Math 135A: HW4
Due Friday, February 26
英文数学作业代写 Consider a random walk on the integer lattice Z. At each unit time step the walkertakes one step to the left or one step to the right.
1.Let X1, X2, and X3denote continuous random variables with joint density function fX1,X2 ,X3 . That is 英文数学作业代写
Y1 := X1, Y2 := X1X2, Y3 = X1X2X3.
a)Find the joint density function for Y1, Y2, andY3.
b)AssumeX1, X2, and X3 are independent and uniformly distributed on [0, 1]. Find the densityfunction for Y3. Verify that your result implies E(Y3) = 1/8 (why is this easy to see without computing the density function of Y3?)
2.Consider a random walk on the integer lattice Z. 英文数学作业代写
At each unit time step the walkertakes one step to the left or one step to the right. If the walker is at an even numbered lattice site, the probability of one step to the right is pe and one step to the left is qe := 1 − pe. Similarly, if the walker is at an odd numbered lattice site, the probability of one step to the right is po and one step to the left is qo := 1 − po. Let T e denote the time for the first passage to the site +1 given that the walker startsat the side Let T o denote the first passage time to the site +2 given that the walker starts at the site +1.
Introduce the generating functions
a)Show that F eand F o satisfy the equations
b)Fromthe above equations derive a quadratic equation for F e(s). Solve your equation for F e(s).I got the result
Note the algebraic identity peqo − poqe = pe − po. Note that when pe = po = p the above result reduces to 英文数学作业代写
which was derived in class.
3.Arandom walk in discrete time is performed on the graph shown in Figure From each vertex the walker is equally likely to choose one of the neighbors connected by a bond. 英文数学作业代写
Using the labelling in the figure, write down the transition matrix P . Find the invariant measure π; that is, the probability measure that satisfies π · P = π.
4.The cumulant generating function KX(s) of the random variable X is defined by 文数学作业代写
KX (s) = log(E(esX))
Assuming that KX has a convergent Taylor expansion
the κn(X) is called the nth cummulant of X.
a)Express κ1(X), κ2(X), and κ3(X) in terms of the moments of X.
b)Let X be normally distributed with mean zero and variance 1, find the cumulants of X. Hint: First find an expression for E(sX) and then take the logarithm.
c)Suppose X and Y are independent random variables. Showthat
κn(X + Y ) = κn(X) + κn(Y ).
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