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计算机编程概论作业代写 CS代写

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 Introduction to Computer Programming (WCOM1000/COMP1000)

 计算机编程概论作业代写 In this game, there are two players, and each player has their own three three gifts.The player rolls the dice, and the dice determine

ASSIGNMENT – 2 2020T6  计算机编程概论作业代写

Unit Name:   Introduction to Computer Programming Unit Code: WCOM1000/COMP1000
Assessment Task:   Assignment 2 Term & Year: T6, 2020
Total # of Pages:   6 Total Marks:    100 Weighting: 15%
Check Point Due: Week 3, Thursday (17/12/2020) @ 8:00 AM
Final Submission Due:   Week 4, Monday (21/12/2019) @ 8:00 AM

INSTRUCTIONS 计算机编程概论作业代写

Name of the game – “Steal and UnWrap Dice Game”

The assignment aims to create a 2D game using Processing. Let’s celebrate Christmas (a well-deserved celebration after a challenging year  ) so let’s have some fun with gifts.

In this game, there are two players, and each player has their own three three gifts. The player rolls the dice, and the dice determine if you move your gift, steal and unwrap/open another player’s gift or unwrap one of your gifts.

Then another player takes a turn by rolling the dice.计算机编程概论作业代写

The game ends when all the gifts of any player are unwrapped.

The sample video is available on the ilearn . Watch the video to visualiase the assignment.


GUI game components: The game has the following components

  1. Two playing areas-  represented by two vertical rectangles of different colours. In the video, we have used two vertical rectangles (green and red colour )on the screen size of 800 x 600 to represent two different playing areas for two players. Please feel free to choose any two colours for the playing areas.计算机编程概论作业代写
  2. Three gift-wrapped for each player – you can use different shapes to represent gifts. In the sample video, we have used rectangles, round corner rectangles, ellipse, and two images as gifts. You have to use at least two different shapes(rect, ellipse, circle, triangle, arcs ) to make your gifts. In addition to the basic shapes, you can use images. Please note the use of image as a gift is optional, even if you are  using images as the gifts , you still have to create  gifts using two different shapes.
  3. Dice and roll operation –   In the  sample video, we have used a small rectangle as a dice, when clicked on it (  just on the area of a rectangle), it displays the text which is a random number between 1- 6 ( inclusive of 6). Don’t limit your creativeness, feel free to use your own shape for the dice , it should just display random number between 1 – 6.计算机编程概论作业代写
  4. Text – Text is used at the top of the screen, which displays how to start the game, player names, etc. Feel free to add more information.

Screen shot of the sample GUI components


Game specifications. 计算机编程概论作业代写

  1. Choose any player to start the game(player take turns by clicking on the dice), they click on the dice and take action based on what they roll. The player who is clicking the dice gets to choose one of the following steps, and then another player takes his turn:

I.Roll a 1 or 3 – jump around:  the value 1 or 3 on the dice will let you move one of your gifts to another random location  but within your playing area. The gift moves only when the player clicks on the gift/ shape area.

II.Roll a 2 & 4 – Steal and unwrap: you can steal one of the wrapped gifts from the other player and open/ unwrap it. You can steal a gift from the other player by clicking on the gift (area of the shape)and placing that gift randomly on your playing area.计算机编程概论作业代写

To unwrap/ open the gift , you have to  change the colour/ fill  of the gift or change the image ( for the gifts where you have used some  image as gift ) . In the sample video , we have filled the gift/ shape with white colour to show they are open  and have used a different image for gift created using images. Feel free to use your creative ideas to show unwrapped/open gifts( after all they are your gifts, you can show millions of dollars or smiles. Just don’t forget to share your gifts with us ���).

You can’t steal unwrapped/open gift of the other player or you can’t steal if the other player has only one gift left (after all we don’t want players to go without a gift).

III.Roll a 5 or 6 – unwrap/ openyour gift- to unwrap / open your gift you can  change the colour/fill of the gift or change the  image in case you have used image as gift. In the sample video , we have filled the gift/ shape with white colour to show they are open  and have used a different image for gift created using images.

In this action, the location of the gift is unchanged. Feel free to show your creativeness/ ideas.计算机编程概论作业代写

  1. Game end- The game ends as soon as the final gift is unwrapped for any one player.

You are required to watch the video available on ilearn and use the video as a sample, do not limit your creativity to the video only. Be creative and feel free to bring some of your imagination/creativeness in your game ( use different shapes of Emoji/colours) but follow the objective and specifications of the game.

The marking guide is available at the end of this document. Refer to the marking guide.计算机编程概论作业代写


This is an Individual task.


This is NOT a Hurdle assessment.


Week 1 & Week 2 resources on ilearn. Follow the examples of the first three chapters of the prescribed Textbook.


Students to submit the Assignment as StudentName_StudentID.pde (i.e., Task A – E) on iLearn under the Assignment 2 Submission Links.

Hard copies would not be accepted or marked


Late submissions are possible but would be penalised unless the student has been granted an approved extension (i.e., please refer to Macquarie’s Special Consideration Policy). Late penalties would be calculated depending on the marks allocated to the specific assessment task. The penalty for the late submission is as follows:

  • 5% of the total possible marks would be deducted if it is late up to 30 minutes;
  • 10% of the total possible marks would be deducted if it is more than 30 minutes late and up to 24 hours late;
  • A further 10% of total possible marks would be deducted for each 24-hour period for up to a total of 3 days (i.e., including weekends); and
  • 100% of the marks would be deducted after 3 days and zero marks would be accordingly awarded. Please note that online submissions are electronically tracked, and the electronic record of submission would be used to determine any late penalties.计算机编程概论作业代写

Note: The terminology, total possible marks, here refers to the total marks of the Assessment.


Students are required to keep a copy of all items submitted or completed for the purpose of this assessment or evaluation until the end of the grade appeal period.


Marks and Feedback would be provided via iLearn.

  • Marks are listed against each level.
  • 10 % of the total marks of penalty would be applied if the submitted file does not possess the correct name (i.e., pde). Any submission with compilation error(s) would also not be marked. It is the responsibility of the students to ensure that their code has zero syntax errors.计算机编程概论作业代写
  • 5% of the total marks of penalty would be applied if the code is not neat (i.e no comments, indentation).


Using the work or ideas of another person, whether intentionally or not, and presenting them as your own without any clear acknowledgment of the source is called Plagiarism. Macquarie University promotes awareness of ethics via its Academic Integrity Policy. This means that:

  • All academic work claimed as original must be the work of the person making the claim;计算机编程概论作业代写
  • All academic collaborations of any kind must be acknowledged;
  • Academic work must not be falsified in any way; and
  • When the ideas of others are used, these ideas must be acknowledged appropriately.

All breaches of the Academic Integrity Policy are serious, and penalties apply. Students should be aware that they may fail an assessment task, a unit or even be excluded from the university for breaching the Academic Integrity Policy.


Students are responsible for their learning and are expected to:

  • Actively engage with the assessment tasks, including a careful reading of the provided guidelines, understanding criteria, spending enough time on the tasks, and submitting work on time;计算机编程概论作业代写
  • Read, reflect, and act on provided feedback;
  • Actively engage in activities designed to develop assessment literacy, including taking initiatives where appropriate (e.g., seeking clarification or advice, negotiating learning contracts, developing grading criteria and rubrics);
  • Provide constructive feedback on assessment processes and tasks through the student feedback mechanisms (e.g., student surveys, suggestions for future offerings, student representation on committees);
  • Ensure that their work is their own; and
  • Be familiar with University policies and faculty procedures and act in accordance with those policies and procedures.


Marking guide

Criteria Marks
Two playing areas 2 * 5 = 10 marks
Correct use of text( information about game , player 1 , player 2) 2* 3= 6 marks
Correct use of dice( rectangle , text displayed , random number generated & displayed) 2 + 2 + 5 = 9 marks 计算机编程概论作业代写


Correct use of gifts , includes

Atleast three different shapes .

All the six gifts displayed.


4 x 3 , 1x 6 = 18 marks
Click event on the dice

· dice displays only when clicked on the area of dice/  rectangle

1 marks each condition (4 marks )

and 0.5 marks for each operator( 2 marks )= 6 marks

Correct condition for  event for 1 & 3 – jump around 1 marks each condition (2 marks )

and 1 marks for each operator( 1 marks )= 3 marks

Correct condition for  event for 2 & 4 – steal and wrap 1 marks each condition (2 marks )

and 1marks for each operator( 1 marks )= 3 marks计算机编程概论作业代写

Correct condition for  event for 5 & 6 – unwrap gifts 1 marks each condition (2 marks )

and 1marks for each operator( 1 marks )= 3 marks

Jump operation – correct jump  operation includes

· click event- correct area of the gift is clicked to move, correct conditions for each gift

· Random location – gift is placed randomly on your playing area.

· Same shape/ gift is moved to new location.



3*2  + 2+ 2 = 10 marks
Steal and unwrap  operation – correct steal and unwrap operation includes

· Click event- correct area of the gift is clicked to steal

· Random location -gift is placed randomly on your playing area from other person’s playing area.

· Correct shape/ image  for open/ unwrapped gift

· Steal only if the gift is wrapped and

· You can’t steal if only one gift is left.


3 * 2 +3+ 3 + 4+ 4 = 20 marks 计算机编程概论作业代写
Unwrap operation

· Correct  shape/ image for  open/ unwrapped gift


4 marks.
Players take turn to play the game 3 marks
Creativeness/ innovations in games – including images/ unwrapping gifts etc. 5 marks

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