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英国留学生市场营销论文代写 Markting代写

2021-12-12 12:46 星期日 所属: 市场营销代写 浏览:517


Issues And Controversies In Management

Моbilе Рhоnе Сhоiсе: Tесhnоlоgy Vеrsus Mаrkеting. Тhе Brаnd Еffесt in Thе UK Mаrkеt.

英国留学生市场营销论文代写 Frequent Training should also be facilitated in the industry in order to remind the employees on the vision of the organization.


Purpose-The main purpose of this research was to explore the necessity of technology and its importance from the consumer’s perspective. In particular, this research analyzes the role of brand in creating new driving forces, as well as, business success factors.

Rationale: This research analyzes how branding management in mobile phones can be the basis of sustained competitive advantage in the contemporary business environment.

Methodological approach– Both primary and secondary data was used in this study. The population size was 180 employees and staff members in the UK mobile industry.

Findings-Brand image plays a crucial role in describing the picture that is perceived by prospective clients. Marketers should therefore, position their brand image, in order to remain ahead of the competition.

Recommendations: Based on research findings, the following recommendations were made; Marketers should promote new mobile phone models by not only highlighting properties, but also emphasizing what users can do with the available technical features. Mobile marketing firms should get more innovative, and come up with brands that appeal to the enthusiasts. The government should make sure that the mobile industry is effectively regulated. Also, mobile industry should apply the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), in order to achieve its set goals and objectives in the global market.

Research Limitation The researcher faced the following obstacles while conducting research; due to limited time frame, it was not possible to analyze all the UK mobile firms, and the researcher narrowed the research on a few sampled companies. Also, some of the employees of mobile selling firms in the UK did not want to fill the questionnaire.


摘要(概要)  英国留学生市场营销论文代写



方法论——本研究使用了主要和次要数据。人口规模为 180 名员工和英国移动行业的工作人员。

结果 – 品牌形象在描述潜在客户所感知的图片方面起着至关重要的作用。因此,营销人员应该定位自己的品牌形象,以保持在竞争中的领先地位。

建议:根据研究结果,提出以下建议;营销人员不仅应该通过突出性能来推广新的手机型号,还应该强调用户可以使用可用的技术功能做什么。移动营销公司应该更加创新,并推出吸引爱好者的品牌。政府应确保移动行业得到有效监管。此外,移动行业应应用客户关系管理 (CRM) 的概念,以实现其在全球市场上的既定目标和目标。



ABSTRACT (SUMMARY)………………………………………………………………………………….2

CHAPTER ONE………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

1.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

1.2 Rationale…………………………………………………………………………………………………….5

1.3 Overview of Mobiles……………………………………………………………………………………..6

1.6 Chapter Synopsis…………………………………………………………………………………………9

2.0 CHAPTER TWO…………………………………………………………………………………………11

2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………………………………11

2.1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………….11

2.1.2 Branding Theory………………………………………………………………………………………11

2.1.3 Mobile phone Branding Models…………………………………………………………………13

2.1.4 Brand cue and Associations………………………………………………………………………14

2.1.5 Communications Strategy…………………………………………………………………………17

2.1.6 Stakeholders of a mobile brand…………………………………………………………………18

2.1.7 Visual Identity…………………………………………………………………………………………18

2.1.8 Logos in mobile branding…………………………………………………………………………19

2.1.9 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………..20

3.0 CHAPTER THREE……………………………………………………………………………………..21

3.1 Research Methodology………………………………………………………………………………..21

3.1.1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………21

3.1.2. Research design……………………………………………………………………………………..21

3.1.3. Sample Population…………………………………………………………………………………22

3.1.4. Sampling Procedure……………………………………………………………………………….22

3.1.5. Data Collection Instruments and Procedures…………………………………………….22 Sources of Data…………………………………………………………………………………….22 Data Collection Instruments…………………………………………………………………23

3.1.6 Limitations……………………………………………………………………………………………..23

3.1.7. Summary……………………………………………………………………………………………….23

4.0 CHAPTER FOUR………………………………………………………………………………………24

4.1.1 Data Analysis, Findings and Interpretation………………………………………………..24

4.1.2. Findings………………………………………………………………………………………………..24

4.1.3 Data Processing and Analysis……………………………………………………………………26

Chi Square………………………………………………………………………………………………………27

CHAPTER FIVE……………………………………………………………………………………………..30

5.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION…………………………………………………………………………………….30

5.1 Summary of findings…………………………………………………………………………………..30

5.2 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………..30

5.3 Recommendations……………………………………………………………………………………..33

Works Cited……………………………………………………………………………………………………35


Appendix 1: Questionnaire……………………………………………………………………………….40

Appendix 2: The Gant Chart…………………………………………………………………………….42



1.0 Introduction

The aim of this study is to investigate technology, and discover how it could be used in mobile branding in the UK. The research findings determined that technology have positive effects on mobile firms. Adoption of information technology by UK selling firms has led to creation of superior brands. Further, the research has established that the adoption of information technology, by the UK mobile firms, provides them with a competitive edge in the market.

1.2 Rationale

In today’s’ business environment, innovation has become a critical aspect for businesses across the globe. Research shows that consumers have placed a great emphasis on the technology. According to Mesiter (2012), consumers have discovered new ways of utilizing information and communication. Leading companies have been at the forefront of utilizing their technology platforms to create brands that meet customer’s needs. Thus, technology has provided a base on which customer acquisition and retention strategies are built. Business Editors and High-Tech Writers (2002) stated that, globalized markets, integration of regional and international companies have forced companies  have a steady stream of innovative products .The mobile phone industry has not lagged behind as far as winning consumer preferences is concerned (Mester 1).

To shed more light on the relevance of technology on marketing, this research seeks to study the mobile phone brand effect in the UK. The research will also explore the basics of branding, brand loyalty and brand insistence, and consumer behavior in relation to branding.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

In the UK, many consumers normally switch brands in order to take advantage of sales promotion, and other aspects such as elegant design and user-friendly technology. Unlike consumer goods, clients do not associate high-tech brands with their respective companies, but on the strength of the brand. Marketers across the UK thus strive to create, enhance, defend and strength their mobile phone brands, in order to, increase consumer loyalty. Marketers have recognized that, best mobile phone brands of yesteryears have struggled to make profits in today’s competitive world. As such, they are providing their brand names with distinguishing characteristics in order to meet customers’ expectations.


第一章  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

1.0 介绍


1.2 基本原理

在当今的商业环境中,创新已成为全球企业的一个重要方面。研究表明,消费者非常重视这项技术。根据 Mesiter (2012) 的说法,消费者已经发现了利用信息和交流的新方式。领先的公司一直处于利用其技术平台创建满足客户需求的品牌的最前沿。因此,技术为制定客户获取和保留策略提供了基础。 Business Editors and High-Tech Writers (2002) 指出,全球化的市场、区域和国际公司的整合迫使公司拥有源源不断的创新产品。就赢得消费者的喜好而言,手机行业并没有落后(梅斯特 1)。



1.3 Overview of Mobiles

In contemporary world, mobile phone usage has greatly increased, due to its unique functions and characteristics. According to PR Newswire (2013),  availability of cheap mobile communication devices have significantly changed the social,politics and linguistics throughout the globe.Thus,mobile phone usage  have become an essential part of people’s lives. Victoria and Helen (2013) stated that mobile phone usage has enhanced effectiveness throughout the growth of technology.Initially, mobile phones were greatly used in hospitals to enhance communications.However, it has emerged as a vital device for everyday communication.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

The increase usage of mobile device can be attributed to cheaper prices.In the UK, majority of citizens acces the internet using the smart phones. A survey, which was carried out by Accenture (2012), showed that more than 75 percent of the UK population had a cell phone or related device in 2012. With the advancement in information technology, mobile phone companies have anchored their business strategies on the technology platform.They have utilized information and communication technology to create new products that exceed clients’ expectations. For instance, the introduction of smart phones in the market has expanded mobile phone functionality beyond text and voice (Accenture 1-26). Today, both young and old people have overwhelmingly embraced the mobile phone as a communication and entertainment device. The leading mobile phone operators in the UK include Orange, Vodafone and T-Mobile.

In 2012, the mobile manufacturers across the globe put their best foot forward, by producing exciting mobiles.

For instance, the Nokia 41 megapixel beast, which has the ability to take information from 7 pixels, attracted attention from mobile enthusiasts. LG rolled out a mass of Smartphones during the same year, and also, an attractive design identity, known as dubbed Lstyle. Samsung, on their part, introduced Galaxy Ace 2, Galaxy mini 2, and Galaxy Beam, which attracted attention from mobile enthusiasts throughout the world.HTC had a busy year too, as their reinforced their Andoid presence with their latest flagship, the One X. After acquiring Ericsson’s stake in the organization, Sony introduced the new Xperia brand, in May 2012.Huawei; a Chinese manufacturer also drew battle lines by introducing the Ascend D Smartphone. Thus, manufacturers showcased their products power in an attempt to dominate the market (Rosewell and Adhikari 2-11).


1.3 手机概述

在当今世界,手机由于其独特的功能和特性而大大增加。据美通社报道(2013 年),廉价移动通信设备的出现极大地改变了全球的社会、政治和语言学。因此,手机的使用已成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分。 Victoria and Helen (2013) 指出,随着技术的发展,手机的使用提高了效率。最初,手机在医院中大量使用以增强通信。然而,它已成为日常通信的重要设备。

移动设备使用量的增加可归因于更便宜的价格。在英国,大多数公民使用智能手机访问互联网。埃森哲 (2012) 进行的一项调查显示,2012 年超过 75% 的英国人口拥有手机或相关设备。随着信息技术的进步,移动电话公司已将其业务战略锚定在技术平台。他们利用信息和通信技术创造出超出客户期望的新产品。例如,市场上推出的智能手机已将手机功能扩展到文本和语音之外(埃森哲 1-26)。如今,无论是年轻人还是老年人,都已将手机作为一种通讯和娱乐设备。英国领先的移动电话运营商包括 Orange、Vodafone 和 T-Mobile。

2012 年,全球的手机制造商通过生产令人兴奋的手机,全力以赴。

例如,诺基亚 41 百万像素的野兽,具有从 7 像素获取信息的能力,引起了移动爱好者的注意。同年,LG 推出了大量智能手机,并推出了极具吸引力的设计标识,被称为 Lstyle。三星则推出了 Galaxy Ace 2、Galaxy mini 2 和 Galaxy Beam,吸引了全球移动爱好者的关注。HTC 也度过了忙碌的一年,因为他们通过最新的旗舰 One X 加强了在 Andoid 的影响力2012年5月,索尼收购了爱立信在该组织的股份后,推出了新的Xperia品牌。一家中国制造商也通过推出 Ascend D 智能手机来绘制战线。因此,制造商展示了他们的产品力量以试图主导市场(Rosewell 和 Adhikari 2-11)。

Image 1

Nokia 41 Megapixel phone


Obtained from: engadget.com

Image 2

LG Smart Phone

Source: lg.com

Image 3

Huawei Smart Phone



Image 4

Samsung Galaxy Phone

Source:Samsung .com

1.4 Research Question

How is technology useful in creation of effective mobile brands in the UK market in the face of globalization?

1.5 Aims and Objectives

This study aims at identifying the linkage between technology and the creation of effective brands in the UK market in the era of globalization. The following objectives are identified;

i)To conduct a critical review of available literature on branding.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

ii)  To investigate the relationship between brand loyalty and brand insistence.

iii)To determine the relationship between branding and customer relationship.

iv)To contribute to the existing body of knowledge on this issue and also provide recommendations on how these constraints can be overcome.

1.6 Chapter Synopsis



1.4 研究问题


1.5 宗旨和目标

本研究旨在确定全球化时代英国市场中技术与创建有效品牌之间的联系。 确定了以下目标;

i) 对有关品牌的现有文献进行批判性审查。

ii) 调查品牌忠诚度和品牌坚持之间的关系。

iii) 确定品牌和客户关系之间的关系。

iv) 为有关此问题的现有知识体系做出贡献,并就如何克服这些限制提供建议。

1.6 章节概要



2.1.1 Introduction

Though several studies about technology exist, little effort has gone into studying the adoption of technology in creating effective mobile brands .Most of the earlier studies in this line focused on consumption patterns, customer satisfaction, social outcomes and finally product compatibility. Also, most of the theoretical and empirical research has never discussed the context of branding in enhancing customer relationship. This neglect exists despite the fact the technology is a key aspect in any particular business. In the face of globalization, such concept must be investigated. An assessment of the impact of technology in creating effective mobile phone brands is therefore, overdue.


2.0 第二章  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

2.1 文献综述

2.1.1 简介

尽管存在多项关于技术的研究,但很少有人致力于研究采用技术来创建有效的移动品牌。该领域的早期研究大多集中在消费模式、客户满意度、社会成果以及最终的产品兼容性方面。 此外,大多数理论和实证研究从未讨论过品牌在增强客户关系方面的背景。 尽管技术是任何特定业务的关键方面,但这种忽视仍然存在。 面对全球化,必须研究这样的概念。 因此,对技术在创造有效手机品牌方面的影响进行评估是迟早的。

 2.1.2 Branding Theory

In the era of mobile communications, mobile phones are providing various opportunities for users across the globe to interact with brands. Hutchens (2010) talks about brand as a big business in the contemporary world as they enhance trading easier in person and over the internet. According to Ryan (1995), consumers choose to purchase goods and services from firms they trust .A brand plays a crucial role of paving way for success in creating awareness of one’s’ exceptional, and significant promise before presenting the sales proposition.  People normally associate brands with certain characteristics.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

According to Dunn (2004), organizations use marketing theory of branding to sustain their competitive position. A brand normally signifies the beneficial ties between clients and the organizations. Andreas and Brian (1993) defined brand as a label that differentiates an organization’s product from that of the rivals. Starbucks, Nike, Samsung and Harley Davidson are among the strongest brands due to their ability to capture consumer’s attention. A study, which was done by Dunn (2004), indicated that brands vary because of their perception in the marketplace. Strong brands have the ability of winning key competitions by offering unique and innovative products that connect with consumers (Dunn 63).

According to Card News (1997), the consumer will think of a given brand before making the purchasing decision.

In spontaneous purchasing processes, the consumer will select a given brand unconsciously without a clear reason for the selection. However, this may not be the case when purchasing a mobile phone given the diverse features with which they presently possess. Considering this, the consumer will first gather information in relation to different brands available in the market either through reference groups such as family members, friends, colleagues, media or any other available source (Branding Brand 24).  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

The demise of the land line phones has paved way for mobile take-up. Today, consumers have witnessed the relentless creation, as well as, marketing of new handsets of greater functionality, connectivity, bandwidth and more protocols. It is clear that mobile phones have transformed various aspects of our societies. Mobile communication devices and technologies have created prospects for marketers to develop more elegant brands (LG Mobile Phones n.Pag). For instance.marketers across the UK have created brands that target the youth by developing brands that go beyond voice and data connectivity.

With the increase uptake of mobile technology by the youth, marketers are striving to develop brands that appeal to them. For instance, Apple has lately introduced the iPhone brand which connects well with Generation Z who are ever connected through constant communication by means of social networking channels such as Facebook and Twitter. As such, the youth are able to multitask on a number of online products via this sophisticated device. Thus, powerful brands are instantly recognizable by the consumers (Chu 150).

According to Anne (2007), mobile phone companies throughout the world have put client’s satisfaction at the center of their operations.

The mobile phone companies have jumped on the brand-bandwagon with an aim of enhancing value.These companies have faced the market realities, namely; the recognition that the client is not a liability as far as business is concerned.

Accroding to  Swartz and Lacobucci(2000),  a client is an asset , and thus,he is the reason the organization exists.Time when manufacturers dumeped their products in the client’s lap wait for them to appreciatively accept the offered products are past.In the face of global competition,the client is the one who provide  resources to keep the organization in business.With this regards,an organization must be on the forefront of delighting customers.A relationsip therefore exists between client’s satisfaction and market share.This relationsip mainly occurs by offering greater value and satisfaction (Branding Brand 12).


2.1.2 品牌理论  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

在移动通信时代,手机为全球用户提供了各种与品牌互动的机会。 Hutchens (2010) 将品牌视为当代世界的一项大企业,因为它们使面对面的交易和通过互联网的交易变得更加容易。根据 Ryan (1995) 的说法,消费者选择从他们信任的公司购买商品和服务。品牌在为成功铺平道路方面起着至关重要的作用,它可以在提出销售主张之前让人们意识到自己的特殊和重要承诺。人们通常将品牌与某些特征联系起来。

根据 Dunn (2004) 的说法,组织使用品牌营销理论来维持其竞争地位。品牌通常表示客户与组织之间的有益联系。 Andreas 和 Brian (1993) 将品牌定义为将组织的产品与竞争对手的产品区分开来的标签。星巴克、耐克、三星和哈雷戴维森是最强大的品牌,因为它们能够吸引消费者的注意力。 Dunn (2004) 所做的一项研究表明,品牌因其在市场上的认知而有所不同。强大的品牌有能力通过提供与消费者联系的独特和创新产品来赢得关键竞争 (Dunn 63)。

根据卡新闻 (1997),消费者在做出购买决定之前会考虑给定的品牌。

在自发的购买过程中,消费者会在没有明确选择理由的情况下,无意识地选择某个品牌。然而,考虑到手机目前拥有的各种功能,在购买手机时可能并非如此。考虑到这一点,消费者将首先通过家庭成员、朋友、同事、媒体或任何其他可用来源(品牌品牌 24)等参考群体收集与市场上可用的不同品牌相关的信息。

固定电话的消亡为移动电话的普及铺平了道路。今天,消费者目睹了具有更强大功能、连接性、带宽和更多协议的新手机的不断创造和营销。很明显,移动电话已经改变了我们社会的各个方面。移动通信设备和技术为营销人员开发更优雅的品牌(LG Mobile Phones n.Pag)创造了前景。例如,英国各地的营销人员通过开发超越语音和数据连接的品牌,创建了针对年轻人的品牌。

随着年轻人越来越多地采用移动技术,营销人员正在努力开发吸引他们的品牌。例如,苹果公司最近推出了 iPhone 品牌,该品牌与 Z 世代建立了良好的联系,Z 世代通过 Facebook 和 Twitter 等社交网络渠道不断沟通。因此,年轻人可以通过这种复杂的设备同时处理许多在线产品。因此,强大的品牌可以立即被消费者识别(Chu 150)。

根据 Anne (2007) 的说法,世界各地的移动电话公司都将客户的满意度置于其运营的中心。


根据 Swartz 和 Lacobucci(2000 年)的说法,客户是一种资产,因此,他是组织存在的原因。制造商将产品倾倒在客户的腿上等待他们赞赏地接受所提供产品的时代已经过去了。在面对全球竞争,客户是提供资源以维持组织运营的人。在这方面,组织必须走在取悦客户的最前沿。因此,客户满意度和市场份额之间存在关系。这种关系主要发生通过提供更高的价值和满意度(品牌品牌 12)。

2.1.3 Mobile phone Branding Models

Purchase of mobile phone brands, in the UK, is rocked by changes in information technology. Before any purchase of mobile phone, studies have indicated that customers engage in research, to make sure they make the correct decision. According to Mongkol (2002) customers engrave themselves in contemporary studies to ensure they get the best phone with the best attributes. These studies have illustrated that phone brands that are not well placed in the market lose their sales. The penetration of these devices is believed to increase with the rise of a new dawn. The total population using, and that has access to mobile phones is on the increase, thereby; posing a great competition in the phone manufacturers. This competition is steered by technology and marketing (Kolb 76).

Many mobile phone users have given innovation a top priority. The use of phones is becoming enormous, and this is steered by many youths who have access to the device. Competition by mobile companies to dominate the market, has led to dynamic changes in mobile phone brands. Mobile manufacturers are trying to beat the aspect of being the best manufacturers with the best phones that are technologically improved.

This aspect has steered many customers to consider technology background of a phone before purchasing.

Nizar, Norizan and Hong (2006), in their studies, stated that many mobile users prefer a phone that can do multiple aspects with the flicker of an eye. This has led to mobile wars, as many manufacturers want to produce a state of the art device that will increase revenue and market share. Manufacturers consider this aspect so that they can lure many customers to purchase their product. The familiarity of features is also, an aspect that customers consider. Customers prefer a phone that is easy to use and understand.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

The marketing strategies that an organization adopts play a paramount role in determining the sales of a product. Different marketing strategies are being adopted by different companies, and the mobile phone sector is no exception. Better and planned marketing for management enhances better sales. Companies should put in mind that, marketing is dependent on the company. Mobile companies should try to establish joint ventures with other companies, to make sure they capture a wide span of the market.

Clarke and Flaherty (2005), in their research, emphasized that the type of marketing used by a company relates to the total sales established at the end of a trading period.

Many customers in the UK, view marketing strategy as the company itself.  The type of promotion, advertising and distribution strategy determines the success of a company. Mobile phone companies should therefore, exercise customer company relation. This will ensure that customers can rate the product, and provide possible feedback to the company.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

This type of relationship changes customer perception about the company, and enables the company to maintain lasting relationship with its clients (GSMA Announces Mobile Innovation Global Award Competition Top Innovators 13). The company uses the customer feedback to enhance, and change some features of a phone that are not satisfactory. Phone companies should implement a design program that will enhance better customer-company relationships. Mobile phone companies should ensure they raise a post that deals with marketing only, in order to handle the marketing issues, and enhance increased sales.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

On entering the mobile market, a company will consider selling their superior brands at a relatively lower price than the competitors. This marketing strategy entices customers, as they are prepared to switch to companies offering superior brands, but at a lower cost. However many different phones have almost similar features, and thus, price determines whether the phone will be purchased. The brand of a phone also accelerates, or slows down the sales of a company. An upcoming mobile company may market its product with zeal and zest. However, customers opt for a brand that has an impact in the market. They enjoy purchasing a product, whose brand is universal, as opposed to, an upcoming brand. Thus, the marketing strategy remains a key player in achieving market dominance. Media is the most sought after method of marketing. Using television and online advertising enhances the purchase of a product (Clarke & Flaherty 188).


2.1.3 手机品牌模式

在英国,移动电话品牌的购买受到信息技术变化的影响。研究表明,在购买任何手机之前,客户都会进行研究,以确保他们做出正确的决定。根据 Mongkol (2002) 的说法,客户在当代研究中铭记自己,以确保他们获得具有最佳属性的最佳手机。这些研究表明,市场定位不佳的手机品牌会失去销量。这些设备的渗透被认为随着新曙光的出现而增加。使用和使用手机的总人口正在增加,因此;对手机厂商构成极大的竞争。这种竞争是由技术和营销引导的(Kolb 76)。



Nizar、Norizan 和 Hong (2006) 在他们的研究中表示,许多移动用户更喜欢可以通过眨眼完成多个方面的手机。这导致了移动战争,因为许多制造商希望生产能够增加收入和市场份额的最先进的设备。制造商考虑这一方面是为了吸引许多客户购买他们的产品。对功能的熟悉程度也是客户考虑的一个方面。客户更喜欢易于使用和理解的电话。


Clarke 和 Flaherty (2005) 在他们的研究中强调,公司使用的营销类型与交易期末建立的总销售额有关。


这种关系改变了客户对公司的看法,并使公司能够与客户保持持久的关系(GSMA 公布移动创新全球大奖赛 Top Innovators 13)。该公司利用客户的反馈来增强和改变手机的一些不令人满意的功能。电话公司应该实施一个设计程序,以加强更好的客户与公司关系。移动电话公司应确保他们提出一个只处理营销的职位,以便处理营销问题,并增加销售量。

在进入移动市场时,公司会考虑以比竞争对手相对较低的价格出售其优势品牌。这种营销策略吸引了客户,因为他们准备转向提供优质品牌但成本较低的公司。然而,许多不同的手机具有几乎相似的功能,因此价格决定了手机是否会被购买。手机品牌也会加速或减缓公司的销售。一家即将到来的移动公司可能会满怀热情地推销其产品。但是,客户会选择对市场有影响的品牌。他们喜欢购买品牌通用的产品,而不是即将推出的品牌。因此,营销策略仍然是实现市场主导地位的关键因素。媒体是最受追捧的营销方式。使用电视和在线广告可以提高产品的购买率 (Clarke & Flaherty 188)。

2.1.4 Brand cue and Associations

As opposed to earlier technologies, mobile phone has emerged as a social tool, where despite their age variations, most people make use of it. Today, mobile phones have reached saturation, and clients are having difficulties differentiating brands based on the technological aspects. As a result, consumers are referring to external factors, prior to purchasing the products. Globalization and liberalized markets have led to an increase in mobile phones.

Mobile phones are available at different prices, and hence, consumers have varied responses, as far as strong and weak cues are concerned. In the UK, consumers use cues when making   purchasing decision about a mobile phone. As noted by Wierenga (2008), in his studies, cue has the effect of categorizing stimuli. Cue association could either be internal or external, depending on the level of satisfaction. External signals are mainly extrinsic to the product, and include such aspects as; brand and cost. Internal cues, on the other hand, occur internally that is, they are part and parcel of the product. In most cases, internal cues are not easily identifiable, and clients use external cues in making a purchasing decision (Eloise et.al 3).

In the face of global competition, marketers have identified branding as an essential element of enhancing sales growth.

Pradeep (1999) emphasized that a world-class brand is a critical aspect in an organization. In the past few decades, successful brands were associated with large organizations. However, this notion has changed as small organizations are building powerful brands at lower marketing costs. A successful brand, take into consideration such aspects as goodwill, product experience, and the period of marketing.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

Thus, a world-class brand presents the company’s reputation. Usually, clients throughout the world respond to myths and images that are associated with their personalities. Multinational companies such as Nike, Coca-Cola and Kodak make use of the same brands globally; whereas other organizations have brands meant for particular countries. Recent research has shown that a brand name may be used to indicate quality. Consumers tend to favor strong brands, that is, they make purchasing decisions based on the popularity of a brand. According to Wierenga (2008) customers make quality judgments based on such aspects as brand cues that are presented during advertising.

Wierenga (2008), in his studies, argued that, where quality cannot be examined, brand names play a crucial role of conveying pertinent information to potential customers. On the contrary, the nonexistence of a brand name may cause the absence of information concerning a product. As a result, consumers may not make judgments of quality before purchasing, and using a product. Research has established that a brand name is the most powerful cue of determining the quality of a product. According to researchers, a brand name is normally larger than store name, cost and product features (Wierenga 158).   英国留学生市场营销论文代写

Brand cues are dependent on external and internal factors.

Brand cues are affected by factors such as the price, country of origin of the phone and brand. These factors have been identified to play a considerable part in the choice of mobile phone usage in the UK. These factors however, can be enhanced to make sure that, better sales are achieved. Technology and marketing also play a greater role in the brand cues and association (O’Guinn, Allen and Semenik 184).

Studies have revealed that a small organization may fail to attract enthusiasts, if it does not adopt the right marketing strategies (Grover & Vriens 552). Companies should try to build their image and brand, in order to get a share of the greater market. Consumers normally have price cue consideration before purchasing a mobile phone. Companies should ensure that they regulate their prices, in order to remain competitive. Studies have revealed that customers are willing to spend a squandering amount of money on an original and well known device rather than an upcoming device. Owen,  Lorelle  and Bill (2007), in their studies, pointed out that the battle for supremacy is affected by the price set by different companies. Companies should understand that, customers rate the quality of a product by the price set.    英国留学生市场营销论文代写

The brand of a phone relates to the sales made by a company. In the era of global competition, companies are setting a brand name that has a greater impact on increasing sales. Marketing teams, in the mobile companies, should ensure that they create a brand name, which is acceptable by the customer. Also, marketers should make sure that the products being advertised are of high quality. In case a company has a limited brand, its sales are greatly affected.

According to PR Newswire (2010), companies that do not associate themselves with superior brands risk facing extinction, as it becomes an uphill task for them to have a portion of the market.

Companies that lag behind in the market have a different and tedious task beating the major players. Due to the extensive expansion in the field of technology, companies are opting to reduce the price to enhance sales. This aspect has enabled key players to lower their prices, and thereby, creating demand for their devices. With this respect, price is the major determinant of a product purchasing behavior. Companies must make sure that they have better prices, in order to enhance their sales.

Leonard (2012) noted that the aspect of brand name is affected by technology in use. A brand name usually takes time to build, that is, it takes time to capture the hearts of customers. Minor players should therefore, make use of technology in order to build superior brands, and capture the hearts and wallets of mobile users. Minor players should anticipate the leading mobile manufacturers’ actions and reactions, in order to attain a sustainable competitive advantage. Creating superior brands build trust, and also, enable a firm to dominate the market. This advantage allows companies to survive against intense rivalry for a considerable period of time (Stavros et.al. 623-634).


2.1.4 品牌线索与联想  英国留学生市场营销论文代写


手机有不同的价格,因此,就强弱线索而言,消费者的反应各不相同。在英国,消费者在做出有关手机的购买决定时会使用提示。正如 Wierenga (2008) 所指出的,在他的研究中,提示具有分类刺激的作用。提示关联可以是内部的,也可以是外部的,这取决于满意度。外部信号主要是产品的外部信号,包括以下方面:品牌和成本。另一方面,内部线索发生在内部,也就是说,它们是产品的重要组成部分。在大多数情况下,内部线索不容易识别,客户在做出购买决定时会使用外部线索(Eloise 等人 3)。


Pradeep (1999) 强调世界级品牌是组织的一个关键方面。在过去的几十年里,成功的品牌与大型组织有关。然而,随着小型组织以较低的营销成本建立强大的品牌,这种观念已经改变。一个成功的品牌,要综合考虑商誉、产品体验、营销周期等方面。

因此,世界一流的品牌代表了公司的声誉。通常,世界各地的客户都会对与其个性相关的神话和图像做出反应。耐克、可口可乐和柯达等跨国公司在全球范围内使用相同的品牌;而其他组织则拥有针对特定国家/地区的品牌。最近的研究表明,品牌名称可用于表示质量。消费者倾向于偏爱强势品牌,也就是说,他们会根据品牌的受欢迎程度做出购买决定。根据 Wierenga (2008) 的说法,客户根据广告中呈现的品牌线索等方面做出质量判断。

Wierenga (2008) 在他的研究中认为,在无法检查质量的情况下,品牌名称在向潜在客户传达相关信息方面起着至关重要的作用。相反,品牌名称的不存在可能会导致产品信息的缺失。因此,消费者可能无法在购买和使用产品之前做出质量判断。研究表明,品牌名称是决定产品质量的最有力线索。据研究人员称,品牌名称通常比商店名称、成本和产品功能更重要(Wierenga 158)。


品牌线索受价格、手机原产国和品牌等因素的影响。已确定这些因素在英国移动电话使用的选择中发挥了相当大的作用。但是,可以增强这些因素以确保实现更好的销售。技术和营销在品牌线索和联想中也发挥着更大的作用(O’Guinn、Allen 和 Semenik 184)。

研究表明,如果不采用正确的营销策略,小型组织可能无法吸引爱好者(Grover & Vriens 552)。企业应该努力打造自己的形象和品牌,才能在更大的市场上分得一杯羹。消费者在购买手机之前通常会考虑价格提示。公司应确保对价格进行监管,以保持竞争力。研究表明,客户愿意在原始和众所周知的设备上而不是即将推出的设备上花费大量金钱。 Owen、Lorelle 和 Bill (2007) 在他们的研究中指出,至高无上的争夺受到不同公司设定的价格的影响。公司应该明白,客户是通过价格来评价产品质量的。


根据美通社 (PR Newswire) (2010) 的说法,不将自己与优质品牌联系起来的公司面临灭绝的风险,因为对他们来说,拥有一部分市场是一项艰巨的任务。


Leonard (2012) 指出,品牌名称的方面受到使用的技术的影响。一个品牌的建立通常需要时间,也就是俘获顾客的心需要时间。因此,小玩家应该利用技术打造卓越品牌,俘获移动用户的心和钱包。小玩家应该预测领先移动制造商的行动和反应,以获得可持续的竞争优势。创建卓越的品牌可以建立信任,也可以使公司在市场上占据主导地位。这种优势使公司能够在相当长的一段时间内在激烈的竞争中生存下来(Stavros et.al. 623-634)。

2.1.5 Communications Strategy

Communication is a vital tool as far as marketing is concerned because; it attempts to influence potential clients to purchase a particular brand. Mobile phones should ensure they come up with an enhanced communication channel that conveys all information. There are various strategies that phone manufacturers could use in conveying their information. In the contemporary global economy, manufacturers should their products on a continuous basis in order to increase demand for their products. They may use television, radio and internet to promote their new brands.

Technology has been a hindrance to communication. The upward trend of new technology affects the communication process. Communication should be targeted to the majority users of mobile phone devices. The rise in technology has made part of the media object used, to be rendered useless. In the past, media devices that were being used to communicate new inventions were televisions, and radio. However, in the era of information technology, marketers have shifted towards e-mail marketing (Charlie 14).

The type of marketing medium can rate the sales a company will attain.

Conveyance of the message depends on the strategy used. Marketing using the television medium is an aspect that will attain much audience, as many have access to the medium. According to Dahlen, Lange, and Smith (2010) communication medium using any other method apart from television and mobile will attract few customers. The better marketing strategy will enhance the companys’sales.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

Companies should ensure that they use attractive and enticing adverts that are easily remembered. One of the most crucial methods of advertising is the mobile. Use of the Sms is a factor that is efficient, and quick as far as advertising new products is concerned. Companies should make sure they launch websites which allow mobile retrieval. These websites should be accessed from the comfort of the phone. The use of a mobile as a communication channel is convenience because phones can record texts. This is much more decent than carrying notebooks.


2.1.5 沟通策略


技术一直是沟通的障碍。新技术的上升趋势影响了传播过程。通信应针对移动电话设备的大多数用户。技术的进步使得部分使用的媒体对象变得无用。过去,用于传播新发明的媒体设备是电视和收音机。然而,在信息技术时代,营销人员已经转向电子邮件营销(查理 14)。


消息的传递取决于所使用的策略。使用电视媒体进行营销是可以吸引大量观众的一个方面,因为许多人都可以使用该媒体。根据 Dahlen、Lange 和 Smith (2010) 的说法,使用除电视和移动之外的任何其他方法的通信媒体将很少吸引客户。更好的营销策略将提高公司的销售额。


2.1.6 Stakeholders of a mobile brand

Creating a brand is a tedious task, and thus, organizations should direct all their efforts towards creating a superior brand. Any company establishing itself should publicize its brand, and make it known to all the potential customers. Customers have the habit of clinging to brands that they are common with. Marketing has gone a long way to make brands known to customers (Gemma 5-6). The presence of different methods of marketing poses a challenge for upcoming companies.

Stakeholders are people who sponsor a product; by ensuring it soars above, and in the long run brings profit. Stakeholders are interested in different brands which are superior in the market. Any company that stakeholders are eyeing, has a task of presenting and marketing itself, in order to, to demonstrate they can deliver value for money. Companies have a greater task of proving they can perform and do a lot. Companies should market their opinions and policies, by the use of contemporary marketing medium like television, internet and mobile phones. This aspect has brought competition between companies as they scramble to entice stakeholders to support them. Despite using the right marketing platform, companies should ensure and understand the kind of stakeholders that they entice (Schmitt & Rogers 60).   英国留学生市场营销论文代写

Luca (2010) noted that technology has become an issue of concern in mobile marketing. Stakeholders are keenly interested in the technology in use. The dynamic nature of technology affects the support base of a company. Stakeholders’ funds and support companies that have shown great improvement in information technology. To obtain support, companies must present the idea that their innovativeness will enhance their sales growth.


2.1.6 移动品牌的利益相关者

创建品牌是一项繁琐的任务,因此,组织应将所有努力集中在创建卓越品牌上。任何建立自己的公司都应该宣传自己的品牌,并让所有潜在客户都知道。客户习惯于执着于他们常见的品牌。营销在让客户了解品牌方面走了很长一段路(Gemma 5-6)。不同营销方法的存在给即将到来的公司带来了挑战。

利益相关者是赞助产品的人;通过确保它飙升至上方,并从长远来看带来利润。利益相关者对市场上具有优势的不同品牌感兴趣。利益相关者关注的任何公司都有展示和营销自己的任务,以证明他们可以提供物有所值的服务。公司有一个更大的任务来证明他们可以执行和做很多事情。公司应该利用电视、互联网和手机等现代营销媒介来宣传他们的观点和政策。这方面带来了公司之间的竞争,因为他们争先恐后地吸引利益相关者支持他们。尽管使用了正确的营销平台,公司仍应确保并了解他们所吸引的利益相关者类型(Schmitt & Rogers 60)。

Luca (2010) 指出,技术已成为移动营销关注的问题。利益相关者对所使用的技术非常感兴趣。技术的动态特性会影响公司的支持基础。利益相关者的资金和支持在信息技术方面取得巨大进步的公司。为了获得支持,公司必须提出他们的创新将促进其销售增长的想法。

  2.1.7 Visual Identity

Visual identity involves creating an identifier, that is, a landmark showing the product. Many companies have gone ahead to create visual identities like logos. Companies should move an extra mile to create a visual identity that focuses on the future aspirations, and the intended use of the product. Marketing and technology have been identified to have implications on the visual identity of a product. The language used to enhance the advertisement strategy can be compatible with the visual identity used (Sonics Inc 9).

Technology is a dynamic aspect, and therefore; mobile firms should   use it to achieve success.

Virtual identity should be enhanced so that a company attains a trademark different from the others. A virtual identity that is not recognizable by the customer, poses serious effects to the company. Danilo, Robert and Omar (2007), in their studies, stated that the change in technology should be used as a bridge to success. Mobile companies should come up with virtual identities that indicate their seriousness in delivering value for money. If a virtual identity is not well thought of, it may result in minimal sales.

Micheal, Chankon and Takayoshi (2003), in their research, argued that a virtual identity is used to identify a company’s product from those of the rivals. Major mobile players like Apple and Blackberry have virtual identities that are easily identified by customers. Mobile companies should ensure they set a virtual identity that should entice, and stick in the minds of clients. When marketing, mobile companies should ensure they have a virtual identity that shows the genuine nature of the brand. Thus, mobile companies should use the advertising media options in creating awareness about their identities. Companies lacking the virtual identities face extinction, and extermination, as it receives minimal attention. Companies should ensure they employ the use of magnificent identities that are customers are conversant with (Wood & Solomon 201).


2.1.7 视觉识别  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

视觉识别涉及创建标识符,即显示产品的地标。许多公司已经开始创建诸如徽标之类的视觉标识。公司应该加倍努力,创造一个专注于未来愿望和产品预期用途的视觉识别。营销和技术已被确定对产品的视觉识别有影响。用于增强广告策略的语言可以与使用的视觉标识兼容 (Sonics Inc 9)。


应增强虚拟身份,以便公司获得与其他公司不同的商标。客户无法识别的虚拟身份会对公司造成严重影响。 Danilo、Robert 和 Omar (2007) 在他们的研究中指出,技术的变革应该被用作通向成功的桥梁。移动公司应该提出虚拟身份,表明他们对提供物有所值的重视。如果没有很好地考虑虚拟身份,则可能会导致销售额最低。

Micheal、Chankon 和 Takayoshi(2003)在他们的研究中认为,虚拟身份用于将公司的产品与竞争对手的产品区分开来。 Apple 和 Blackberry 等主要移动设备公司拥有易于被客户识别的虚拟身份。移动公司应确保他们设置的虚拟身份应能吸引并牢牢记住客户的心。在营销时,移动公司应确保他们拥有能够显示品牌真实性的虚拟身份。因此,移动公司应该使用广告媒体选项来提高对其身份的认识。缺乏虚拟身份的公司面临灭绝和灭绝,因为它受到的关注最少。公司应确保他们使用客户熟悉的华丽身份(Wood & Solomon 201)。

2.1.8 Logos in mobile branding

Reid and Bojanic (2009), in their studies, argued that customers identify a product with the logo used. It has become evident that each company should create a logo, in order to differentiate its brands. Creating a logo is a process that takes time. Logos can be compared to brands which take time to be adorned by the customers (Research and Markets 1-10).

Celine (1998) argued that marketing has come a long way to establish, and bring the intended message to the customer. New companies entering the market should ensure they use contemporary marketing tools such as Twitter and Facebook to position themselves in the market. Television is one communication channel that marketers in a mobile company should use predominantly. TV is a giant advertising medium with respect to mobile advertising because consumers spend a considerable amount of their leisure time watching.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

Mobile companies should ensure they have a well planned logo, which is easily remembered by the customers. With the advancement in information technology, marketers should design logos that are enticing, but easily remembered (Haig 62).


2.1.8 移动品牌中的标志

Reid 和 Bojanic (2009) 在他们的研究中认为,客户通过使用的标志来识别产品。很明显,每家公司都应该创建一个标志,以区分其品牌。创建徽标是一个需要时间的过程。标志可以与需要时间来装饰的品牌进行比较(研究和市场 1-10)。

Celine (1998) 认为营销已经走过了漫长的道路,以建立并将预期的信息带给客户。进入市场的新公司应确保他们使用 Twitter 和 Facebook 等现代营销工具来在市场中定位自己。电视是移动公司营销人员应主要使用的一种沟通渠道。就移动广告而言,电视是一种巨大的广告媒体,因为消费者花费大量闲暇时间观看。

移动公司应该确保他们有一个精心设计的标识,让客户很容易记住。随着信息技术的进步,营销人员应该设计出诱人但容易记住的标志(Haig 62)。

2.1.9 Conclusion

The world of mobile technology is dynamic and studies have indicated that it is rapidly growing. This world however is no exception to challenges as evidenced in the literature review.  Technology and marketing are factors that are shaping up this sector by increasing the rate of competition. Different companies are coming up with high technology modified phones, in order to improve their competitive context (TECHNOLOGY n.Pag). Mobile companies should ensure they are updated with the current technology in order to achieve competitive advantage. This aspect as illustrated by research conducted indicates that many, organizations that do not embrace technology to create superior brands lag behind in the market share.


2.1.9 结论  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

移动技术的世界是动态的,研究表明它正在迅速发展。 然而,正如文献综述所证明的那样,这个世界也不例外。 技术和营销是通过提高竞争率来塑造该行业的因素。 不同的公司正在推出高科技改良手机,以改善他们的竞争环境 (TECHNOLOGY n.Pag)。 移动公司应确保他们使用当前的技术进行更新,以获得竞争优势。 所进行的研究表明,这一方面表明,许多不采用技术来创建卓越品牌的组织在市场份额上落后。


3.1 Research Methodology

3.1.1. Introduction

This chapter describes the methodology that was adopted in addressing the study objectives.It describes the research design, as well as, the target population that the researcher focused on.It also highlights the sample and sampling procedures, data collection procedures, instrumentation and data analysis methods.A research, which was done by Thomas (2011), stated that data collection techniques are grouped in accordance with the kind of analysis they assist.

According to Thomas(2011), data collection methods are clasisified into quantitative and qualitative research.Qualitative research methods  mainly have a deeper meanings of specific human knowledge, and generates opinions and judgements that are not straightforwardly reduce to figures.Qualitative research methods usually begins with a more flexible plan, and  several approaches falls under  this method.These approaches include Delphi methods,personal observations,group concensus among others.Quantitative research, on the other hand, include examples of the study, thereby, allowing an indepth investigation of  research topic (Patton 200).

3.1.2. Research design

Both descriptive and explanatory research designs were adopted in the study.Both the designs were adopted since they were well suited with the aims and objectives of the study.Thus,the study design design entailed a cross-sectional   survey concerning the relationship between brand loyalty,insistence,and brand cues and associations.In addition,this study utilized a descriptive cross sectional survey, mainly due to its cost effectiveness.However,there were few limitations such as causality problems and Neyman Bias.With regards to  causality problems,two separate variables were determined simultaneously, and thus, the researcher was not able to determine the relationship between variables accurately.Empirical analysis of the effect of technology on creating effective mobile brand was also conducted.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

3.1.3. Sample Population

The main reason of conducting a study is to determine an unidentified population value (Cohen, Manion and Morrison 102). However, it is impossible to gather information from the entire population. Performing the entire research on the whole population could be non incommodious and time-consuming. As a result, a researcher simulates a sample from the population to represent the entire population.The target study for this study involved 60 mobile sellers in UK.The sample also included consumers, as well as, staff members of these mobile marketing firms.With this regards, the sample size for this study involved 60 consumers and 120 staff members making a total 180 members.


3.0 第三章

3.1 研究方法


本章描述了为实现研究目标所采用的方法。它描述了研究设计以及研究人员关注的目标人群。它还强调了样本和抽样程序、数据收集程序、仪器和数据分析方法。Thomas (2011) 完成的一项研究表明,数据收集技术根据它们协助的分析类型进行分组。

Thomas (2011) 将数据收集方法分为定量研究和定性研究。定性研究方法主要是对特定人类知识具有更深层次的含义,产生不能直接还原为数字的意见和判断。定性研究方法通常始于一个更灵活的计划,有几种方法属于这种方法。这些方法包括德尔菲法、个人观察、群体调查等。另一方面,定量研究包括研究的例子,从而允许对研究主题进行深入调查(巴顿 200)。




进行研究的主要原因是确定未识别的人口值(Cohen、Manion 和 Morrison 102)。但是,不可能从整个人口中收集信息。对整个人群进行整个研究可能既不费力又费时。因此,研究人员从人群中模拟了一个样本来代表整个人群。本研究的目标研究涉及英国的 60 家移动销售商。样本还包括消费者以及这些移动营销公司的员工。与在这方面,本研究的样本量涉及 60 名消费者和 120 名员工,总共 180 名成员。

3.1.4. Sampling Procedure

After defining the population for sampling, the researcher then identifies a strategy for attaining the research objectives and answering the research questions. Sampling procedure this, could be defined as the steps taken by the researcher to make sure that the final result is accurate. The researcher therefore, examines the sample used in the study, in order to ascertain that it signifies the population from which the sample is obtained from (Gravetter and Wallnau 200).Stratified purposive sampling technique was used to identify the subgroups of the population. As such, the researcher employs simple random sampling technique whereby, he selects sixty consumers across the UK. The number selected forms fifty percent of the   population which is in line with the sampling rules (Gravetter and Wallnau 200). Also, the sample included two staff members from each mobile selling firm.


3.1.5. Data Collection Instruments and Procedures Sources of Data

Milton (2009), in his studies, argued that the researcher is responsible for the trustworthiness and credibility of his sources. Both primary and secondary sources were used by the researcher to gain data.primary data were obtained mainly from the staff members through the use of interviews and questionnaires.Secondary data, on the other hand, were obtained from academicjournalss, books and internet websites.Data was conducted to provide a provide an overview of mobile phones, and to establish the extent to which technology affects the mobile phone brands in the UK.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写 Data Collection Instruments

The researcher prepared self-administered questionnaires in order obtain data for the study. Questionnaires usually provide a degree of secrecy for the particular respondents especially when sensitive matters are involved (Vaus 62).  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

An in-depth-interview guide was also used to elicit information about the effect of technology in creating effective mobile brands in the UK market. Sixty consumers and 120 staff members who were available were interviewed. The researcher conducted both face-to-face and telephone interviews, and thus, was able to obtain information immediately. This method was also beneficial because clarifications were made where necessary and as such, the interviewer created a good rapport with his interviewees.

3.1.6 Limitations

The researcher faced the following obstacles while conducting research;

  • Due to limited time frame, it was not possible to analyze all the UK mobile firms, and the researcher narrowed the research on a few sampled companies.
  • Some of the employees of mobile selling firms in the UK did not want to fill the questionnaire.

3.1.7. Summary

This chapter has described the methodology adopted to address the study objectives. It has highlighted the target population that the researcher focused on. Also, the researcher discussed the obstacles faced while conducting research.



确定抽样总体后,研究人员确定实现研究目标和回答研究问题的策略。采样过程可以定义为研究人员为确保最终结果准确而采取的步骤。因此,研究人员检查研究中使用的样本,以确定它是否代表从中获取样本的总体 (Gravetter 和 Wallnau 200)。分层目的抽样技术用于识别总体的亚组。因此,研究人员采用简单的随机抽样技术,在英国选择了 60 名消费者。所选人数占总人口的 50%,符合抽样规则(Gravetter 和 Wallnau 200)。此外,样本包括来自每个移动销售公司的两名员工。


Milton (2009) 在他的研究中认为,研究人员应对其来源的可信度和可信度负责。研究人员使用一手和二手资料来获取数据。一手数据主要通过访谈和问卷调查从工作人员那里获得。另一方面,从学术期刊、书籍和互联网网站获得数据。进行了提供移动电话的概述,并确定技术对英国移动电话品牌的影响程度。数据采集​​仪器

研究人员准备了自我管理的问卷,以获取研究数据。问卷通常为特定受访者提供一定程度的保密,尤其是在涉及敏感事项时(Vaus 62)。

还使用了深入访谈指南来获取有关技术在英国市场上创建有效移动品牌的影响的信息。采访了 60 名消费者和 120 名有空的工作人员。研究人员进行了面对面和电话采访,因此能够立即获得信息。这种方法也很有用,因为在必要时进行了澄清,因此采访者与受访者建立了良好的关系。

3.1.6 限制







4.1.1 Data Analysis, Findings and Interpretation

Williams (2011) emphasized that data analysisis one of   the most difficult, yet significant stage as far as research process is concerned. Thomas (2003) states that the array of quantitative and qualitative analyses is complex. Thus, this makes the data analysis, findings and interpretation stage one of the most complicated stage. The researcher analyzed data quantitatively by illustrating and summing-up the data using expressive statistics. In doing so, the researcher was able to describe the distribution scores. The researcher analyzed the data in a logical manner, in order to obtain valuable conclusions and recommendations.Detailed information, established models, relationships and trends   concerning the study were obtained from the data collected.

4.1.2. Findings

From the responses obtained in the study, it has emerged that in the ever dynamic market, mobile phone companies are promoting new mobile phone brands in order to remain competitive. Therefore mobile phone branding is at the center of every mobile phone selling company. For instance, when responding to the issue on how branding influences a firm’s competitive advantage, 85 % of consumers and 80 %  of the staff members interviewed affirmed that branding enhances consumer loyalty (Figure 1 and 2 below)


Figure One: Branding and Company’s competitiveness

Source: Researcher (Consumers Response)

 Figure 2: Branding provides the firm with key competencies

Source: Researcher (Employees Response)

The above results have been authenticated by much of the empirical literature.For instance, a survey which was carried out by Shandwick (n.d), demonstrated that many organizations believe that there are numerous benefits to be attained from branding. A significant inference derived from the survey is that the activities of the firm that offered immense opportunities for higher profit margins, enhanced consumer loyalty and sustainable competitive advantage showed higher response rates. For instance, 80 % of the respondents indicated that branding enhances consumer loyalty.

4.1.3 Data Processing and Analysis

The researcher compiled the information collected from the respondents; in order to achieve an excellent qualitative research.Data analysis is conecerned with ensuring that information obtained is interpreted for preseantation. The researcher employed the coding process, in order to assign numerical values to answers derived, for professional analysis.The researcher compiled, analyzed and completed the questionnaire. The information gathered is analyzed using statistical methods among them tables and pi-charts.Moreover, the researcher used SPSS software, for further coding and editing. Finally, a Chi Square was used to test the level of significance of the descriptive analysis.


4.0 第四章  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

4.1.1 数据分析、发现和解释

Williams (2011) 强调,就研究过程而言,数据分析是最困难但最重要的阶段之一。 Thomas (2003) 指出,一系列定量和定性分析是复杂的。因此,这使得数据分析、发现和解释阶段成为最复杂的阶段之一。研究人员通过使用表达性统计对数据进行说明和总结来定量分析数据。通过这样做,研究人员能够描述分布分数。研究人员以合乎逻辑的方式分析数据,以获得有价值的结论和建议。从收集的数据中获得与研究有关的详细信息、建立的模型、关系和趋势。


从研究中获得的回应可以看出,在瞬息万变的市场中,手机公司正在推广新的手机品牌以保持竞争力。因此,手机品牌是每个手机销售公司的核心。例如,在回答品牌塑造如何影响公司竞争优势的问题时,85% 的消费者和 80% 的受访员工肯定品牌塑造可以提高消费者忠诚度(下面的图 1 和图 2)



图 2:品牌塑造为公司提供关键能力


上述结果已得到许多实证文献的证实。例如,由 Shandwick (n.d) 进行的一项调查表明,许多组织认为品牌可以带来许多好处。从调查中得出的一个重要推论是,为提高利润率、增强消费者忠诚度和可持续竞争优势提供巨大机会的公司活动显示出更高的响应率。例如,80% 的受访者表示品牌塑造可以提高消费者的忠诚度。

4.1.3 数据处理和分析


Chi Square

A Chi Square (x2) is a procedure which performs non-parametric test by determining theoretical hypothesis, Vis a Vis, experimental data.

Objective: To explore the usefulness of technology in the creation of effective mobile brands in the UK market in the face of globalization.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

Ho: There exists a linkage between superior mobile phone brands and customer loyalty and sustainable competitive advantage.

HA: There is no linkage between superior mobile phone brands and customer loyalty and sustainable competitive advantage.

Table I: Consumers and the employee’s response to the effect of mobile phone branding and customer loyalty.

Respondent Male Consumers Female


Male Employees Female Employees Sum
Agree 35 11 40 15 101
Disagree 15 4 22 13 59
Sum 45 14 62 28 150

Calculating the discrepancy between observed experimental data and theoretical expected values in Table 1 using Chi Square;

Where: fo is observed experimental data

fe is  theoretical expected values


fo(Observed experimental data) Fe(theoretical expected values) fo-fe (fo-fe)2   
35 30.3 4.7 22.09 0.73
11 9.43 1.57 2.47 0.26
40 41.75 -1.75 3.06 0.07
15 18.85 3.85 14.82 0.79
15 17.7 -2.7 7.29 0.41
4 5.51 -1.51 2.28 0.41
22 24.39 -2.39 5.71 0.23
13 11.01 1.99 3.96 0.36
Degrees of freedom (r-1) X (c-1) where r and c represents the number of rows, and columns respectively= (2-1) X (4-1) =3

Therefore; critical value of Chi Square ( X2 ) at  ά=f 0.05.

Degrees of Freedom  3=7.815

From the calculations above, the value of test statistic is relatively lower than the critical value.This implies that the study did not reflect the null Hypothesis Ho as shown in Diagram 1 below.With this regards, a significant relationship exists between superior mobile phone brands and customer loyalty and sustainable competitive advantage.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

Diagram 1: Determining the Critical Value


Sources: Original [http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/courses/help/xdist.gif]


卡方检验  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

卡方 (x2) 是通过确定理论假设、Vis a Vis 实验数据来执行非参数检验的程序。





fo(Observed experimental data) Fe(theoretical expected values) fo-fe (fo-fe)2   
35 30.3 4.7 22.09 0.73
11 9.43 1.57 2.47 0.26
40 41.75 -1.75 3.06 0.07
15 18.85 3.85 14.82 0.79
15 17.7 -2.7 7.29 0.41
4 5.51 -1.51 2.28 0.41
22 24.39 -2.39 5.71 0.23
13 11.01 1.99 3.96 0.36

使用卡方计算表 1 中观察到的实验数据和理论预期值之间的差异;

其中:fo 是观察到的实验数据

fe 是理论期望值


fo(Observed experimental data) Fe(theoretical expected values) fo-fe (fo-fe)2   
35 30.3 4.7 22.09 0.73
11 9.43 1.57 2.47 0.26
40 41.75 -1.75 3.06 0.07
15 18.85 3.85 14.82 0.79
15 17.7 -2.7 7.29 0.41
4 5.51 -1.51 2.28 0.41
22 24.39 -2.39 5.71 0.23
13 11.01 1.99 3.96 0.36
自由度 (r-1) X (c-1) 其中 r 和 c 分别代表行数和列数 = (2-1) X (4-1) =3
所以; ά=f 0.05 时卡方 (X2) 的临界值。

自由度 3=7.815


图 1:确定临界值

来源:原始 [http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/courses/help/xdist.gif]



5.1 Summary of findings

The role of technology in creating mobile brands in the UK market has been researched towards enhancing organization’s competitiveness. Despite how sparse the understanding of branding is in the UK, findings demonstrate that most employees have a clear understanding of branding, and how vital it is in enhancing organizational success. According to the research findings, mobile phone technology is advancing at breakneck rates.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

This is because new mobile features are being added on a daily basis.Branding therefore, becomes one of the most critical aspects in promoting mobile phone business. It is vital to note that, mobile industry is a major source of revenue in the UK. The sector provides employment opportunities to citizens, thereby raising their living standards. Thus, interest should be directed towards innovation and encouraging sellers to brand their mobile phones. The research findings have pointed out that marketers across England should have a keen interest in technology, and also, follow the players in the mobile industry.


第五章  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

5.0 调查结果摘要、结论和建议

5.1 结果总结



5.2 Conclusion

In the recent past, the concept of branding has become a major concern for the organizational leaders. An organization that responds in a proactive manner to these challenges eventually succeeds.This study has shown that companies with special reference, to the United Kingdom context, have taken cognisant of the desire to meet customer expectations. A number of forces have bbeen in the forefront of driving the mobile branding revolution.These include, among others, developments in the global markets, government activities in the macro-economic sector, and intense competition in the market place.These factors have forced companies in the United Kingdom to take a serious look at the branding imperative, namely: adapt or perish.The only law operating in the mobile phone market place is ‘survival for the fastest organization’.   英国留学生市场营销论文代写

Shirley, Douglas and Louis (2007), in their studies, argued that branding is significant for organizational success because it provides the firm with a competitive edge over its rivals. However, the impressions that the clients have about a particular mobile brand determines whether it will succeed or fail.Therefore, marketers should create positive impressions in the minds of customers. Dainora (2009) emphasized that companies that have a strong brand are not usually worried by the price competition. This is because customers are willing to pay higher prices for their preferred mobile brand. In this brand-driven era, organizations are leaning on branding, in order to create organizational success.The traditional marketing practices are gone, and advertising is dropping as far as pulling power is concerned.

Organizations should conduct a research customer needs before branding their products.

It is only by asking clients what they needs that an organization can create market-responsive brands. Innovation plays a significant role in researching the consumer needs.Researching customer needs enables the organization to provide the client’s immediate needs, as well as, discovering the latent consumer needs. To be successful, United Kingdom mobile phone companies must constantly be in the tune with the customer, and create only those brands that are appealing.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

Thus, innovation is the way to create new brands, and develop old ones.Organizations must be at the vanguard of the innovation wave, in order to create superior brands and sustain their competitive position. Mobile phone companies that have the capacity to create superior brands have attained and maintained a preferential position in the market place. According to the research findings, organizations should strive to adopt a continuous branding culture. The extent to which a brand is robust provides an organization with key competencies. With this regard, innovation enables a firm to create superior brand, and in turn, providing the firm with a competitive edge over its rivals.

From the research results, it is evident that branding influences the consumers buying behavior.

The client first develops believes about a particular brand, before making a thoughtful purchase choice. From the research findings, branding helps customers to know more about the product features. As such, mobile phone marketers must understand consumer preferences, and modify them to them accordingly. A believe normally influences the brand image, and therefore, marketers must understand the belief that clients formulate about a certain product. Technology enables marketers to correct the brands that are perceived to be wrong.  英国留学生市场营销论文代写

In the mobile phone industry, the emphasis is on customer service. Successful organizations in this industry have adopted the culture of innovation.These companies have accepted the market reality that, clients will only purchase those brands that satisfies them. With this regard, successful companies have continued to add value to the existing brands.

The tremendous growth of telephone operating companies in the UK shows that, innovation is essential in creating effective brands. The more aggressive mobile selling phones in the UK have deployed the state of the art technologies, with a view of enhancing their brand reputation. Where it has been properly deployed, technology has played a vital role of eliminating the market barriers that exist between large and small firms. To a great extent, the phenomenon growth of mobile phone industry in the UK can be attributed to the power of information technology.

The mobile industry in the United Kingdom, remain largely untapped, in spite of the presence of several players.

For mobile industry to realize growth there is a need to invest in information technology, that is innovation.

Mobile manufacturing firms must adopt an integrated customer experience strategy by being customer focused, if they are to pursue competitive differentiation and profitability effectively in the future. The executives who are customer focused, either in a holistic or deliberate way, will augment the likelihood that their efforts will succeed. By providing a customer centric industry, based on a proper understanding of the customer preferences, and values, empowering staff to respond rightly and mannerly to the customers, it becomes evident that the mobile industry will establish a virtuous cycle that eventually leads to a renewed economic success.   英国留学生市场营销论文代写

The focus on the customer value should be at the fore point. The profitability of each customer should be clearly understood. The customer values should be used to differentiate service levels, identifying opportunities to build the loyalty of the valuable customers, as well as, attracting new customers. The customer needs should be addressed throughout the life cycle. The employees should become an essential partner to the customer.

Also, the government should provide mobile phone firms with the necessary infrastructure, in order to tap the mass market.


5.2 结论   英国留学生市场营销论文代写


Shirley、Douglas 和 Louis (2007) 在他们的研究中认为,品牌塑造对于组织成功非常重要,因为它为公司提供了超越竞争对手的竞争优势。然而,客户对特定移动品牌的印象决定了它的成败。因此,营销人员应该在客户心中创造积极的印象。 Dainora (2009) 强调,拥有强大品牌的公司通常不会担心价格竞争。这是因为客户愿意为他们喜欢的移动品牌支付更高的价格。在这个品牌驱动的时代,组织依靠品牌塑造,以创造组织的成功。传统的营销方式已经一去不复返了,就拉力而言,广告正在下降。













5.3 Recommendations

The UK mobile industry faces many challenges in its movement towards effective branding.However, these challenges are hydra-headed implying that, they have intertwined causes, and can only be dealt with by adopting a multidimensional approach. The United Kingdom and other relevant stakeholders should be on the forefront in tackling these challenges.

The following are some of the recommendations for enabling the mobile phone industry in the United Kingdom achieve flexibility to stay ahead of the comaptition;

i)Nowadays, many mobile phone users require devices with high information processing capabilities, and therefore, they should promote new mobile phone models by not only highlighting properties, but also emphasizing what users can do with the available technical features. More importantly, the promotional strategies should try to reach the consumers through personal channels as opposed to the general media. The outcome of this research showed that price is one of the most considerable factors when purchasing a mobile phone. Thus, it should be noted that any offer or incentives advanced to customers could prove successful in attracting them.

ii)Mobile marketing firms should get more innovative, and come up with brands that appeal to the enthusiasts.

In the mobile industry, there are several players offering mobile brands. Therefore, marketers need to deal with this challenge by introducing brands that appeal to the market, while at the same time, seek new opportunities to enhance their businesses. As evidenced in this study, marketers need to provide cutting edge mobile products, in order to, meet the ever changing demand. With this regard, mobile firms should do away with some brands, which have so far matured, because they do not generate income.    英国留学生市场营销论文代写

iii)The government should make sure that the mobile industry is effectively regulated. This move, will assure mobile investors, that they will get value for their money.

iv)The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy is one of the marketing strategies the mobile industry should apply in order to achieve its set goals and objectives in the global market.

CRM will help the mobile industry differentiate its services from the core competitors and improve operations only if implemented effectively. It is, therefore, recommended that mobile firms should develop a CRM vision and strategy. The management must empower its staff to incorporate that vision. At every stage of the staff lifecycle, each employee working in the mobile industry should be provided with incentives in order to deliver a high level of services to their customers.

Those employees who face the customers directly should be hired based on their service capabilities. Frequent Training should also be facilitated in the industry in order to remind the employees on the vision of the organization. The management should also take the initiative of collecting employee feedback on the service issues. Technological tools should be offered to all the staff working within the industry in order to ensure that they have a better knowledge about the customer, enabling them tailor their interactions with each and every customer . Lastly it should be noted that employees should be evaluated on their ability to deliver a high level of services, with additional incentives to motivate employees to exceed customer expectations.


5.3 建议  英国留学生市场营销论文代写



i) 现在很多手机用户对设备的信息处理能力要求很高,因此在推广新手机时,不仅要突出性能,还要强调用户可以利用现有的技术功能做什么。更重要的是,促销策略应该尝试通过个人渠道而不是一般媒体来接触消费者。这项研究的结果表明,价格是购买手机时最重要的因素之一。因此,应该指出的是,向客户提供的任何优惠或激励措施都可能成功地吸引他们。

II) 移动营销公司应该更加创新,并提出能够吸引爱好者的品牌。


iii) 政府应确保移动行业得到有效监管。此举将向移动投资者保证,他们将物有所值。

iv) 客户关系管理 (CRM) 策略是移动行业应采用的营销策略之一,以实现其在全球市场的既定目标和目标。

CRM 将帮助移动行业将其服务与核心竞争对手区分开来,只有有效实施才能改善运营。因此,建议移动公司应制定 CRM 愿景和战略。管理层必须授权其员工融入这一愿景。在员工生命周期的每个阶段,移动行业的每位员工都应该得到激励,以便为其客户提供高水平的服务。


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Appendix 1: Questionnaire 

  1. Are you a male or a female?



  1.  How old are you?

18 – 25 years

25 – 35 years

35 – 50 years

50 – 70 years

70 plus years

  1. Which state do you come from?


4. How many years have you been employed? (Please tick where appropriate)

0 – 5 years…………………..

5 – 10 years…………………

10 or more years……………

  1. Are you a citizen of United Kingdom?



  1. Do you believe that technology has played a crucial role in enhancing brand images?



  1. In your own experience, do you feel that branding have a positive effect on mobile businesses?  英国留学生市场营销论文代写



8.Do you feel that a combination of visual identity, communications strategy and logo aspects have an impact on businesses?



  1. Do you believe that branding provides a firm with key competencies?

Very influential……………


Not Sure…………………..

Not at all…………………..

  1. In your own experience, do you feel that branding culture affects businesses in any way?



If yes, does it affect positively or negatively



Appendix 2: The Gant Chart



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