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Essay Package

英国留学生essay代写写作 The conversation around cochlear implants can get thorny quickly, which Nović illustrates throughout the novel.

Here is the list of things in the booklet. Yellow indicates where you need to fill something in. If it isn’t highlighted, it is information- either the assignment sheet or a lesson.

Getting Started: Writing the Essay: Finishing Touches:
– Assignment sheet

– List of questions

– Pick your topic and Brainstorm– done in class on Nov. 15-18

– Topic example

– Thesis lesson

– Thesis example

– Write your thesis– Due Nov.


– Write your outline– Due Nov.


– Introduction lesson

– Introduction example

– Write your introduction

– Writing a topic sentence

– Integrating Evidence

– PEA Refresher– ALL

paragraphs due December 5/6

– Conclusion Lesson

– Conclusion Example

– Write your conclusion

– First Draft- Due December 9/12 for peer editing

–  Put it all together– Best Draft Due December 13/14

–  Self assessment checklist– Turn in with best draft,

True Biz Essay Assignment  英国留学生essay代写写作

Your essay will consist of:

a well-structured introduction, with an argumentative thesis statement

2-3 paragraphs supporting your thesis

  • You need six pieces ofevidence
  • each paragraph will have a topic sentence
  • each paragraph will have a set of two or three points, followed by direct evidence from the text, followed by an explanation/analysis

a well structured conclusion

Some friendly notes:

1)Everything must be done in this booklet.

2)Please try to meet deadlines- do NOT leave this until the last minute.

3)Please seek help early and often

Choose a topic (highlight your choice)

DUE December 13/14  IN CLASS

1) The conversation around cochlear implants can get thorny quickly, which Nović illustrates throughout the novel. For Charlie, a defective device and poor instruction from doctors and parents lead to “oral failure” and a host of other issues. For other Deaf children, the procedure is so prohibitively expensive it isn’t even a consideration. Discuss the ethical considerations for parents, medical professionals, and device manufacturing companies, citing examples from the novel.

2) Nović shows many varied examples of d/Deaf families and childhoods, from Charlie’s ambivalent parents, to Austin’s celebrated generations of Deaf folks, to Kayla’s experiences code-switching from Black ASL to ASL, to the horrifying abuse Eliot suffers at his mother’s church. Choose 2-3 c haracters and compare the experiences each student had growing up, and how those experiences h elped mold them into the young adults they’ve become.  英国留学生essay代写写作

3)Like all teenagers, the young adult characters in the novel occupy one of life’s in-betweenstages— as Austin notes when he’s sifting through magazines at the doctor’s office. “All of them were either adult in the worst way…or too childish.” In what ways do the characters — including the adults — straddle two or more different worlds and what effect does this have on their relationships?

4)Austin has it all—until it initially appears his sister is born hearing. What type of impact didthis have on Austin and his relationship with his family?

5)Slash may not be a great romantic partner for Charlie, but he proves to be a surprisingly great In what ways do the characters in the novel exhibit effectiveallyship?

Brainstorm and topic

DUENovember 21/21

What theme does it focus on? Themes include the conflict between Charlie and his parents, and the abuse Eliot and his mother received at church.
List as many examples of this theme in the novel as you can (you should be able to come up with at least 5). – February is in flux because three of her students are missing, Charlie being one of them.

– February is arranging for Charlie to start boarding in her school.

What common threads to you see amongst your examples?
Therefore, what will your topic be (see the example below)?
Example Topic: Explore the effect of a lie in Dear Evan Hansen.
GREAT: Dear Evan Hansen explores the danger of telling lies, even when protecting the people involved.

Notice in this one, I am using the idea of truth but developing my own argument

NOT SO GREAT YET: Lying is a central theme in Dear Evan Hansen.

This is NOT argumentative- it’s just fact. You need to dig a bit deeper to find your thesis.

Not sure if your topic is argumentative? Ask:

– Could this be a debate resolution?

– If you had to debate this topic, could you come up with points for both government and opposition?

– Are there two (or more) sides?

Not sure how to make it argumentative? Ask:

– What is the author trying to say about your topic?

– If the opposite of my statement were true, how would that change the text?

– Why is this important?


 Thesis Statement:  英国留学生essay代写写作

DUE November 21/21

Statement to show it is argumentative, usually starting with ‘although’, ‘because’, ‘even though’ or other conjunctions/joining words Although people should do whatever they can to look after each other,
Your main argument- this is a statement that expresses what your paper is going to prove. Dear Evan Hansen demonstrates how a single

well-intentioned lie can spiral out of control and hurt others

Connecting word- this connects your argument with your reasons. As is demonstrated in
2-3 reasons – you will expand upon these in each paragraph. Each reason will be a different paragraph topic. The deterioration of Evan’s relationship with his mother, the effect on Connor’s family, and the perception of Connor in the eyes of people around him.

Thesis: Please write your thesis in the template below.

Argumentative statement: From the encounters of different characters in true biz and their experiences, how these experiences help them shape the young people they are today.
Your main argument: Charlie and Austin’s experience, compared to their two characters and growth experience.
Connecting word: Therefore… As in demonstrated in
2-3 reasons:
Assembled thesis: Because Charlie’s parents prevented her from learning ASL, she was having a hard time fitting into the deaf community at River Valley School for the Deaf. At the same time, deafness is a heirloom for Austin’s family.

Introduction:   英国留学生essay代写写作

DUE November 21/22 

Your intro starts very general with a statement about the overall theme or topic of your essay and ends specific, with your thesis and arguments, like an upside down triangle.

Hook: As the world begins to communicate more online, it has become imperatively important that people be aware of how they treat one another and the truthfulness in their interactions, else their relationships flounder.
Bridge: This is clearly seen in Dear Evan Hansen by Steven Levenson, Val emmich… where the main character is torn between telling the truth about an online mishap, or protecting people close to him by telling a lie.
Background Information: As Evan is drawn into the lie he has told, he begins to lose track of the truth, thereby damaging the relationships with those around him.
Thesis statement: Although people should do whatever they can to look after each other, Dear Evan Hansen demonstrates how a single well-intentioned lie can spiral out of control and hurt others, as is demonstrated in the deterioration of Evan’s relationship with his mother, the effect on Connor’s family, and the perception of Connor in the eyes of people around him.

Introduction: Your turn!   英国留学生essay代写写作

Hook: True Biz examines the lives of three characters at River Valley, a residential school for the Deaf outside Cincinnati, OH.
Bridge: Austin, Charlie, and Austin’s roommate have gone missing from their dorm rooms.
Background Information: – between Charlie’s exploits as she acclimates and February’s (the Headmistress) experiences.

– provide information on America’s outlook on deaf children and the cultural extinction of deaf heritage.

Thesis statement:

 PEA Refresher

Each paragraph is structured the same way: a topic sentence, two or three point-evidence-analysis sequences, and a concluding sentence. You can click here for some slides with similar information.

Topic sentence: This is like a “mini-thesis” for the paragraph. It takes one of your reasons from the thesis and expands upon it. Just like the thesis, it should be argumentative.
Point: Each point will be a different reason or argument about why your topic sentence is true. This should NOT just be a summary of your evidence.
Evidence: Each point will be followed by an example/quotation from the text that illustrates your point.
Analysis: Each piece of evidence will be followed by an explanation as to why that point/evidence proves your paragraph and thesis to be true.
Concluding Sentence: This is the final sentence, and simply restates the paragraph’s topic in different words.

Writing a topic sentence:

Aopic sentence sets the tone for the paragraph, like a mini thesis for each paragraph. It should be:  英国留学生essay代写写作


◆There is usually a main and subordinate clause. This is a fancy way of saying it willbe a declarative statement as well as a conjunction giving reasons.


◆you need to declare, or state, what the paragraph will be about.

Your thesis details what your topic sentence will be about already: Although people should do whatever they can to look after each other, Dear Evan Hansen demonstrates how a single well-intentioned lie can spiral out of control and hurt others, as is demonstrated in the deterioration of Evan’s relationship with his mother, and the effect on Connor’s family.

Here are some examples of topic sentences:

◆Though Evan and his mother were initially exceptionally close, their relationship suffers as Evan’s mother interprets the lie he told.

◆While Connor and his family had a tumultuous relationship prior to his death, the lie Evan tells gives them false solace in the image Evan has constructed of Connor.

◆Due to the online perpetuation of news, the school and global communities are unsettled by the shifting impression of Connor, making him a symbol of mentalhealth before his story is truly told.


DUE November 23/24

You can manipulate this structure to give you 6 PEA cycles total (right now there is 9)

Paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence:
Point 1:
Evidence 1:
Analysis 1:
Point 2:
Evidence 2:
Analysis 2:
Concluding Sentence
Paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence:
Point 1:
Evidence 1:
Analysis 1:
Point 2:
Evidence 2:
Analysis 2:
Concluding Sentence
Paragraph 3:
Topic Sentence:
Point 1:
Evidence 1:
Analysis 1:
Point 2:
Evidence 2:
Analysis 2:
Concluding Sentence

Integrating  Evidence

Step 1: Introducing the context:

Give a sentence or part of a sentence describing what is happening at this point in the text so the reader has a clear understanding. This can be as easy as giving the place/time in the text it happened, or it might need more complex introduction.

Example 1: When Hagrid first meets Harry, he tells him what he is, saying “You’re a wizard, Harry”.  英国留学生essay代写写作

– Notice that the only context necessary is “When Hagrid first meets Harry”, because that’s all the reader needs to know to understand the quote.

Example 2: After the Yule Ball, Hermione and Ron get into a fight about their dates. Hermione expresses her frustration with Ron, saying “Next time there’s a ball pluck up the courage to ask me before someone else does! And not as a last resort!”.

– Notice that here, it is necessary to not only give the place it is happening but the factthat there is a fight and Hermione’s This helps the reader understand what is happening/being felt when the quote is being said.

Step 2: Give the quotation as part of a sentence:

You cannot just have a quotation with no lead-in or introduction. This is called a dropped quotation. You must incorporate it as part of a sentence.

Example 1: Use the character to introduce the quotation: Ms. B said “this class is the best” (12).

Example 2: Lead in with a few words/context: This is illustrated when Ms. B was happy and said “this class is the best” (12).

Example 3: Use it as part of a sentence: When Ms. B claimed that “this class is the best”, she was happy and impressed (12).

Step 3: Cite where you got the information from

For the sake of this essay, please just put the page number following the quotation in brackets. You would usually put the author’s last name and page number.


When Hagrid first meets Harry, he tells him what he is saying, “You’re a wizard, Harry” (76).

Notice that the punctuation (period) goes after the bracket.

Body  Paragraphs-  First  Draft

Conclusion  英国留学生essay代写写作

DUE December 5/6

A conclusion is opposite to the introduction; it starts specific and becomes more general.

Conclusion Example:

Restate Thesis Statement When Evan tells a lie about his classmate Connor in order to protect Connor’s family, he unknowingly begins a domino effect that hurts not only those he was trying to save, but also his own family and friends.
Summary/ Explanation Though this lie was initially well-intentioned, it would have served Evan to have been truthful and supportive in the beginning to save the trouble to the family.
Final Thoughts While it is important that people support one another, particularly now that news is shared so quickly and reputations can shift in an instant, it is equally important that people are honest in their kindness to foster healthy relationships and to truly help one another.


Restate Thesis Statement
Summary/ Explanation
Final Thoughts

 Put  it  all  together:

Please put all the parts of your essay in the box below: 英国留学生essay代写写作




Stays consistent in tense
Does not use personal pronouns
Has 2 body paragraphs
Has paragraphs that follow PEA
Has a topic sentence and concluding sentence for each paragraph
Has evidence that is integrated properly into the writing
Has evidence that includes a page number
Has an introduction ending with an argumentative thesis
Has been edited and adapted

Curriculum  Expectations

√R 1.3 I can identify the important ideas and details from a text

√R 2.3 I can identify different elements of style and explain how they createmeaning

√R 1.6 I can analyse texts for themes, issues, and ideas

√W 1.2 I can generate and focus on an idea for a writing task while exploring itfurther

√W 1.4/1.5 I can sort and order the main ideas and supporting details in my writingwhile deciding if they are relevant and accurate to meet the requirements

√W 2.1 / 2.2 I can write for different purposes and audiences while establishing a distinctivevoice to suit the piece of writing (paragraphs, essays, reflections, responses, newspaper articles, etc.)

√W 2.4 I can transition between ideas using varying sentence structure andtype

√W 2.6 I can revise drafts to improve the content, organization, clarity, and style of mywritten work, using a variety of teacher-modelled strategies

√W 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 I can edit and revise my peer’s and my own writing with a focus onspelling, word choice, punctuation and grammar

√W 4.1 I can describe and use a variety of strategies before, during and afterwriting (brainstorming, outlines, editing and proofreading).



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