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Concealed Weapons Viewpoints Essay – Part II

Christina McCants

Strayer University

PHI 210

Professor Queen Meheux

英语essay代写北美 Concealed weapons, when used by responsible and law abiding citizens, definitely helps in deterring crime.

Intro Pro Concealed Weapons  英语essay代写北美

With the issuance of licenses that allowed the use of concealed weapons by American citizens for their protection, the debate regarding whether or not this was the right decision to be made. There are many pros and cons of having this license. Responsible citizens are a familiar source of support for the use of weapons (Lott, 2013).

Those people who carry such arms have the responsibility to use them for the good, and some responsible citizens are able to help and support other people who might be in need of protection. According to the 2nd amendment, US citizens have the right to bear arms. When an individual possesses a concealed weapon, then the likelihood of it being used to reduce crimes is increased. It is also a common way to stand up for injustice and focus on the wellbeing of others (Kleck, 2016). The sensible use of guns can help the police to deter criminal activities.  I believe that accountable and law-abiding citizens can assist in preventing crimes if they have concealed weapons.


Premises Supporting View

Concealed weapons, when used by responsible and law abiding citizens, definitely helps in deterring crime. States that implemented “shall-issue” concealed carry laws reduced murders by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7%, and robbery by 3% (Procon, 2018). When an individual has a concealed weapon and uses it responsibly, then he or she can help in significantly reducing crime rates, because it can be used to defend oneself, and also to scare the offenders, thus, ensuring that the crime is prevented.

When National Opinion Research Center conducted a study, their results indicated that 59% people who carry concealed weapons with them, do so because it makes them feel safe and able to protect themselves if ever a need arises (Procon,2018). When a responsible citizen carries a concealed weapon with them, they are likely to never use it, except to scare away any attacker who might target them.  英语essay代写北美

William Sturdevant presented a report which stated that adults who carry concealed weapons are less likely to be arrested for violent or non-violent offenses (Procon, 2018). This is because adults who carry concealed weapons are more responsible and aware of the responsibility they have. They cannot simply misuse the weapon they have issued for themselves and their family’s security. This is why they are less likely to be caught up in non-violent or violent offenses, because they are conscious of it.

Opposing Views  英语essay代写北美

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, states that allowed the use of concealed guns between 1977 and 2010, had a 2% or more increase in the murder rate, and at least 9% increases in rates of rape, aggravated assault, robbery, auto theft, burglary, and larceny (Procon, 2018). This research provides a trend analysis of how the crime rates have been affected ever since the issuance of concealed weapons, and the stats are not in favor of this law.

In response to the premise I presented for my view, a study was published which stated that a person carrying a concealed weapon was over 4 times likely to get shot than someone who did not have a weapon to begin with (American Journal of Public Health, 2009). This is an argument which I find may be true, because a criminal is likely to attack someone when they think they will be attacked using a concealed gun first, just out of panic or simply anger.

While it may be true that the weapons that are owned by responsible citizens may not be used irresponsibly, however, allowing concealed weapons to be owned may result in the weapons falling in the wrong hands, as even background checks and the application requirements cannot prevent the wrong people getting license for the weapon. Between 1996 and 2000, the Violence Policy Center states that concealed handgun permit holders in Texas were arrested for weapon-related offenses at a rate 81% higher than the rest of the Texas population (Procon, 2018).  英语essay代写北美

While I evaluated the premises for and against my position, I realized that I was being influenced by the confirmation bias, which was making me agree with the points that were in support of my point of view, even though there was compelling evidence against it. Additionally, I also experienced the anchoring bias, even though its influence was strong, it was still there, since I formed an opinion based on the initial piece of observation I had made. Additionally, since I am a part of the majority of the people who believe that concealed weapons should be allowed, therefore, I feel that this identification with the group of people who agree with me, led me to strongly believe this notion as well.

Conclusion  英语essay代写北美

After viewing all of the evidence that has been presented in this paper, for and against my view, I believe that it is indeed difficult to come to a sound decision of whether or not concealed weapons should really be allowed as they have both benefits and drawbacks. While I do feel that the benefits stand to be more, the data that I have gone over says otherwise, and I feel that perhaps I need to revisit the way I think about it.

In order to ascertain whether or not allowing the use of concealed weapons is right, I will conduct more research. While my view hasn’t changed for now, I still feel that there is more to be considered than just a couple of points and I will read up on it further in order to ascertain whether my belief is correct or not. Hence, it has forced me to think about it further, even though I still believe that when in the hands of a responsible person, concealed weapons will be used to deter crime and help the authorities.


Kleck, G., Kovandzic, T., & Bellows, J. (2016). Does gun control reduce violent crime?. Criminal justice review41(4), 488-513.

Lott, J. R. (2013). More guns, less crime: Understanding crime and gun control laws. University of Chicago Press.

Spitzer, R. J. (2015). Politics of gun control. Routledge.

Concealed Guns ProCon.org. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2018, from




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