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计算机视觉和成像代写 Computer Vision代写

2021-08-02 16:56 星期一 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:598


Computer Vision and Imaging (Extended)

计算机视觉和成像代写 a)Imaginea camera whose configuration is as follows:An object at a distance of 1m from the pupil of the camera is focused on ···


Imaginea camera whose configuration is as follows:

An object at a distance of 1m from the pupil of the camera is focused on a camera sensor at a distance of 1cm from the pupil of the camera.
If we assume that the camera lens is very thin, then what is the focal length of the lens ([75% of this question mark])? What would be the size of a 1.6m-tall in- focus object on the camera sensor ([25% of this question mark])? Show your work.                                  [10 marks]


b)  计算机视觉和成像代写

Calculatethe outputs of A) max pooling, B) average pooling, and C) min pooling operations with i) a 2 × 2 kernel and stride 1, ii) a 2 × 2 kernel and stride 2, iii) a 3 × 3 kernel and stride 1, and iv) a 3 × 3 kernel and stride 3 on input matrix (in total 12 pooling results to be calculated): [80% of this question mark]

7 3 8 2 0 6
1 9 1 3 1 2
3 0 3 0 5 1
1 1 4 1 6 0
2 7 0 9 3 1
0 2 9 8 2 2

Compare and discuss the characteristics of the different pooling methods. [80% of this question mark]                                  [10 marks]


c) 计算机视觉和成像代写

Apple’s iPhone and iPad implement Face ID, a face recognition system. The FaceID system uses a structured light-based camera to collect depth information and integrates it with a 2D image collected from the front camera to build the complete 3D image.

i. Explain how the structured light-depth imaging works [20% of this questionmark]

ii. Among the various depth measuring techniques taught, suggest why Applechose the structured light camera for use on mobile devices. List at least four required conditions for the depth imaging camera to be used on mobile devices for Face ID. Describe which features of the structured light method is more suitable for each of the listed conditions by comparing them with the other  [80% of this question mark]                                  [10 marks] 


d)  计算机视觉和成像代写

Arobot is put into the nuclear power plant accident site with a mission of cleaning the area, which is too dangerous for  The site is severely contaminated with radiation which limits communication and means that the robot must act semi- autonomously.

i. As time goes on, the strong radiation causes the failure of individual camerasensor pixels randomly. These pixels are either stuck in the off (black) state or the on (white) state. Give three image noise removal methods. Select one of these methods to use in this situation, and explain why it is most appropriate  [20% of this question mark]  计算机视觉和成像代写

ii. Therobot will navigate using knowledge of the edges of the walls, floor, and  Describe and explain the steps in the Canny edge detection algorithm. Explain why it is useful to apply the Hough transform to the output of the Canny edge detection algorithm. [40% of this question mark]

iii. In addition to the cleaning, the robot has another mission which is finding aspecific object. The robot has an image of the target object that it must  What are the challenges involved in this mission? Design and explain a process by which it can find the object autonomously. Justify the purpose and importance of each step. [40% of this question mark]                                  [20 marks]




其他代写:英国代写 作业代写 code代写 algorithm代写 作业加急 北美代写  report代写 paper代写 CS代写 Data Analysis代写 data代写 澳大利亚代写 essay代写 assignment代写 analysis代写 homework代写 加拿大代写

合作平台:essay代写 论文代写 写手招聘 英国留学生代写


