | 4864 | 4884 | 4756 | 4560 | 4120 | 3740 | 3385 | 2756 | 2079 | 1563 | 1086 | 727 | 455 | 228 |
103 | 42 | 17 | 7 | 1 |
These figures are the numbers dx of indices i = 1, . . . , 100 000 for which ki = x, x = 0, . . . , 94.Wedon’t need the full sample k1, k2, . . . ; the frequencies Dx are sufficient statistics, because they correspond one-to-one with the ordered sample K(1), K(2), . . . Exactly for which i we have Ki = x does not give us information about the parameters of the lifetime distribution, only the number of times dx this class Risk代写
Q1 Using the rep() function, reconstruct the sorted sample from the frequencies in d.x. computer class Risk代写
Note that in this assignment, we use a simpler model than is used in most population studies.In the databases used, for a series of calendar years indexed t it is recorded how many people died at ages x = 0, 1, . . . . Also, the total number of days each person has lived having age x is totaled, and divided by 365 or 366. So dates of death and birth are incorporated. A person with x + 1st birthday in calendar year t contributes 0 or 1 to the number of deaths at age x in year t, or to the one with age x + 1, depending on if he dies before or after his birthday.
He contributes the fraction computer class Risk代写
of the year he was alive having age x and age x + 1 to the total exposures of people of these ages in year t. In this assignment, we only know year of birth (1899) and age at death x = 0, 1, . . . . A person dying at age 65 may have died in calendar year 1964, after his birthday, or in 1965 before his birthday.
We can compute sample estimates of the probabilities of dying at age x for our group of 1899-born people, by dividing the number dx of deaths at age x by the number of people nx surviving up to age x. So we want to construct the vector nx, using the values of dx, x = 0, 1, . . . Note that we disregard migration into and out of the class Risk代写
As an example, consider a vector dx = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) with corresponding nx = (15, 14, 12, 9, 5), stored in d.x and n.x. Not quite correct is sum(d.x) – cumsum(d.x); the result of that is (14, 12, 9, 5, 0). Less messy than manually adding 15 at the start of that vector and deletingthe 0 at the end is to start at the end of d.x and work backwards (using the rev() function, to reverse a vector, before and after).
Q2 So what is a correct way to use the function cumsum() for this purpose? Fill in the dots below,
and check the last few entries of the estimated probabilities of dying stored in fr:
n.x <- ... head(n.x); tail(n.x) fr <- d.x / n.x tail(fr)
1 Makeham’s mortality law computer class Risk代写
The observations d0, d1, d2 (and quite possibly d3) can be seen to follow a different patternthan the remaining data. About 3% of the newborns die while still infants. For the remaining 97%, the ages-at-death are assumed to have arisen from a continuous lifetime distribution function called Makeham’s Law; see also exer. 3.9.16 in MART.
The mortality rate of a continuous random variable X denoting a life-time is defined as
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By the chain rule, we also have
Life-time X has a Makeham(a, b, c) distribution if µX(x) = a + bcx for parameters a, b > 0,
c > 1. Gompertz’ law is the special case with a = 0.
The mortality rate can be found from the cdf, see (2). The opposite is also true. The survival probability SX(t) = 1 − FX(t) can be deduced from a mortality rate µX(·) using
To show that log SX(t) equals the integral in the rhs, observe that log SX(0) = log 1 = 0 and
To find SX(x) = Pr[X > x] for the Makeham and Gompertz distributions, for which µX(x) =a + bcx, note that by (2) we have − log(SX(x)) = ax + b cx + C for some constant C. The value of C can be deduced from SX(0) = 1, and we get
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Some remarks on mortality rates/laws: computer class Risk代写
- Themortality rate, aka the failure rate, characterizes a life-time distribution just like the density or the
- µX(x) dx = 1−FX (x) can be interpreted as the conditional probability of deathbetween x and x + dx for someone alive at age x.
- IfX = min{Y, Z} and Y, Z are independent, then 1 − FX(x) = Pr[Z > x] Pr[Y > x], hence µX(x) = µY (x) + µZ(x).
- Sowhile using mgf/cgf/cf/pgf is convenient when looking at the sum of independent r.v.’s, consider using the mortality rate transform when looking at their minimum.
- Makeham’s mortality lawµX(x) = a + bcx arises from a competing risks model, since people die from whichever happens first:
- ‘accident’ at age Z ∼ exponential(a) (note that µZ(x) ≡ a, as is easily proved),or
- ‘senescence’ at age Y ∼ Gompertz(b,c).computer class Risk代写
We can prove that a Gompertz random variable equals a transformed exponential random variable. To be precise, if V ∼ exponential(1) then
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To prove that, note that we have Pr[V > v] = e−v, and cY − 1 = . Then
so Y ∼ Gompertz(b, c); see (4) with a = 0.
We can easily write functions rGompertz to generate random deviates from the Gompertz distribution, as well as rMakeham to draw a sample from a Makeham distribution. We first draw a sample from the senescence distribution, by transforming an exponential random variable,
and next use the pmin (parallel minimum) function, as follows:
rGompertz <- function(n,b,c) log(1+rexp(n)*log(c)/b)/log(c) rMakeham <- function(n,a,b,c) pmin(rGompertz(n,b,c), rexp(n)/a) a <- 5e-4; b <- 8e-5; c <- 1.09; n <- 2000 set.seed(2525); G <- rGompertz(n, b, c) set.seed(2525); M <- rMakeham(n, a, b, c) ## same Gompertz dying ages rbind(Gompertz=summary(G), Makeham=summary(M)) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## Gompertz 4.8480 67.15 77.33 74.51 85.01 105.5 ## Makeham 0.2809 65.54 76.47 72.92 84.68 105.5
A minimal R-function (no parameter checks) to compute the survival function (4) for the Makeham and Gompertz probability laws, with parameters a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0, c > 1, is as follows:computer class Risk代写
sMakeham <- function (x, a, b, c) ifelse(x<0, 1, exp(-a*x-b/log(c)*(c^x-1)))
Q3 Write an R-function computer class Risk代写
to compute the probability of having curtate lifetime k = 0, 1, . . . , that is, Pr[K = k] = Pr X ∈ [k, k + 1) = Pr[X ≥ k] − Pr[X ≥ k + 1], where K = |X∫. When k is not integer, that is, k > |k∫, the probability Pr[K = k] should be zero.
Note that because S and F are continuous, Pr[X ≥ k] = Pr[X > k] = S(k). Now using
sMakeham defined above, fill in the dots to get the discrete density:
dMakeham <- function (k, a, b, c) ifelse(k>floor(k), 0, (sMakeham(...)-...))
For ages x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, compare actual and expected numbers of people born in 1899 and dying at age x. Use parameters a <- 3e-4; b <- 3e-6; c <- 1.15.
Hint: Define x <- c(0:4,7,10,30,50,70,90). We want to compare the observed numbers d.x[x+1] with the expected numbers. To compute expected numbers, keep in mind that the number of people who die at age x is a binomial random variable with parameters . . .
Graphically illustrating the data computer class Risk代写
First we make a plot, of histogram type, of the table of lifetimes. Note that rounded-down ages-at-death start at 0, but indices of vectors in R start at 1:
ages <- 0:(length(d.x)-1) plot(ages, d.x[ages+1], type="h")
Because of infant mortality, the first few counts are special. In fact the lifetimes arose from a mixed distribution, with early deaths mostly caused by infant mortality, later ones obeying Makeham’s Law. To get estimates for the a, b, c parameters, one might replace the first few data points by fake ones following the pattern of the others. More correct is to simply ignore d0, d1 and d2 for the parameter estimation, considering only a subset of the ages class Risk代写
allages <- ages; ages <- 3:max(ages) plot(ages, d.x[ages+1], type="h")
This plot looks very smooth. And it should, because our data are not real data, but a large sample of random drawings from an actual Makeham cdf (except for infant mortality), see above.
2 The likelihood of the Makeham parameters computer class Risk代写
The likelihood of parameters is the probability under these parameters of a random sample K1 = k1, K2 = k2, . . . , K100 000 = k100 000, with Ki = |Xi∫, therefore
We will throw out the sample elements with ki < 3, to be blamed on infant mortality rather than influenced by the Makeham parameters.
Q4 Verify that the negative
of the logarithm of the likelihood is computed by the function loglikMakeham that follows. In this function, abc is a vector of length 3 with values for a, b, c, and ages is a vector of numbers containing the subset of {0, 1, . . . } of the ages considered.
loglikMakeham <- function (abc) ## function to be fed to optim() {-sum(log(dMakeham(ages, abc[1], abc[2], abc[3])) * d.x[ages+1])}
We compute the negative of the loglikelihood to get positive numbers. This has the benefit that we avoid having to specify that the optimizing function should maximize rather than minimize. The help-file ?optim states: “By default optim performs minimization, but it will maximize if control$fnscale is negative”.computer class Risk代写
Next, we find ML estimates of a, b, c on the basis of this sample, using the optim() function:
start <- c(1.5e-4,2e-4,1.1) oo <- optim(start,loglikMakeham); oo a.hat <- oo$par[1]; b.hat <- oo$par[2]; c.hat <- oo$par[3]
The starting values (we took a = 0.00015, b = 0.0002, c = 1.1) should be in the feasible region. They have been chosen in the vicinity of Makeham parameters found in the literature. If problems arise for other samples, try different starting values. Note that computing sMakeham might easily give numerical difficulties at high class Risk代写
This optimization goes rather fast. If we would have been working with the full sample of size 100 000 instead of the condensed frequency table, however, it would have taken longer. Even though having to do a few hundred iterations seems a lot, we are not going to look into how it may be improved. Running warnings() we see that often parameter vectors were tried leading to not computable Makeham log-densities (NaN = not a number).computer class Risk代写
3 Mortality rate
For lifetimes and other ‘failure times’, one is often interested in the probability of dying in the next time period of length h, conditionally given survival up to age t:
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Note that µX(t) = − d log SX(t) is the mortality rate, see (2).computer class Risk代写
In the Makeham case, SX(t) is as in (4); the mortality rate is µX(t) = − d log SX(t) = a+bct.
Taking h = 1 year, we can compute sample estimates of these failure rates, by dividing the number dx of deaths at age x by the number of people nx surviving up to age x. So we need the vector nx as constructed before using the values of dx, x = 0, 1, . . .
Except at the start and at the end, the observed mortality rates closely follow the estimated ones. See the plot resulting from:
plot(allages,fr,type="l") lines(allages,a.hat+b.hat*c.hat^allages,col="green")
The failure rate is actually a conditional probability of dying the next instant given alive. computer class Risk代写The Makeham density is the unconditional equivalent. The fitted Makeham density can thus be compared to the number of people dying at ages 0, 1, . . . , resulting in:
y <- d.x/sum(d.x) plot(allages,y,type="h",col="blue") lines(allages, dMakeham(allages,a.hat,b.hat,c.hat), col="red")
After infant mortality, Makeham’s Law fits the data class Risk代写
4 Average age-at-death; number of retirement years
To compute the average age-at-death, compute the observed sample mean. For the people dying according to Makeham’s Law with parameters aˆ, ˆb, cˆ, the expected value equals, cf. MART (1.33):
To reconstruct the sample mean, we use the function sum(), accounting for frequencies. For the ML-estimated expected value, we use integrate():
sum((allages+0.5) * d.x) / sum(d.x) ## 69.85531 integrate(sMakeham, 0, Inf, a.hat,b.hat,c.hat) ## 72.04979 +/- 0.00099
Q5 Explain why allages+0.5
is used rather than just allages. Also, indicate why these out- comes are so different, and what should be done to get outcomes that are class Risk代写
Q6 Also relevant is the mean number of pension years after age 65 for people born in 1899. Give both the direct sample estimate and the value resulting from integrating the tail of the ML- estimated survival function. Compute both the mean number of pension years a newborn in 1899 enjoyed and the mean number for those born in 1899 and surviving up to age 65.
5 Proportional hazard models
It is sometimes claimed that because of smoking, mortality rates are multiplied by a certain factor, let’s say, doubled. Under Makeham’s law, a person has mortality rate a + bcx, so doubling this rate simply means replacing a by 2a, b by 2b. We want to investigate what effect doubling the mortality rate has on the full life expectancy.
Q7 The hazard rate with failure time
(age-at-death) X is called the mortality rate (2) in life insurance. What is the hazard rate in case of an exponential(λ) failure time? How does doubling this rate affect the mean failure time?
If X, Y are independent, their joint survival function is Smin{X,Y }(t) = Pr[X > t, Y > t] = SX(t)SY (t). Therefore, from (2), µmin{X,Y }(t) = µX(t) + µY (t), so if X ∼ Y , then min{X, Y } has twice the hazard rate of X. This gives a natural interpretation for replacing a mortality rate by any integer multiple of it, but in fact these rates can be multiplied by any positive real and still give a valid mortality rate class Risk代写
Q8 For a survival function S(t),computer class Risk代写
what is the resulting survival function Sf (t) if the mortality rate is multiplied by some f > 0? Is it a proper survival function, that is, continuously decreasing from 1 at 0 to 0 at ∞?
Q9 Using the integrate function as above, and parameters a <- 2.2e-4; b <- 2.7e-6; c
<- 1.124, compute the mean age-at-death if the mortality rate is multiplied by a factor f = 2k, k = −3, . . . , +3. Plot the mean age-at-death against k, and conclude that the mean age-at-death is very nearly log-linear in the proportionality factor.
With these parameters for a Makeham law, what is approximately the effect of doubling the mortality rate on the mean age-at-death?
6 Reducing Makeham’s law to Gompertz’ computer class Risk代写
Q10 Gompertz’ law is Makeham’s but with a = 0. Find ML estimates for this subfamily of functions, plot the result and compare with the fit by Makeham. Use the AIC 2k − 2A, where k is the number of parameters in the statistical model and A is the maximized value of the loglikelihood function for the estimated model.
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