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融资与投资代写 BPLN0027代写

2023-04-18 15:41 星期二 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:488

BPLN0027 Critical Issues in Infrastructure Funding,  Financing & Investment


融资与投资代写 This year we had a seminar session on the privatisation and financialisation of infrastructure (Session 9). At the seminar, discussions were based

Participation Alternative Assessment   融资与投资代写

This year we had a seminar session on the privatisation and financialisation of infrastructure (Session 9). At the seminar, discussions were based on 3 papers (which can be downloaded from the folder entitled ‘Papers for the Seminar’ in the ‘Session 9 – Seminar’ tab of the course’s Moodle page).

1) Kirkpatrick, L. O., & Smith, M. P. (2011). The Infrastructural Limits to Growth: Rethinking the Urban Growth Machine in Times of Fiscal Crisis. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 35(3), pp. 477–503.

2) O’Neill, P. M. (2013). The Financialisation of Infrastructure: The Role of Categorisation and Property Relations. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, Vol. 6, pp. 441–454.

3) Moss, T. (2003). Utilities, land-use change, and urban development: brownfield sites as `cold-spots’ of infrastructure networks in Berlin. Environment and Planning A, Vol. 35, pp. 511-529.



Read (again) these papers and provide an answer to the following three questions:   融资与投资代写

1) There seems to be a common perception that the role of state actors at different scales has been reduced in the context of the privatisation, unbundling, and financialisation of infrastructure and its transformation into an asset class. Is this always true? Based on the papers by O’Neill (2013) and Kirkpatrick and Smith (2011), what can we say about the role of the state actors in this new emerging context?

2) As illustrated by Kirkpatrick and Smith (2011), in this era of neoliberalism and fiscal austerity, local authorities are increasingly forced to embark upon speculative and risky financing strategies in the attempt to provide infrastructure facilities as a necessary precondition for local economic development and competitiveness.

Please, outline the major risks of these strategies as discussed by the authors.

  • According to many authors, under conditions of liberalisation and privatisation, the commercial strategies of private infrastructure and utility companies have led to the fragmentation of service provision. What is Moss(2003)’s argument with regard to the creation of ‘hot-spot’ and ‘cold-spot’ areas?


Submission Guidance   融资与投资代写

  • Write your answer in a Word document. You must submit the assignment viaMoodle (the resubmission link on the Moodle page will be made visible at the end of July) by Monday 16th August.
  • Write your post only after you have done the required readings.
  • Read carefully the questions.
  • Think of a thesis before writing.
  • Support your ideas with evidence (e.g. previous lectures, other course modules you have attended, literature sources, examples). Include full reference for the sources of knowledge employed at the end.
  • Make your posts clear and concise (i.e. approximately 100-150 words for each question).




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