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计算机网络代写 Computer Networks代写

2021-07-16 17:20 星期五 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:598


Computer Networks

Assignment 5 (100 points)

计算机网络代写 Computer Networks Assignment 5 :The goal of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with some concepts in network security.

The goal of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with some concepts in network security. This assignment mostly involves writing small Python programs for each question. Unlike previous assignments, there is no starter code because the amount of Python you need to write is very small. (about 10 lines of Python for each question) Instead, you will have to refer to the Python API documentation for the secure sockets layer to help you write the programs: https://docs.python.org/3/library/ssl.html. This assignment is also intended to give you a taste of networking in the real world, e.g., fifiguring out how to use a network API and implementing a new network protocol (the Diffiffiffie-Hellman key exchange). We use the terms SSL and TLS interchangeably in this assignment.

1 SSL clients (20 points)  计算机网络代写

For this question, you need to implement an SSL client to fetch data from an already running HTTPS server. (HTTP over TLS/SSL) The server’s domain name is www.google.com and the port number is 443, the default TCP port for TLS. For implementing this client, you will have to open a TCP connection to www.google.com, then create a TLS connection on top of this, then issue the HTTP request below on this TLS connection.

GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: www.google.com

The \r\n is important. Then, your client must read up to 1024 bytes of response from the server. If you have written your program correctly, you should have output that looks like the output below. Our output is formatted to look neat using the Python pprint module, but if your output shows similar content, that’s suffiffifficient. If it helps, the Python API docs for SSL (https://docs.python.org/3/library/ssl.html) has example Python program snippets for an SSL client that you can reuse for this assignment.Repeat the same exercise for www.amazon.com, www.nytimes.com, and www.facebook.com, and paste your output as part of the assignment submission.

[b’HTTP/1.1 200 OK’, b’Connection: close’, b’Content-Length: 49305’, b’Server: nginx’, b’Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8’, b’X-Frame-Options: DENY’, b’Via: 1.1 vegur, 1.1 varnish, 1.1 varnish’, b’Accept-Ranges: bytes’, b’Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 22:40:44 GMT’, b’Age: 2666’, b’X-Served-By: cache-bwi5144-BWI, cache-ewr18145-EWR’, b’X-Cache: HIT, HIT’, b’X-Cache-Hits: 1, 1’, b’X-Timer: S1605566445.747561,VS0,VE1’, b’Vary: Cookie’, b’Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains’, b”, b”]

Try increasing 1024 bytes to 4096 bytes. Does your output change? Why or why not?

2 SSL certifificates (10 points)  计算机网络代写

In each of the cases above, print out the certifificate presented by the Google/Amazon/Facebook/NYTimes server to your SSL client. You can use the function getpeercert() along with the pprint.pprint() function from the pprint module to print out the certifificate. This is what the printed certifificate should look like:

{ ’OCSP’: (’http://ocsp.pki.goog/gts1o1core’,),

  ’caIssuers’: (’http://pki.goog/gsr2/GTS1O1.crt’,),

  ’crlDistributionPoints’: (’http://crl.pki.goog/GTS1O1core.crl’,),

’issuer’: (((’countryName’, ’US’),),

            ((’organizationName’, ’Google Trust Services’),),

            ((’commonName’, ’GTS CA 1O1’),)),

’notAfter’: ’Jan 20 16:23:45 2021 GMT’,

’notBefore’: ’Oct 28 16:23:45 2020 GMT’,

’serialNumber’: ’EC9743FA9BC4A21902000000007FD501’,

’subject’: (((’countryName’, ’US’),),

             ((’stateOrProvinceName’, ’California’),),

             ((’localityName’, ’Mountain View’),),

             ((’organizationName’, ’Google LLC’),),

             ((’commonName’, ’www.google.com’),)),

’subjectAltName’: ((’DNS’, ’www.google.com’),),

’version’: 3 }

What do the fifields crlDistributionPoints, notAfter, and notBefore mean here? It is OK to use the Web to answer this, but the answer must be written in your own words.

3 SSL server (30 points)  计算机网络代写

We’ll now create an SSL server. Creating a server requires creating a certifificate, which then needs to be signed by a certifificate authority. While considerable progress has been made in automating this process and reducing manual intervention (e.g., https://letsencrypt.org), this process still requires you to demonstrate ownership of a domain before getting a certifificate. Hence, to simplify things for this assignment, we’ll use self-signed certifificates, where you yourself will certify that you are who you say you are. This is obviously not secure and not recommended for practical use. To create a self-signed certifificate, you can use the instructions provided here: https://docs.python.org/3/library/ssl.html#certificates.

Once you have created a self-signed certifificate, which consists of both a certifificate as well as a private key, use the SSL API reference to create a server SSL socket using that self-signed certifificate. To do so, you should bind the server’s socket to localhost on a port of your choice. Then connect to this server’s socket using a client that creates an SSL client socket.

Because SSL enforces good security practices by default, this won’t work out of the box because the client will reject the server’s self-signed certifificate as invalid. To override this setting, use the following Python snippet:



At the end of this process, to earn points for this assignment, the client should be able to send Hello to the server on an encrypted TLS connection and the server should be able to receive and print it out.

4 The mechanics of SSL (10 points)  计算机网络代写

Once you have the SSL client and server in the previous connection working on localhost, use Wireshark on your loopback interface (usually named lo or something similar) to observe the packets that are exchanged between the SSL client and server. Attach a screenshot of all the packets exchanged between your SSL client and server during the process of the client sending Hello to the server. Can you identify the TCP handshake? Besides the TCP handshake packets and the encrypted data packets, you should see packets related to TLS. What function do these packets serve? It’s OK to search the Web for an answer to this question, but again, you should write the answer in your own words.

5 Diffiffiffie-Hellman key exchange (30 points)

Recall that asymmetric encryption and decryption (i.e., with private and public keys) is slow, while symmetric encryption and decryption is much faster. However, for symmetric encryption and decryption, we need a key that is shared between the 2 communicating parties. One way to establish this key is to create the shared key at either of the 2 parties and use asymmetric encryption and decryption to transfer it securely to the other end.

However, if the asymmetric private keys are stolen in the future, then the shared key created for past communication sessions between the two parties becomes vulnerable. This is because if the adversary who stole the private keys happened to passively record previous sessions. The adversary can then use these private keys to decrypt the beginning of these sessions to determine the shared key. With the shared key in hand, the adversary can then decrypt the rest of the session, which is encrypted using this shared key.




A solution to this is the Diffiffiffie-Hellman key exchange. 

This is a simple, but very effffective algorithm to create a shared key for 2 parties without ever transmitting this shared key between the 2 parties (either as clear text or encrypted text). Diffiffiffie-Hellman key exchange relies on 2 parties exchanging some amount of data, but never the shared key. This data exchange is suffiffifficient for each of the 2 parties to then independently compute the shared key.

Your goal for this question is to implement Diffiffiffie-Hellman key exchange. The Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffie%E2%80%93Hellman_key_exchange#Cryptographic_explanation is a good ref-erence for implementing it. For this assignment, you can use a UDP socket for exchanging data between 2 parties (which we’ll call the client and server, even though there is no real distinction between the two for Diffiffiffie-Hellman key exchange) both running on localhost. On localhost, packet drops are very rare, making UDP suffiffifficient, even though it is unreliable. You can use code snippets from the sockets lecture to transfer data between the UDP sockets.

Your output should look like this:

  First, execute the server:

python3 diffie_hellman_server.py

  Then, execute the client:

python3 diffie_hellman_client.py

After both commands are executed, the shared secret computed by the server and client should be printed out on their respective terminals. Please use the values of g and p suggested in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffie%E2%80%93Hellman_key_exchange#Cryptographic_explanation.

The server vs. client distinction is completely arbitrary in Diffiffiffie-Hellman key exchange. We are using the term server in our implementation to refer to the entity that listens for data from the other entity (the client) before sending data to the other entity. This is so that both entities don’t wait around indefifinitely for the other to send data fifirst. Feel free to use TCP instead of UDP for this question if you prefer that more.

6 Extra credit  计算机网络代写

With a full score on this question, you can earn 2 points of extra credit towards your fifinal grade by answering

at most 1 out of the 2 questions below. Recall that extra credit is capped at 10 points.

6.1 Option 1

Download, install, and use the Tor browser to access https://cs.nyu.edu/~anirudh/CSCI-UA.0480-062/.

Attach a screencast of your browsing process using Tor. Use a moderate resolution (e.g., 720 p) to ensure your

browser details show up in the screencast while reducing the storage required for the screencast.

6.2 Option 2

The Heartbleed bug was a serious bug that affffected the widely used OpenSSL TLS/SSL library. Describe this bug

in your own words and explain how this bug could be exploited to steal sensitive information such as private keys.

You might fifind the following links helpful: https://jhalderm.com/pub/papers/heartbleed-imc14.pdf and


You will have to synthesize information from these links to answer the question, but the fifinal answer should

only be a couple of paragraphs (think at most 500 words).




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