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计算机安全报告代写 COMP3052代写

2022-10-24 11:30 星期一 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:848

COMP3052.SEC Coursework 01(10%):

Portfolio Part01 (based on lab sessions)

计算机安全报告代写 Learning Aims:This coursework is designed to enable you to reflect and report on your computer security experiences in the lab sessions.

Learning Aims:   计算机安全报告代写

This coursework is designed to enable you to reflect and report on your computer security experiences in the lab sessions. You should also use appropriate references.


Explanation   计算机安全报告代写

You are required to write a detailed report, of about 500 words, that covers an aspect of computer security that you will have encountered in the labs and lectures. Marks will be awarded for the correctness and completeness of your answers (including whether or not you have explored each topic in enough depth, and whether what you have written about is technically correct). For top marks, any additional knowledge beyond what you have learned in the class sessions or labs will demonstrate that you have really understood the concepts.

You should carefully read Coursework RUBRIC.



Portfolio 01 Topic: Passwords   计算机安全报告代写

You are expected to write up to 500 words for this topic. A system administrator has asked you to design a new password and authentication policy for their network, and justify your choices. Given your experiences in the password labs and class sessions, what password policy would you advise?

In other words, what rules would you enforce on users for their passwords? These rules could involve constraints on the passwords, password use, expiration etc. Would you recommend any additional authentication measures? If so, what, and in which cases? Bear in mind that this policy would be rolled out to many users, so must be realistic as well as robust. Be sure to explain the reasoning behind your decisions. What attacks, for example, are you preventing with your password policy?




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