行为经济学代写 All work must be submitted anonymously. Please ensure that you add your candidate number and the module code to the template answer sheet provided.
All work must be submitted anonymously. Please ensure that you add your candidate number and the module code to the template answer sheet provided. Note that the candidate number is a combination of four letters plus a number, e.g. ABCD9. You can find your candidate number in your PORTICO account, under “My Studies” then the “Examinations” container. Please, note that the candidate number is NOT the same as your student number (8 digits), which is printed on your UCL ID card. Submitting with your student number will delay marking and when your results might be available.
Page limit: 10 pages 行为经济学代写
Your answers, excluding the cover sheet, should not exceed this page limit. Please note that a page is one side of an A4 sheet with a minimum margin of 2 cm from the top, bottom, left and right borders of the page. The submission can be handwritten or typed, but the font size should be no smaller than the equivalent to an 11pt font size. This page limit is generous to accommodate students with large handwriting. We expect most of the submissions to be significantly shorter than the set page limit. If you exceed the maximum number of pages, the mark will be reduced by 10 percentage points, but the penalised mark will not be reduced below the pass mark: marks already at or below the pass mark will not be reduced.
Answer ALL questions from Part A and Answer ONE question from Part B. 行为经济学代写
All questions carry equal weight. Please keep your answers for both parts precise and concise.
In cases where a student answers more questions than requested by the examination rubric, the policy of the Economics Department is that the student’s first set of answers up to the required number will be the ones that count (not the best answers). All remaining answers will be ignored.
By submitting this assessment, I pledge my honour that I have not violated UCL’s Assessment Regulations which are detailed in https://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/chapters/chapter-6-
student-casework-framework/section-9-student-academic-misconduct-procedure, which include (but are not limited to) plagiarism, self-plagiarism, unauthorised collaboration between students, sharing my assessment with another student or third party, access another student’s assessment, falsification, contract cheating, and falsification of extenuating circumstances.
PART A 行为经济学代写
Answer ALL questions from this section.
(a) Explain what is meant by (-preferences, and how it departs from exponential discounted utility model. Why do these type of preferences lead to the problem of time-consistency?
(b) She is naive?
(c) She is sophisticated?
(d) Can we draw any general lessons from this example? Please explain the intuition
behind your answers.
(e) Now imagine that you are tasked with designing a commitment mechanism that will help a present-biased Alicia with completing the task at an optimal time. Explain your mechanism and define when an how your mechanism should be used.
PART B 行为经济学代写
Answer ONE question from this section.
Mani, Mullainathan, Shafir and Zhao (2013) analyse the relationship between limited bandwidth and poverty.
(a) Why do these scholars think that studying this relationship is interesting? Why did they find the need to conduct two separate studies for their analysis?
(b) Explain the experimental procedure the authors used in this paper, particularly outlining the differences in the two studies they have conducted.
(c) What are their main findings? Does income affect cognitive function? Explain.
(d) Suppose you have to design a policy addressing the issues analysed in this paper; what would your recommendations be? Who would be the ideal audience for your policy?
B2 Prospect Theory:
(a) What are the main building blocks of prospect theory and how does it differ from
expected utility theory? Draw graphs if necessary.
(b) Describe two empirical or experimental phenomena that can be explained by prospect theory but not expected utility theory. (Note: Please make sure that at least one of the examples has not already been discussed in class and is your own)
(c) Consider Adam who needs to choose between two lotteries shown below: