Marketing communication代写 RABOSTIC is a model made up of 8 stages designed to research, plan, and implement marketing communication activities.
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Executive summary Marketing communication代写
RABOSTIC is a model made up of 8 stages designed to research, plan, and implement marketing communication activities. Two key words are identified when studying RABOSTICS. These are: Marketing communication and marketing plan. All organizations should formulate a good marketing communications strategy following the 8 stages shown by the matrix. The case gives an analysis of Elite Engineering Products Limited (EEPL), one of the leading steel manufacturing industries in Britain. Some of the discussed issues are situational analysis that discusses the internal and external factors affecting marketing communications, strategy and tactics, analyzing the communication strategies used; the media involvement, advertising, and technology advancement.
Executive summary ………………………………………………………………………………2
Introduction 4
Research and situation analysis 6
Strategy and tactics 8
Choosing the marketing communication agencies 8 Marketing communication代写
Technology advancement 11
Performance appraisal 12
Advertising and product design 13
Conclusion 14
References 16
Appendix1: The RABOSTIC planning model. 19
Appendix 2: Marketing communication strategies and tactics 20
List of figures
Figure 1: Planning and implementation of integrated marketing communications ………………3
Figure 2: The Integrated Market Communication Mix model ………………………………………10
Figure 3: Product Process Design Matrix ………………………………………………..…………1

RABOSTIC is a model made up of 8 stages designed to research, plan, and implement marketing communication activities (Pickton and Broderick, 2005). The framework is demonstrated on the appendix 1. Two key words are identified when studying RABOSTICS. These are: Marketing communication and marketing plan. Marketing communication is the process through which an organization communicates the needed information to the public. Marketing strategy is the plan that an organization undertakes in order to effectively market their products and achieve good returns (Fill, 2009; Daft Richard & Marcic, 2008).Marketing communication代写
Globalization and advancement in levels of technology in different nations is occurring at a rapid rate.
As such,
organization change has become the priority of most organizations in order to fit into these changes. Nevertheless, change in an organization has the potential of introducing either positive or negative effects on the organization. This calls for the management of the organization to formulate strategies and measures that need adoption in order to counteract change effects within the organization effectively and efficiently. Communication planning is a crucial part in marketing that requires dialogue between all the parties involved in management of various marketing elements necessary for developing a good strategic plan. Marketing communication makes use of such means as advertising, public relations, sales promotions, internet technology and the new forms of media (John, 2010).Marketing communication代写
Elite Engineering Products Limited (EEPL) is an established manufacturing company based in Britain and uses CNC machines with its products designed using CAD facilities.
EEPL specializes in the manufacture of different products used in the steel industry and engineering. Some of these products are: Metal Pedestal table bases, swivel chair bases, sofa feet and legs, structural glass fixings, glass clamps, kitchen products, wet room products, and tools and accessories. In order to effectively market their products and reach a big number of consumers, EEPL management should have good knowledge on ROBOSTIC. Communication is very important in every business since it makes aware customers from different locations on the company information. Through RABOSTIC, EEPL could improve their marketing value and reach more customers both locally and internationally. Figure 1 below represents stages followed in planning and implementation of integrated marketing communications.Marketing communication代写
Figure 1: Planning and implementation of integrated marketing communications

Business organizations always perform an analysis that aids in market entry strategies formulation. The market, cost, competitive advantage and government forms the globalization drivers that the country analysis basis the focus. This depicts weaknesses and strengths for a business to participate actively in the international market. Multinational business analysis, on the other hand, outlines the potentiality of the business to gain from the market participation. The analysis incorporates strategic levers such as marketing, location and product, and organization analysis such as culture, people, management and structure.
Research and situation analysis
For an organization to understand the market of its products a thorough research based on analysis of market situations and identification of potential opportunities for their brands is done. Market research involves data collection, both primary and secondary data. Qualitative research is a subjective method for data collection that aids in identification of new knowledge.Marketing communication代写
On the other hand, quantitative research limits the chances of new knowledge discovery. Qualitative research creates an opportunity for discovery of the meaning and understanding of the issues that relate to social life or human beings behaviour. This occurs since qualitative research has an element of descriptive and the respondents provide data deemed to reflect personal perceptions. Moreover, rapport and trust play a significant role in the data collection process in any kind of research. Qualitative research benefits in establishing the two elements in data collection process. As such, the data collected has an element of reliability (Harvey, 2006).
From figure 1,
situational analysis takes care of internal and external factors. Internal and external contexts of an organization have a significant influence in implementing marketing and communication activities in an organization. Therefore, the analysis of the same, aids in the formulation of the most effective measures and strategies that need adoption in an organization for streamlining communication process. For effective communication to take place in an organization, the organization has to adopt measures that aid in brand preparedness and awareness. After this, the organization needs to design for strategies, and finally evaluate the impact of these plans in the organization (Rowley, 2007; Caemmerer, 2009). EEPL management is the core driver to the type of marketing strategy to adopt in marketing their products. Some products like the steel doors are highly demanded in issues of security.Marketing communication代写
Brand marketing preparedness
and awareness calls for the organization to monitor the environment closely in order to discover a need for implementing communication strategies. The organization needs also to understand its culture and context of operation. Finally, the organization should endeavour in undertaking an extensive consultation with all stakeholders. These steps help the organization to identify communication need and to adapt it effectively. Communication design is a crucial step for acceptance of change in an organization. This calls for effective staff participation, communication of the objectives and vision of the organization, and providing training, as well as support to marketing and communication agents for the organization. The organization should also embark on seeking feedback concerning the plans, and recognizing, and rewarding, positive developments generated from these implementations (Proctor, 2000).Marketing communication代写
Distribution strategy helps businesses to concentrate and utilize the available resources and opportunities to realize profits and become competitive in the market (Armstrong and Kotler, 2008).
In developing appropriate distribution strategies, proper assessment of the internal and external environments of the business is essential. The internal environment includes type and nature of product, marketing mix and the distribution constraints. On the other hand, the external environment may include the nature, type and distribution of customers and competition in the market. Other external environmental factors could include technology, cultural, politics, legal and the economic environment. Assessment of the environmental factors helps in the development of appropriate strategic marketing distribution and communication plans. A proper distribution strategy is required to execute the distribution plans to realize the marketing objectives (Fill, 2009; Nwanko & Gbadamosi, 2011.).
Strategy and tactics Marketing communication代写
The selection of the best strategies and tactics to use in order to effectively increase sales of EEPL materials, some tools need to be analyzed. These are: choosing the marketing communication agencies; selection of market communication mix and creative execution; and technology advancement.Marketing communication代写
Choosing the marketing communication agencies
Organizations always attempt to implant messages in people, delivered through electronic channels and offer all parties an opportunity to reply, in order to create an interactive marketing communications (Fill, 2009, pg 773). Communication agencies are very important in delivering messages to customers and as such, their selection should be done thoroughly and keenly. This is achieved through the use of dialogue, user generated content, and marketing relationships.
In making decisions on the marketing communication agencies,
directors and marketing communications should ask the following questions. First, what elements of the marketing communications mix to use? Secondly, what should the creative execution look like? Finally, how to evaluate the campaign? EEPL has a variety of new brands that other competing companies have not yet produced. In such a situation, the methods of marketing communication mix to adopt should focus on communicating to people how to use the new product and holding demonstrations. On the other hand, the company should look for more creative marketing agencies capable of holding sound demonstrations and feeding the customers with all the needed information (Boyle, 2004).Marketing communication代写
In a typical marketing transaction, the value created is satisfaction of the parties involved in the business transaction. This satisfaction is derived from the expectations each party had prior to the transaction, and the ability to give what is expected. Therefore, exchange is the main value derived in the transaction process. Included in the exchange process are the products or services that the concerned parties expect from each other. These products and services act as indicators of the values of the transaction that takes place (Cagley, 1986).
Selection of market communication mix and creative execution
In selecting the market communication mix, the model shown in figure 2 is used. The marketing and communication strategies used by EEPL limit the organization from reaching all the interested customers. In developing a marketing communication strategy, several factors are considered. To start with, the strategy should make consumers aware of the products sold. EEPL produces very nice steel products therefore; the marketing agencies should create full awareness of such products to consumers (Moore & Pareek, 2010). Marketing a product aims at educating the consumer about that product, changing consumers’ buying perceptions, keeping consumers happy, stimulating them, and matching the competition. This tactics are shown in appendix 2Marketing communication代写
On the other hand, consumers need all the information concerning the products in the market.
Consumer needs in a product, vary largely. These needs include the appealing quality of a product, the packaging method used, the price of the product, or the attraction of the brand name developed. Some products when introduced in the market have higher prices than the related products, their quality is not appealing, have poor packing method that does not attract consumers and their brand name has no taste.
Therefore, the consumers do not prefer these kinds of products. However, a company may prevent its product from failing in the market in several ways. To begin with, the company needs to undertake an extensive market research to gather consumer preferences and related products prices information. In addition, the company needs to develop a brand name that will have an appealing taste to customers in the target market. Finally, the company needs to carry out an effective product promotion in order that the consumers become aware of a new product in the market.
Figure 2: The Integrated Market Communication Mix model
Technology advancement Marketing communication代写
Globalization and change in technology change have affected companies recently in a diverse way. Of the two factors, the change in technology bears more weight than globalization. This is due to the fact that, Information Technology (IT) is the major factor that leads to globalization. IT is heavily rooted in all the corners of the planet earth. Many people use internet services to search for products they desire and some even purchase them using this technology.Marketing communication代写
A company that uses this kind of technology in advertising its products will always find customers through e-business activities (Standing, Benson, & Karjaluoto, 2005). This worldwide advancement in technology has seen to it that many managers adopting the new technology. This has been so since most of the current global business transactions are been carried out via the internet. The changes in technology have further triggered the managers to adopt them in the management systems. These management systems help the manager to keep an effective track of the organization ranging from product marketing to communications within the organization (Madhavaram, Badrinarayanan, and McDonald, 2005).
The advancement in information technology has further subjected managers to diverse cultural settings.
This is associated with the fact that, the rapid changes in levels of technology have induced perfect competition among organizations in a global setting. In addition to this, changes in technology have led to managers starting to think globally, undertaking various decentralization measures for their organizations, adopting the accompanied change with the technology level, and carrying out an effective competition plan for their products. Need for improved performance and competition among the various organizations has led to adoption of changes in technology.Marketing communication代写
Media also plays a great role in marketing communication. Most media houses are involved in advertising different brands therefore; companies like EEPL should use such means to get to more customers.
Performance appraisal
Performance appraisal refers to a formal management system that provides evaluation on an individual’s level of performance (Grote, 2002). The performance appraisal provides feedback to employees on how they performed in the last one year since most organizations carry out the performance appraisal once a year. With this, employee knows the exact areas, which he or she needs to improve. He or she will in turn use this information to increase his or her level of performance. The performance appraisal helps the organization in making promotions to deserving and capable employees, and at the same time formulating effective reward scheme for the employees. In addition, it will making downsizing easier and justified for managers based on their performance results. Awarding of reward charges to individuals is determined from the performance appraisal.Marketing communication代写
The performance appraisal will also ensure that every member of the organization effectively sets and achieves goals. For the company to achieve its goal, the performance appraisal will make sure the poor performers get guidance on how to improve their productivity, and receive a considerable amount of motivation through encouragement. Managers identify areas that need coaching through the performance appraisal. This assists managers in exercising their leadership roles through mentoring their subordinates. In addition, the organization will also be able to decide the workforce they need in the future (Grote, 2002).
Advertising and product design
EEPL offers a facility-based business where the customers purchase a service from the business. Field based businesses involve one moving from one location to another thus customers receive services at the businesses premises. EEPL customers use the service at the time of purchase. Figure 3 shows the product mix design that the company uses to advertise its products.

Figure 3: Product Process Design Matrix
The Product design matrix allows some significant contact between customers and the marketer. The design is in a way that more sales takes place when the amount of time on face-to-face contact is more. It is clear that sales and production efficiency both compete for resource. Concentrating too much on production efficiency may lead to low sales opportunities while, on the other hand, giving so much focus on the sales opportunities may mean neglecting production efficiency (Gale Bradley & Wood Robert, 1994).
Conclusion Marketing communication代写
The success of marketing communications does not only depend on strategy execution alone but also, the methods and plans adopted by managers and marketers in a business. EEPL Company being one of the largest steel manufacturers in Britain may fail to achieve its marketing goals if they do not consider RABOSTICS. From the study, some of the significant factors that assist businesses to prosper in marketing have been discussed therefore; in following the discussed strategies, the company will get high sales within a one year period ().Marketing communication代写
Thorough research on market is important since it brings about clear understanding of consumers and their demands. Moreover, marketing communication assists in identifying the most profitable target segments that aid in identifying the best communications mix elements and media in order to reach the audiences effectively (Cowles and Kiecker, 1998). It is also important for a company to understand ways of penetrating the market through follow-up campaigns because of maintaining consumer prominent (Shapiro and Krishnan, 2001).Marketing communication代写
All efforts and activities in a business should have unity and focus on giving customers what they demand. If customers prefer to have constancy in service, the business should ensure that, if the customers are price sensitive, the businesses should offer fair prices, if customers focus, or are delighted more on reliability and variety, then the businesses should unify its efforts and resources toward delivering that. Businesses operate to attain growth through profits; thus, the operations should be cost effective (Lewis, & Slack, 2003).
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Appendix1: The RABOSTIC planning model.
(Adapted from Pickton and Broderick, 2005)Marketing communication代写
Appendix 2: Marketing communication strategies and tactics

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