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Sony Corporation Singapore


Institution Affiliation

营销代写essay案例 This mode of motivation was found effective as more it was noticed that employee morale at the workplace increased significantly.

Introduction of the Sony Corporation in Singapore

The Sony Electronics Company was established in Singapore on the 1st day of October 1999 (Sony, 2016). The corporation is comprised of three critical departments which make up the nature of the business. The first department is manufacturing which deals with the manufacture of energy technologies such as lithium ion polymer batteries. The second branch of the corporation is sales and marketing, which is involved in marketing as well as sales and service for consumer products in Singapore. Finally, the logistics and information department is responsible for creating solutions in the supply aspects of the business to other Sony corporations. The general plans for Sony Company in Singapore is to explore energy technologies and create batteries that would be used for various Sony products across the various branches of the corporation.

Job Analysis 营销代写essay案例

To achieve a high-quality performance, the organization has to understand as well as match the job requirements and people working in the company. In order to have this understanding, a job analysis is essential as it describes the process that provides detailed information about a given job. Analyzing jobs as well as understanding the process that is required to carry out certain tasks in the workplace provides critical knowledge for staffing, training, performance appraisal and many other human resource activities (Singh, 1994).

While preparing this job analysis, the first step that we took was to gather information about the tasks at the workplace of people who were already performing these tasks. Much of the information was obtained from the position supervisors and managers. According to the manager of the manufacturing department, the tasks are grouped into smaller jobs that can be conducted by an individuals or groups of individuals while the rest in performed by machines for the final production and packaging. The first subsection of Sony’s manufacturing department entails the research team which has the sole purpose of conducting studies in the evolving dynamics and new technologies in the energy storage sector.

Since Sony Corporation Singapore mainly deals with the production of Lithium Ion batteries to be used in the mobile phone devices,

the researchers are constantly studying the emerging developments and trying to create even better ways of power storage in the batteries for improved performance (Sony, 2014). The other subsection of the manufacturing department is the skilled engineering team which is responsible for providing engineering solution of how to better manufacture the batteries for improved performance based on the information obtained from the research team.  营销代写essay案例

The duties and responsibilities of the engineering team are mainly to design batteries for different mobile phone brands produced by Sony Incorporated in a manner that is precise ensuring the best performance of the batteries. After the design process is over, manufacturing can begin and the products packaged for transportation. The information and logistics department is responsible for the distribution of cargo across different Sony wholesalers and retailers across the country and different nations (Tseng & Yue, 2005).

Also, there is a sales and market department that assumes a greater responsibility for the corporation. It is this department that understands the market and determines where the finished products would be sold and thus hoe much revenue the company would acquire in a given financial year. The sales and marketing team, therefore, has the sole responsibility of establishing markets, organizing advertisement for the manufactured products and thus acting as a link between the corporation and the final consumer.


Job Design

While coming up with the job design, a number of factors were considered. First, the manner in which employees work in order to establish if they are motivated and how their level of motivation affects their output. Second, was to establish the manner in which efficiency can be increased in the jobs conducted by the employees of the corporation and coming up with ways to maximize this efficiency. Lastly, while conducting the job design, one of an essential factor that was considered was the health and safety factor of each and every employee working in the Sony Corporation Singapore.  营销代写essay案例

It was noted that in all departments, when the workers perform their jobs in the most effective and efficient manner, the organization benefits greatly by lowering the cost of production and increasing the average output per worker with greater benefits to the workers themselves in that they would not have to strain much when conducting their jobs (Tatar, 2011). Industrial engineering was the approach that was used to analyze the various jobs in the organization and establish how to maximize efficiency. Applying this approach was found to simplify the work within the various department.

The Manufacturing department is in charge of conducting research about energy technologies and producing high-quality batteries which are then distributed to other Sony companies in Singapore and across the globe by the Information and Logistics department.

In formulating the engineering approach, it was discovered that more technology input has to be incorporated into the system to ensure more efficiency and output in the production process (Chahine, Ripsam, & Landry, 2011). A reward system has also been incorporated in the company where employees are recognized for their hard work and dedication thus increasing the employee motivation.   营销代写essay案例

This mode of motivation was found effective as more it was noticed that employee morale at the workplace increased significantly. In addition, the design of health and safety was also considered for various departments. This is the way in which people use their bodies while they work, which might affect their physical well-being thus affecting how long they could work. The people in the manufacturing section must have Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to ensure that they are safe from any harm that might come in the way of their operations. Providing the employees with protective gear was found to be an effective way of ensuring that they are they are protected from any health hazard or physical harm at the workplace.

Recruitment Strategies  营销代写essay案例

The recruitment and selection process typically revolves around making decisions by an organization of which applicants would be considered for a given task. Recruitment strategies involve all new applicants submitting their paper for the assessment of their qualification. Since Sony is a world re-known and performance oriented company, it is dedicated is recruiting only the most talented people, with the capability of learning fast and implementing what has been learned in an effective manner. To become part of the team at Sony Singapore, there are a set of qualifications that an individual must have especially when they are applying in the manufacturing department.

The various positions in this department include design and production engineers, research engineers, technical experts otherwise known as the technicians and Engineering section manager. Since this department constitutes of 60% of the organization, many people who are recruited are in this sector. The first process in the recruitment strategy is the announcement of job positions in the company. This process allows for people to apply over a certain period after which the application window is closed (Dhawan, 2016). Everyone’s that applies in the window period allowed is considered, but only the people that are shortlisted by the human resources department working together with the head of the manufacturing department are considered for the next step.

After the shortlisting of the individuals that would best occupy this position or who have a better chance of acquiring the position,

information is sent out to the applicants through their emails welcoming them for an interview at the organization. The reason why interviews are the best bet for the recruitment process for this company is that the process of talking face to face could provide the evidence of interpersonal skills and communication skills in an individuals. In addition, interviews enable the employer to ask the potential employees of some questions which when best answered could match what they employee is looking for.   营销代写essay案例

As a company that is fair in its selection process, application to any job at the company is open to all races and religions without any discrimination whatsoever. When the short-listed applicants have completed the interview process, depending on the department in which they have applied, one or two things might result. For those that have applied in the sales and marketing department or transport and logistics department, only one interview is conducted and the successful candidates are absorbed into the corporation but are first trained over a period if they are fresh graduates or their jobs keenly observed for the first three months if they are experienced in the field they applied.

However, for those applying to the manufacturing department especially the engineering sector,

after the first interview, the people that are selected are taken through a second process where they are brought to the working stations and given small tasks to work on or provide a solution to a given task (Richardson, 2014). The way in which they would respond to these challenges would provide a team of skilled experts understand how the strong and weak points of the applicants and thus establish how to best train them to understand how to best work for the company and what their jobs would entail as engineers at Sony Corporation Singapore.

Selection Strategies and Implementation   营销代写essay案例

Sony Corporation is fair in its selection process. As earlier mentioned, there are no restrictions created in the application process. Similarly, in the selection process, there are no limitations that are created. There are some strategies that could be implemented in this process to ensure the best result in the selection of the working team in the company. The first step is to screen the resumes of the applicants. This task is carried out by the human resources staff that have the single purpose of reading the resumes and establishing the people who qualify for the given job requirements.

This is a critical step as it ensures that only people who meet certain criteria are selected for the interview with the company representatives. For this reason, Analyzing resumes and shortlisting candidates for interviews is the first strategy that is applied in the selection process of the Sony Company in Singapore. After the selected members have done an interview, the successful candidates are subjected to a test and their sample reviewed, which makes up the second selection strategy (International Trade Center, 2016). At this point, it is the duty of each applicant to work as hard as they can to impress the judges for the final selection process.

  After this process, the background information for the successful candidates is cross-checked to ensure that all the information provided is accurate.

This entails checking at the academic qualifications, experiences acquired from previous jobs and internships which might include cross-checking the referees as well to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. When everything is in order, the final strategy is to make an appropriate selection.   营销代写essay案例

Due to its reputation, the company must always ensure that it selects the right people for the job as it is the duty of the human resource to select highly effective employees that are capable of driving the company to the next level or achieve its goals. Making an appropriate selection is done by a relevant team of decision makers who make the final decision of the individual to be hired (Billikopf, 2012). It is at this point the candidate might enter into negotiations with the company of the amount of money they would want to be paid and afterward, the company representatives can make a decision of whether to hire the individual. If negotiations are agreed upon by both the employer and the potential employee, the recruit is welcomed into the dynamic working environment of the company.

In conclusion, every employee has a given task that they perform for the corporation in their various department.

The three major departments of the company are the manufacturing, sales, and marketing, information and logistics departments. Every employee in their respective department has their job description as it was capture before. Employee performance is key for the company, and therefore it can be improved ensuring they work in a safe and healthy environment and increasing their efficiency through motivation. In case there is an opening in the certain strategies can be incorporated can be implemented in the recruitment and selection strategies of the company as detailed. It is, therefore, the duty of every employee of the corporation to work together to achieve the various goals of the organization.

References  营销代写essay案例

Billikopf, G. (2012). Validating the Selection Process. Retrieved May 18, 2017, from nature.berkeley.edu: https://nature.berkeley.edu/ucce50/ag-labor/7labor/03.htm

Chahine, G., Ripsam, T., & Landry, E. (2011). A model for Improving Effectiveness and Efficiency. PWC, 1-24. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from https://www.strategyand.pwc.com/media/file/Shared-services-in-marketing-organizations.pdf

Dhawan, E. (2016, April 7). Recruiting Strategies for a Tight Talent Market. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from hbr.org/: https://hbr.org/2016/04/recruiting-strategies-for-a-tight-talent-market

International Trade Center. (2016). Selection Process. Retrieved May 18, 2017, from http://www.intracen.org: http://www.intracen.org/itc/about/working-with-itc/itc-careers/selection-process/   营销代写essay案例

Richardson, M. (2014). Recruitment Strategies. Retrieved May 18, 2017, from unpan1.un.org: http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/UN/UNPAN021814.pdf

Singh, P. (1994). Job Analysis for a Changing Workplace. School of Administrative Studies, 1-13. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from https://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10315/6300/HRM0021.pdf

Sony. (2014). Sony’s Story. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from http://www.sony.com.sg: http://www.sony.com.sg/article/214405/section/sonysstory

Sony. (2016). Sony Electronics (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from http://www.sony.com.sg: http://www.sony.com.sg/article/215901/section/sonycompanyoutline

Tatar, E. L. (2011). The Importance of Measuring Individual Performance to Increase Organizational Performance. The Regional Department of Defense Resources, 1-6. Retrieved May 18, 2017, from http://journal.dresmara.ro/issues/volume2_issue1/14_tatar.pdf

Tseng, Y.-y., & Yue, W. L. (2005). The Role of Transportation in Logistics Chain. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 1-16. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from https://www.siam.org/journals/plagiary/1657.pdf



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