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英文Essay学生论文代写 Rio De Janeiro an anchor to the Rio De Janeiro metropolitan area, which is known as the second most populous municipality in Brazil.

Rio de Janeiro history


Rio De Janeiro an anchor to the Rio De Janeiro metropolitan area, which is known as the second most populous municipality in Brazil. It is also known as the sixth most populous country in the Americans. Rio de Janeiro is also called the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro, which is the third most populous state. From historical references, it is found that the Portuguese rulers were the very first ones to rule Rio in 1st century. As the opening of the land forms the bay, “the opening of the river”, hence it was named Rio de Janeiro which means, “River of January”.

The place was also a major source of attraction for French because they wanted to make Rio one of the best strategic positions as well as to make it a foothold in the city. It resulted in war, so Portuguese leaders shifted Rio de Janeiro to the middle of the hills which is also known as Castle Hill. When Brazil get independence in 1889, Rio was named capital. With the passage of time, Rio has changed. One of the central features of historical reference was the demolition of Central Zone that was expanded to the city and the land was reclaimed with an am to build the Central Business District. All the hills were wiped out, place was divided into three zones. The north zone was turned into an industrial area while the South Zone was limited and set for the wealthy people.    英文Essay学生论文代写

Today, the population of the city is “6.32 million”, which a profound profile of beauty of beaches and the peaks, hills and the ridges that are all covered by the tropical forests.

The city is the center of leisure for Brazilians and it is one of the reasons that the future of the city is seen to be growing and prospering by the tourist funds. In addition, there are positive scopes of economic development, where activities range from industrial development to that of both national and international trade.

There are both dark and light sides associated with the future transformation of Rio. The city has taken maximum advantage of the urban-improvement programs. One of the significant attention and prediction to the growth of Rio De Janeiro is in the form of the Olympic Games, that is assumed and predicted to break the long circle of urban imbalance and pave the way for the future model of social, territorial and economic developed by about 48%. This, in the coming years, is seen as a more socially balanced city that will be having a better infrastructure with a well-groomed economic value proposition.

Major Problems

There are some significant issues faced by Rio, taking into account that these issues are so critical that a lack of any positive effort will darken the future of Brazil. These challenges are environmental, social and economic.

Environmental Challenges  英文Essay学生论文代写

Environmental challenges are diverse, taking into account that the waterways in Brazil are polluted. The major driver for the polluted waterways is the lack of modern sanitation programs. Although Olympic organizers promised that they will clean the waterways of city at their 2009, but the promise is not filled yet. Significant issues are seen at the Guanabara Bay where tons of raw savage is pumped into beach every day. It was planned to build eight treatment plans but only a single plant is built. In reference to the news received from Associated Press, it is found that there is a prevalence of Super Bacteria which is the prime reason that the people are not able to boat or swim in the water. There are more than 1 billion viruses that are extracted from human sewage and it has become part of the swimming sites. Zika fear is also a prime concern which infers that the mosquito-borne virus is one of the life threats for the people of Rio. There are a number of high profile athletes who have actually dropped out of games base on the Zika fear.


Social Challenges

There are some significant social challenges that are faced by Rio, taking into account that these issues can threaten all related features and aspects of Rio. One of the significant issues is migration, where significant issues are faced because of the rapid growth in the past few years, guided by rural to urban migration. There are some major causes of migration, such as few job opportunities, low wages, and no land ownership. Lack of social amenities and difficulties in farming. Then, pull factors are also significant such as higher wages, better social life, better facilities and transport, and communication facilities.  英文Essay学生论文代写

Another issue that is faced by the people is housing, taking into account that massive immigration has resulted in a shortage of houses. People have to live in favelas that are small houses built in shantytowns. As the city is undergoing rapid development, transport issues are also prominent taking into account that the central business district is very congested that is accompanied by a high level of air pollution people have to face this issue while the rich have self-owned cars. In addition, the roads in the favela areas are having dirt tracks where people have to walk to reach their destinies. Other challenges are high level of crimes such as drug abuse and violence that is accompanied by a high rate of street crimes. The city also faces issues in terms of the provision of healthcare services, there is a shortage of clinics and hospitals, as a high level of illness prevails.

Economic challenges are also playing a central role in deteriorating the life standards and conditions of people, taking into account that there are two significant economic challenges. Poverty is a major concern, there is a massive gap between rich and poor citizens. Many of the people living very close to the central business district while others can’t even find shelter. Then, employment is one of the most critical issues. There are very few job opportunities for the people or the people who are living in favelas. As a result of a poor system that has made it very hard for the residents in the favelas to travel and work, there are a lot of citizens who are working informal job sectors such as street sellers and the shoe shiners.

Cause of challenges and problems

From different research articles, it is found that there are some significant drivers of the issues that are faced by people. One of the causes is the lack of attention and lack of adherence that is showed by the political leaders. Under this influence, there are bleak agreements with futile initiatives. All the initiatives and the actions taken by the authorities are confined to the generation of current revenue. There is no future significance in any of the decision that is taken by the government.

Then, many of the people have found residents as the major cause of all issues because, in the end, it is the citizens who can bring progress. Gaps are seen in the attention that the residents gave to the growth of the city, people only seek temporary survival option even if they have to put natural resources on stake. In the end, it is found that there is a lack of check and balance which has added to the issues that are faced by the city. If there would have been any attention given by the authorities, then the people would not have indulged in street crimes and even in poverty because the government is not taking actions that can restore regulatory system or law and order.

Proposition  英文Essay学生论文代写

In order to address the proposed problem, significant steps are taken at both the international and national levels. Significant attention is given by UNESCO in the form of internal conference that was meant to design ways and means that can restore development of Rio. Thus a plan is issued that can address issues such as Public Order Shock Program that aim at making city safe. In addition, PRONATEC National Program for Access to Technical Education and is also introduced to educate and reform the career opportunities for people. Several other policies and plans are introduced that will help to address the environmental challenges.

Among these policies are the Research and Innovation Observatory that is intruded to keep a check on the activities for development that has collaborated with Rio for its improvement. In addition, The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility is also significant that offers insight and avenues that can be used for the implementation and evaluation of the reforms that can enhance the quality of the life of the people as well as improve the global image of the city. Several improvements are also under process in reference to the strategic plan 2017 to 2020 in which designs are issued to address all the possible issues that are faced by Rio. The district improvement plan, 2019-2020 is also one of those initiatives that have proved to be effective for the development of Rio. All these programs not only address the social issues but they are the prime source of engagement of public in the political and industrial affairs so that gaps can be filled.  英文Essay学生论文代写

I am very optimistic about the future of the city and its habitants, taking into account that the city is one of the centers for international attention.

Sooner or later, the attention of major institutions will be directed towards the welfare of the cities. Then, the stance of policies and legal frameworks that are under process or introduced such as PRONATEC will not only be a source of upheaval but it will restore the welfare of the city.

The people of the city are also much welcoming and passionate about the future of the city, where it is found that the people and residents are themselves approaching authorities and national and international departments to take initiatives to save Rio so that it can be saved from long term and short term issues. All these natives create a positive image of the future of Rio. Another major motivation for me to think positively about Rio is the resources it has got. I always see Rio as a place that needs minor attention to overcome major issues. Then, with the passage of time, the governmental affairs are aloe regulated by the external interference and the opinions of the educated youth. Different blogs and other forums have confirmed that the current generation of Rio is more towards the sustainable development of Rio.

In the next ten years, it is predicted that the city will be in the limelight’s of the world the amount of attention both industrial, touts it and economic given to Rio will be a hallmark of welfare. One such evince is the FIFA and summer carnival that has gained international attention. If the situation will remain the same, the world will be deprived of the major sources of recreation that are not just connected to Rio but to the globe. In addition, in the context of industrial development, it is highlighted that the city will be grooming because of the increasing completion.  英文Essay学生论文代写

The people of the city will also be shifted to the new paradigms of improved mentality because youth is the major change agent.

It is found that the younger generations are much careful and attentive towards the position of the city and the resources it has to address world needs. All these connections assert that within the next ten years, the world will have a new version of Rio which will not only be a source of entertainment but it will be a dream city.

If I was the Mayor of the city or if I would be given any significant position, I would be more technical and systematic rather than welcoming only. I would have planned the charter for FIFA and carnival so that all the resources can directly or indirectly be spent for the welfare of the city. Then, I will approach the international authorities because I know that Rio is an international platform so the internal platform would have automatically addressed the environmental issues. In terms of social issues, firstly I would try to introduce significant policies for the management of different departments such as social, political, tourist and economic so that there is no mess of departments. I would have introduced a strict social order that can restore peace in the city. In terms of the development of the city, the combination of all the revenue and resources will be used, where I would prefer the education and upheaval along with the safe life of citizens over other things such as Sport Avenue and tourism.



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