CS 372 – Assignment#1 – Total: 100 pts
计算机网课作业代写 4.Explain concretely the two problems of the year 2000 (6 pts).5.Choose two software management activities and explain them in detail (8 pts).
Please use your own words to answers the questions.
1.Software Engineering means “Programming in the Large”. Explain what does this mean (5 pts). 计算机网课作业代写
2.Choose two problems of the software crisis and explain them in detail (8 pts)?
3.Using concrete examples, explain the difffference between generic and customized software products (6 pts).
4.Explain concretely the two problems of the year 2000 (6 pts).
5.Choose two software management activities and explain them in detail (8 pts).
6.What is the difffference between software development and software maintenance (6 pts) ?
7.Describe an example of the failure of a software development project but not covered in the lecture. Also, identify the causes of the failure (6 pts).
8.List the four types of documents produced in the software development process (4 pts). 计算机网课作业代写
9.Based on a concrete example, describe the role of the difffferent parties in the software process (8 pts):
– User
– Customer
– Developer
– Manager
10.Why do we need the feasibility study of software systems? Explain the economic feasibility study (10 pts).
11.Choose a small problem from any application domain and produce its requirements specifification document: a short problem description, functional requirements for one user role, and three software qualities for that user role (21 pts).
12.Explain in detail the software design phase and include its input and output docu ments (12 pts)