Project Planning
英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写 This project is spearheaded by Queensland Book Company. The project aims at providing an online ordering system for their customers.
1. Executive Summary
3.1High Level Solution of the Project
3.2 Project Initiation
3.3 Project Planning
3.4 Design 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
3.4.1Development and Testing
3.5 Project Resource Management
3.6 Project communication
3.7 Project cost
3.8 project communication 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
3.9 Project Risk Management
6. Conclusion
1.Executive Summary 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
This project is spearheaded by Queensland Book Company. The project aims at providing an online ordering system for their customers. The project aims at adding new ordering methods to the existing ones.
The information technology of the solution has be designed to have an web application which will have java/ jsp web pages and will be connected to the world over the internet. This application will have a back end database where all the information will be stored. The web application will be linked to the database and will query and return the information as required.
The author is engaged to the project as a project manager and as part of the project management has performed various aspects of project management like Project planning, project, project execution, project monitoring and project closing. 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
In this project, schedule, cost and quality will be managed by three people. The project manager, his deputy and a senior staff will oversee the running of the project. The project also follows a standard information technology methodology of Requirements capture, design, develop, test and deploy.
It can be said that when the project management tools and techniques are followed, the probability of the project achieving its objectives are more.
1.执行摘要 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
该解决方案的信息技术已被设计为具有包含 java/jsp 网页并通过 Internet 连接到世界的 Web 应用程序。此应用程序将有一个后端数据库,其中将存储所有信息。 Web 应用程序将链接到数据库,并将根据需要查询和返回信息。
2. Introduction
Projects are temporal activities that are done to provide goods and services to many people. They go through processes before they can get approved. It is important to do adequate research before any project to determine whether the project will be beneficial or wasteful (Crosall B 2011). It encompasses Setting objectives (these should be measurable), identifying deliverables, planning the schedule, making supporting plans (Rouse M 2007).
This project is related to a book store in Queensland, hence forth referred to as “the bookstore”. The Book store has launched a prestigious flagship project in which it would be starting internet based operations in which a customer can order online from any part of the globe and his order would be processed by shipping the ordered book to the physical address. 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
Providing a softcopy of the books and providing the capability to download the ebook was also in scope of this project.
The project has engaged the author as a project manager to execute this project. As part of this project the high level plan is to implement a data base which will store all the information about the book’s stock and inventory and a front end web application which will be available via internet to customers across the globe. Ebooks and shipping activity of hard covered books are treated as separate components which will be finally integrated to the newly developed information technology (IT) solution as part of this project.
It is to be noted that this report is based on pure speculation by the author and in no way may represent the actual solution for the bookstore. The idea of this report is to demonstrate the author’s knowledge in project management skills in managing a similar kind of project.
2. 简介 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
项目是为向许多人提供商品和服务而进行的临时活动。他们在获得批准之前要经过流程。在任何项目之前进行充分的研究以确定项目是有益还是浪费是很重要的(Crosall B 2011)。它包括设定目标(这些应该是可衡量的)、确定可交付成果、规划时间表、制定支持计划(Rouse M 2007)。
该项目已聘请作者作为项目经理来执行该项目。作为该项目的一部分,高级计划是实施一个数据库,该数据库将存储有关书籍库存和库存的所有信息,以及一个前端 Web 应用程序,该应用程序将通过互联网提供给全球客户。电子书和精装书的运输活动被视为单独的组件,这些组件最终将作为该项目的一部分集成到新开发的信息技术 (IT) 解决方案中。
3. Discussion
3.1 High Level Solution of the Project
The proposed solution to the Book store revolves around the implementation of a web application which will be hosted on a web server and will be connected to the world by the internet. This application will have a listing of the available books at the book store along with its description, some information about the author and its cost in local currency. 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
The order placing process is also simple and users are free to browse the website without any registration and view the availability of books in the catalog page, in case some title interests the user, he may navigate to any individual book page where details of the book and its author are available. When the user is ready to buy a book he can add the book to his cart and do a regular check out process in which he can opt for a softcopy of the book (ebook) or a bounded book which will be shipped to his address. Based on his selection, the logistics costs are added and on completion of the financial transaction of the user, the order is placed. The architecture of the proposed solution can be shown as :
(Egnyte 2013)
Project Management Activities of the solution
Based on the above general information on the project and the high level solution the following project management activities are carried out.
3. 讨论 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
3.1 项目高层解决方案
建议的书店解决方案围绕 Web 应用程序的实现,该 Web 应用程序将托管在 Web 服务器上并通过 Internet 连接到世界。此应用程序将列出书店中可用的书籍及其描述、有关作者的一些信息及其以当地货币表示的费用。
(埃尼特 2013)
3.2 Project Initiation
As part of the project initiation activity the project charter and the statement of work was developed which will give the project manager an initial scope of the project and a go ahead to start work on the project. 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
Once the project Statement of work is signed, the project manager starts with the project planning phase in which the project work break down structure will be created and the project schedule created.
3.2 项目启动
3.3 Project Planning
Project planning is an important phase of the project in which the blue print of the project is created.
Project planning mainly consist of schedule planning, resource planning and cost planning.
During the planning phase of the project the project solution is decomposed into smaller units of works called Work break structure (WBS) This activity helps to manage the project as it is easy to manage smaller bits than a large piece. 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
The project will be divided into the following high level WBS (level 1)
- Requirement gathering
- Design
- Development and testing
- Ebooks component implementation
- Logistics component arrangement
- Go live activities.
Requirement Gathering: Requirement gathering is the activity in which the projects stake holders and business leads are interviewed. The basis of these interviews is to gather the business requirements for the project.
The business requirements can be consolidated in the following business requirements:
- Have an online portal which will display the inventory at the book store along with the book description, author description and price.
- A user will be able to select a book and add to cart.
- The user will be able to modify the cart easily (Add, modify, delete books)
- The financial transaction performed by the user will be executed in a secured manner.
- The user will be provided with the choice to purchase an ebook or a hard copy book.
3.3 项目规划
在项目的规划阶段,项目解决方案被分解为更小的工作单元,称为工作中断结构 (WBS)。此活动有助于管理项目,因为管理较小的部分比管理大的部分更容易。
- 需求收集
- 设计
- 开发和测试
- 电子书组件实现
- 物流组件安排
- 去现场活动。
- 拥有一个在线门户,该门户将显示书店的库存以及书籍描述、作者描述和价格。
- 用户将能够选择一本书并添加到购物车。
- 用户将能够轻松修改购物车(添加、修改、删除书籍)
- 用户执行的金融交易将以安全的方式执行。
- 将向用户提供购买电子书或硬拷贝书的选择。
3.4 Design
The design phase of the project is in which the conceptual and the low level design will be done, Design is the blue print on basis of which the actual development takes place. A feasibility study will also be undertaken as part of the design. During the feasibility study phase, the feasibility of the solution is undertaken where the implementation of the project will studied. Only on completion of the feasibility phase the conceptual design and later phases are executed. 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
3.4 设计
项目的设计阶段是进行概念和底层设计,设计是实际开发发生的蓝图。 可行性研究也将作为设计的一部分进行。 在可行性研究阶段,在研究项目实施的地方进行解决方案的可行性。 只有在可行性阶段完成后,才会执行概念设计和后续阶段。
3.4.1 Development and Testing
Development phase of the project is when the actual project code is being built. For this project development has been divided into three streams:
- Back end stream: The solution of this project consists of a data base design and development, in the back end stream the back end database model is prepared and based on the logical model a physical database is prepared. The main requirements for the data base come form the information which is to be stored for the operations of the business. 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
- Front end stream: The second major component of the solution is the front end in which is the view the world would see. This solution develops a web application hosted on a web server which will have various java pages (screens) and a defined navigation flow between pages which will ensure the user of the website has a good user experience navigating through the website. The front development stream deals with the development of these front end screens.
- Middle ware integration: The solution develops a middle ware which will integrate the back end and the front end. This is the mainly in form of queries issues by the front end and executed by the back end.

The testing phase of the project will be divided into three cycles:
- Unit testing: in unit testing, individual testing of the components will be done as and during development of the system.
- System integration testing: in System integration testing, the complete system will tested in whole for its functionality. It is during this time performance and regression testing will done.
- User acceptance testing: this will be the final phase of the project when the user tests the application and certifies its fitness for use.
This high level WBS along with their sub tasks have been plotted against the project plan generated in Microsoft Project 2010. Based on the WBS and their detail the project schedule is created by allocating the duration. A snap shot of the Project schedule can be shown as. The above screen print shows certain tasks in Red colour, these are the tasks which are said to be on the critical path. Any change in the duration of the critical path changes the overall project schedule.
3.4.1 开发与测试
- 后端流:该项目的解决方案包括数据库设计和开发,在后端流中准备后端数据库模型,并基于逻辑模型准备物理数据库。对数据库的主要要求来自于为业务运营而存储的信息。
- 前端流:解决方案的第二个主要组成部分是前端,它是世界将看到的视图。该解决方案开发了一个托管在 Web 服务器上的 Web 应用程序,该应用程序将具有各种 java 页面(屏幕)和页面之间定义的导航流,这将确保网站用户在浏览网站时拥有良好的用户体验。前端开发流程处理这些前端屏幕的开发。
- 中间件集成:该解决方案开发了一个将后端和前端集成在一起的中间件。这主要是前端查询问题,后端执行。
- 单元测试:在单元测试中,组件的单独测试将在系统开发过程中进行。
- 系统集成测试:在系统集成测试中,整个系统将对其功能进行整体测试。正是在这段时间内,性能和回归测试将完成。
- 用户验收测试:当用户测试应用程序并证明其适用性时,这将是项目的最后阶段。
此高级 WBS 及其子任务已根据 Microsoft Project 2010 中生成的项目计划绘制。根据 WBS 及其详细信息,通过分配工期来创建项目进度表。项目时间表的快照可以显示为。上面的屏幕打印以红色显示某些任务,这些任务被认为是在关键路径上。关键路径持续时间的任何变化都会改变整个项目进度。
3.5Project Resource Management
Based on the project plan the following project resources have been identified and their main responsibility is as:
Resource Profile | Main responsibility |
英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写 | |
Business Analyst | Requirements gathering for new functionality |
database analyst and Developer | Back end design and Development |
Web application analyst and Developer | Front end design and Development |
Test analyst | Testing of application and assisting user to perform user acceptance testing |
Project Manager | Stake holder management and Project management |
3.5 项目资源管理
资源概况 | 主要责任 |
业务分析师 | 新功能的需求收集 |
数据库分析师和开发人员 | 后端设计与开发 |
Web 应用程序分析师和开发人员 | 前端设计与开发 |
测试分析师 | 应用测试并协助用户进行用户验收测试 |
专案经理 | 利益相关者管理和项目管理 |
3.6 Project Costs
The project cost management deals with the project costs.
In this project the major cost involved is the resources cost which will be needed to executed the other costs like the hardware cost and logistics costs are not calculated in the project costing below.
The resource cost can be calculated from the project management tool and it can be summed to a total of: 157160$.
The cost Vs project progress measured by the time since the project started can be plotted as:
Cumulative (Days) | Cost (cumulative) |
5 | $3,200.00 |
15 | $9,600.00 |
25 | $16,000.00 |
30 | $22,600.00 |
40 | $33,800.00 |
45 | $39,400.00 |
60 | $56,200.00 |
75 | $64,600.00 |
90 | $73,000.00 |
115 | $73,000.00 |
140 | $87,000.00 |
150 | $92,600.00 |
160 | $98,200.00 |
175 | $106,600.00 |
182 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写 | $109,960.00 |
191 | $120,040.00 |
203 | $126,760.00 |
208 | $129,560.00 |
212 | $131,800.00 |
216 | $134,040.00 |
223 | $137,400.00 |
230 | $140,760.00 |
235 | $143,160.00 |
238 | $144,600.00 |
248 | $150,880.00 |
258 | $156,480.00 |
259 | $157,160.00 |
Please note the above numbers are obtained from the project management tool from the project plan.
The project schedule as obtained from the project plan can be showed in the Gantt chart. (Please refer to the project plan)
3.6 项目成本
资源成本可以从项目管理工具中计算出来,总计为:157160 美元。
累计(天) | 成本(累计) |
5 | $3,200.00 |
15 | $9,600.00 |
25 | $16,000.00 |
30 | $22,600.00 |
40 | $33,800.00 |
45 | $39,400.00 |
60 | $56,200.00 |
75 | $64,600.00 |
90 | $73,000.00 |
115 | $73,000.00 |
140 | $87,000.00 |
150 | $92,600.00 |
160 | $98,200.00 |
175 | $106,600.00 |
182 | $109,960.00 |
191 | $120,040.00 |
203 | $126,760.00 |
208 | $129,560.00 |
212 | $131,800.00 |
216 | $134,040.00 |
223 | $137,400.00 |
230 | $140,760.00 |
235 | $143,160.00 |
238 | $144,600.00 |
248 | $150,880.00 |
258 | $156,480.00 |
259 | $157,160.00 |
3.7 Project communication
Project communication management is an important aspect which determines the project success criteria. A project consists of various stake holders who have varied interest levels in the project, it is very important to keep all the stake holders on the same page, this can be best achieved by proper communication. Not only stake holders the project team performs various functions which need to take inputs from other functions, hence it is important that the project team should in on the same page which is again achieved by a communication plan. 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
The project will have a communication plan which would have the following details:
- What communication is to be sent to stakeholders at what frequency
- frequency of status reports
- Maintenance of communication log where decisions are made.
- (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed)RACI identified for communication generator, distributor
- Publishing, distribution and storage of in general communication.
A sample status report should contain the following information and should be generated and published periodically.
Project Type
Start Date
End Date
Reporting Date
% Completion
Objective / Key Activities
Key accomplishments for reporting period
Upcoming milestones / tasks for next reporting period
Action to Mitigate
Health indicator:
Overall Health:
3.7 项目沟通
- 以什么频率向利益相关者发送什么信息
- 状态报告的频率
- 维护通信日志,用于做出决策。
- (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed) RACI 为通信生成器、分销商确定
- 一般通信的发布、分发和存储。
3.9 Project Risk Management
As part of the project management activities, risk management was actively taken. The following activities were performed as part of risk management:
- Identification of potential risks to the project
- Identification of the characteristics of the risk
- Identification of the mitigation strategy for the risk
Based on the above risk management activities the following risk plan has been prepared for the company. 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
Risk # | Risk | Risk Description |
Risk Identification |
Risk Mitigation | Risk probability |
Impact if occurred. |
1 | Failure to gather requirements in complete | Business requirements not captured to the required level of detail. | 1. changes in scope of the project or scope creep. 2. Requirements captured not enough to solve requirement |
1. A requirements workshop will be conducted where all stake holders will be walk throughed to the captured requirements which will address any missing or misunderstood requirements. | High | High |
2 | Hardware compatibility Risks | The current hardware of the company is not compatibility with the new solution | 1. programs fail to install in the existing environment. 2. performance issues, slow response etc. |
A feasibility study will be conducted to check the feasibility of the new software on the current hardware. | Low | High |
3 | Software compatibility risks | The new software is not compatible with the hardware or does not integrate with the existing software. |
1. programs fail to install in the existing environment.
A feasibility study will be conducted to check the feasibility of the new software integration with the existing software. | Low | High |
4 | Solution not in line with requirements. | The solution does not address all the requirements. | all expected functionality not available. | 1. A requirement traceability matrix will be generated where all the business requirements will be traced to the solution. In an event any requirement is not been able to be traced to the solution, it will be flagged as not addressed. | High | High |
3.9 项目风险管理
- 识别项目的潜在风险
- 识别风险特征
- 确定风险缓解策略
风险 # | 风险 | 风险描述 | 风险识别 | 风险缓解 | 风险概率 | 如果发生影响。 |
1 | 未能完整收集需求 | 未捕获到所需的详细级别的业务需求。 | 1. 项目范围的变化或范围蔓延。 2. 捕获的需求不足以解决需求 |
1. 将举办一个需求研讨会,所有利益相关者将被引导到捕获的需求,以解决任何缺失或误解的需求。 | 高的 | 高的 |
2 | 硬件兼容性风险 | 公司当前硬件与新方案不兼容 | 1. 程序在现有环境中安装失败。 2.性能问题,响应缓慢等。 |
将进行可行性研究,以检查新软件在当前硬件上的可行性。 | 低的 | 高的 |
3 | 软件兼容性风险 | 新软件与硬件不兼容或未与现有软件集成。 | 1. 程序在现有环境中安装失败。 2. 现有系统迁移非常困难。 |
将进行可行性研究,以检查新软件与现有软件集成的可行性。 | 低的 | 高的 |
4 | 解决方案不符合要求。 | 该解决方案并未满足所有要求。 | 所有预期的功能都不可用。 | 1. 将生成需求可追溯性矩阵,其中所有业务需求都将追溯到解决方案。如果无法将任何需求追溯到解决方案,它将被标记为未解决。 | 高的 | 高的 |
4. Evaluation and analysis of the project
This project will be evaluated on a weekly basis. It will be evaluated to check whether it is in line with the plan. The secretary of the project will record all the progresses of the project. The reports will be submitted to the project manager on a weekly basis. It will be the role of the manager and his managerial staff to assess the project’s development.
4. 项目评估与分析 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
该项目将每周进行一次评估。 将对其进行评估以检查它是否符合计划。 项目秘书将记录项目的所有进展。 报告将每周提交给项目经理。 经理及其管理人员的职责是评估项目的发展。
This project is technical and it requires several factors for it to be successful. I recommend that the project hires specialized IT specialists. These personnel’s will oversee the coding of the new pages. These members of staff should be passed through a thorough interview and a scrutiny of their experiences to ensure that they will deliver the project on time
这个项目是技术性的,它需要几个因素才能成功。 我建议该项目聘请专门的 IT 专家。 这些人员将监督新页面的编码。 这些工作人员应该通过彻底的面试和他们的经验审查,以确保他们能按时交付项目
6. Conclusion
Based on the above discussion it can be concluded that any project no matter how complex the project problem statement may be, can be successfully completed by applying proper project management techniques (as long as the feasibility is successful) 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
Project management tool and techniques do not help the project to become successful, however they guide the project processes and task to be completed successfully.
7. References
Crosall B 2011 [online] 12 Basic Principles of Project Management available at (accessed on 06/10/2013)e.
Egnyte 2013 What are the differences between a file server and a client server? Available at ( accessed on 06/10/2013) 英国项目管理硕士毕业论文代写
Project management journal 2004 A guide to the project management body of knowledge vol. 1 issue 2, pp. 35-70. print
Rouse M 2007 [online] Project planning available at HYPERLINK “” (accessed on 06/10/2013).

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