ftopics in Computer Science: Probability & Computing
Computer Science代写 Consider a graph H in G(n, p).(a)If f (H) is the random variable that counts the number of isolated vertices
CMP_SC 7001, Fall 2019
Instructor: Petros Valettas Homework Assignment 3 Due date: Monday, December 9
- Consider a graph Hin G(n, p).
(a)If f (H) is the random variable that counts the number of isolated vertices (i.e. vertices of degree 0) in H, show that E[ f (H)] = n(1 – p)n–1.
(b)Showthe following threshold behavior: For ” 2 (0, 1) we have that
i. if p > (1 + “)log n, then
lim P(H G(n, p) : f (H) 1) = 0,
if p < (1 – “)log n, then
ii. lim P(H G(n, p) : f (H) 1) = 1.
Hint; you may use the second moment method.
2.Solve MU:16. Computer Science代写
3.Letb1,. .., bN be sequences of n-bits, e. bi = (bi1,. .., bin), where bij 2 {0, 1} for i = 1, 2,. .., N.
(a)Show that there exists J ✓ [n] := {1,. .., n} suchthat
Hint; Consider the N ⇥ n matrix B with rows bi, i N. Note that the above estimate can be written as kBxk1 = O( n log N), where x = (x1,. .., xn) 2 {–1, 1} and J = { j n : x j = 1}. Choose independently and uniformly at random n signs xi 2 {–1, 1} and consider the probability P(kBxk1 > t) for appropriate t > 0. See [MU, Section 4.4].Computer Science代写
(b)Showthat the above estimate is optimal up to logarithmic terms: There is an n ⇥ n matrix M with 0-1 entries such that

Hint; fix a vector ” with 1 coordinates. Use the probabilistic method to construct a matrix M by sampling the entries independently and uniformly from {0, 1}. Show that P(kM“k1 < c pn) ⌧ 2–n. See [MU, Exercise 6.16].
- Relative and Conditional entropy. Let P, Q be two probability functions on some finite sample space⌦ = !1,. .., !n . We write Q P if pi = 0 implies qi = 0. The relative entropy of Q and P is defined by

(a)Showthat D(Q||P) ≤ 0 and D(Q||P) = 0 if and only if Q = P.
(b)IfP is the uniform distribution on ⌦, then D(Q||P) = log |⌦| – H(X).1
(c)Showthat the Shannon entropy H(X) satisfies 0 H(X) log |⌦|.Computer Science代写
Hint; the function u 7! u log u is convex.
(d)Let(X, Y) be a pair of (discrete) random Then, the entropy of the pair H(X, Y) satisfies
H(X, Y) H(X) + H(Y),
with equality if and only if X, Y are independent.
Hint; you may want to write H(X) + H(Y) – H(X, Y) as the relative entropy of the joint distribution of (X, Y) with another one. What is that?
5.Let P, Q be two distributions on a finite set ⌦. We define the total variation distance between the distributions by Computer Science代写

(a)Showthe following alternative expression:
(b)Show that for any random variable X : ⌦ ! R wehave
Hint; you may want to use the numerical inequality xy y log y – y + ex for y > 0 and x 2 R. Apply the latter for x = log( exi ) and y = q /p for i = 1, 2,. .., n.
(c)Use the previous inequality for X= h(Y EP[Y]), where h > 0 and Y is an appropriate Boolean random variable on ⌦.Computer Science代写
Hint; note that there exists a set A⇤ ✓ ⌦ such that kQ – PkTV = Q(A⇤) – P(A⇤) = EQ[Y – EP[Y]]. What is Y?
(d)UseHoeffding’s lemma for Y in order to derive the following inequality:

1Note that here we consider the Shannon entropy with log instead of log2.

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