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英国商科硕士Essay代写 Final Project代写

2022-04-03 10:12 星期日 所属: report代写 浏览:834


Assessment 2 – Final Project Report:INSTRUCTION AND GUIDELINES

英国商科硕士Essay代写 The section below describes the required elements in your report, followed by detailed information and instructions.

Page Limit: 21 pages max. A4 sized 2cm margin, 12-point font (Times New Roman).

Inclusive of everything (title page, executive summary or Abstract, the main text of the report, tables, figures, pictures, references, and appendices, if any). Everything is double-spaced except (1) pictures, (2) tables, (3) figures, and (4) any other illustrations such as flow charts or diagrams if you have any.

When citing and using searched information, make sure you cite them appropriately – check the APA styles guideline on Course Blackboard.

Weight: 70%

Submission: Through Turnitin link on Blackboard – submission link made available on 24th October 2021 (about two weeks before the due)   英国商科硕士Essay代写

In this project report, you will examine a particular consumer behaviour (an effect, a phenomenon, a consumption experience, etc.), study it (by interviewing participants and analysing their comments and responses), integrate your findings with theories learnt from this course or your information search of academic sources, and make meaningful and valuable recommendations for consumers, brands, firms and or policymakers.

The section below describes the required elements in your report, followed by detailed information and instructions.



The report should be a formal report with actual data and interpretations. The report should include the following elements (also see the marking criteria on Blackboard):

1.Cover page (course code + the title of your report + your name + your studentID)

2. Executive summary or Abstract


The research background surrounding the phenomenon you’re studying

Literature from academic and non-academic sources to facilitate and support your argument Research purpose(s) OR research problem(s) 4 (four) Research questions.

Note: make sure at least one theoretical construct you’ve learned from this course is explicitly mentioned in the background section (e.g., priming, learning, memory, motivation, decision making, involvement, reference groups, power, etc.)

4. Study and results  英国商科硕士Essay代写

General information on the interviewees

General information on the interviews (see instructions below) Description of key interview questions.

Description and interpretation of findings.

5. Integration with theory

Integrate and discuss your key findings in the context of the theory/theories you learned from this course, theories or contents from other academic sources, and discuss a finding from multiple, alternative theoretical perspectives.


  • Integration with concepts and theories learned from this course is a required component for
  • Integration with theories outside the course and the discussion of findings from multiple theoretical perspectives are optional and mayhelp increase the mark on this section, depending on the appropriate use of the theories and the quality of arguments.

6. Recommendations

Implications for the consumers

Implications for marketers, and/or brands, and/or businesses, and/or policymakers (e.g., products/brands/services/government institutions/other non-profit organisations).   英国商科硕士Essay代写


  • Discussion of implications for consumers is a required component for
  • Discussion of implications for parties other than consumers depends on the suitability of your research topic and may not may not beapplicable

7. References

(8. Appendices, if there are any) Note:

  • Tables and figures should be put in the main text of your report. DO NOT put tables and figures in
  • Appendices will not be marked – they are not part of the assessment criteria, so make sure that you include all critical information in the main text of your report.


  1. Pick a particular consumer behaviour you’re interested in. You can work on the same topic in your research proposal or pick a new one and start from scratch.
  2. In the “executive summary/abstract”, provide a summary of the overall report. Think of it as a “mini report” of your full report. The summary/abstract should include the followinginformation:
  • The phenomenon/effect/trend/pattern etc. of yourresearch
  • The research problem(s) or researchpurpose(s)
  • A general description of the method (data collected via personal interview; the number ofparticipants)
  • Main findings from theinterview
  • Recommendations forconsumers
  • (Optional – recommendations for brands, firms, marketers, policymakers, etc.; depending on yourtopic)

3.In the background section, describe the phenomenon and the background of your study.Specifically:

  • Thebackground of the research generates the reader’s interest in your research question and helps them understand why your study is important or worth studying.
  • Typically, the background of a study includes an introduction and description of the phenomenon/effect/trend/pattern, a review of the existing information, coming from both academic sources (e.g., journal articles, books or book chapters, conference papers) and non-academic sources (e.g., industry reports, consumer reports, newspapers, YouTube videos, blogs, etc), which eventually lead up to the statement of problem or research purpose.   英国商科硕士Essay代写
  • A good idea is to give examples to illustrate the phenomenon/effect/trend/pattern, especially if it’s new and unfamiliar to readers.
  • See assessment one guidelines on “research background” – the requirements and marking criteria remain the same for assessment 2.
  1. Clearly present the research problem(s) or research purpose(s)(that is, what you aim to achieve by conducting this research or the overarching reason or goal for conducting this research).

5.Formulate four and only four research questionsthat will be answered by conducting this research. Clearly state them using numbers or bullet points.

Unlike assessment 1, you don’t need to provide explanations or justifications for proposing the RQs. However, RQs will be marked based on whether or not they are relevant to your problem statement (s) or research purpose(s).

  • The number of research questions – 4 (no more, no less. Less than 4, and your mark will be reduced for inadequacy. More than 4 – the markers will mark the first four questions and stop marking the rest RQs; regardless of the quality of the first 4 RQs, your mark will be reduced on the “professionalism”criterion).   英国商科硕士Essay代写
  • Researchquestions are what questions YOU hope to answer by conducting this  RQs are different from Interview questions, which you ask your participants during the interview. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like during the interview – as long as they help shed insight on your RQs.
  • Interviewquestions are designed based on RQs; you expect to get answers from participants that help you answer the RQs.

· Ensure that there’s a logical flow from the background information to your research problem/purpose, leading to your research questions.

  • You can re-use your proposal (a part or the whole) and integrate them into the final project report.

6.Conduct personal interviews with actual datacollection.

· Data collection must be based on a ONE-ON-ONE personal interview; do not interview participants altogether; do not do surveys (questionnaires), do not run statistical analyses.

  • Invite 7 (seven) and ONLY 7 participants. No more, no less.
  • Only invite your family members/relatives/friends and friends’friends.
  • Participation must be voluntary.
  • Ensure that during the interview, most questions are open-ended – meaning that participants are not provided with a list of pre-determined response questions and asked to choose from. (e.g., do not ask “below are some emotional reactions about your experience, which one(s) of them apply to you?). Instead, ask “what did you feel/what were your emotional reactions to xxx” to gather responses.
  • For additional details on interview techniques, check week 12’s lecture contents (“assessment 2briefings”).   英国商科硕士Essay代写
  • Whendescribing the results, first describe the general information of the  Include the following information:

(1) their gender/sex, (2) age (roughly; e.g., the 20s, 30s), (3) relationship to you (family/friends), (4) location – where the interview/survey is conducted, city or country, and (5) roughly how long the interview lasts (in minutes). You can use a table to present this information.

· DO NOT include participants’ real names. Only use pseudonyms (e.g., “Amy”) or codes (e.g., person A).

7.Summarise the interview/survey results and describe the mainfindings.

  • You can (1) summarise your findings and describe them in the text, or (2) use tables to help describe your findings.

Note that regardless of whether tables are used to list/present your findings, you must describe your findings thoroughly to help readers understand what you’ve found.

  • You don’t need to provide a complete list of all interview questions you’ve asked in the interview. Only describe the key interview questions – “key” means they provide critical information and shed light on your RQs.
  • You don’t need to provide a transcript of the complete interview conversations. Only summarise and describe the key findings.
  • Number your findings and describe them sequentially. Keep in mind that you’re looking for a “theme” or “common pattern” in participants’ responses. For example, if you asked participants’ perception of something and identified a psychological factor, how many of the seven interviewees mentioned it? First, mention the frequency (how many people say/describe/hint a particular element), then describe it.   英国商科硕士Essay代写
  • A theme can be identified and hence described when at least two participants said it (though they may use different words in the description – e.g., “price” vs. “it’scheap”).
  • Note that you don’t have to describe all findings and all themes. Describe a theme only when it is highly relevant and provides answers to your RQs.
  • (OPTIONAL) – unexpected findings? – not covered by your RQs but are still relevant to your research problem/purpose. How do you make sense ofthem?


  • Describe your findings in the context of the theories we’ve learned from this course. This section requires your analytical and reflective thinking skills. This is a required component for assessment of this section.
  • What theory/theories you learned from this course help explain your key findings? Based on your information search, what other theories or concepts help explain your findings, if they are not from the contents learned from this course? When discussing these, you need to clearly highlight that the concepts or theories are not from the course contents. You may receive a higher mark on this section if the “other theories” are cited and intepreted appropriately with quality arguments andexplanations
  • Are there findings that can be explained by alternative, different theories? Describe and synthesise them. You may receive a higher mark on this section if the “multiple theories/alternative theoretical perspectives” are cited and intepreted appropriately with quality arguments andexplanations
  • You can cite and discuss the same literature/theory in the background section and again in the theory integration section.
  • Based on your findings, what would you recommend for the consumers? For example, what would you recommend to the consumers to do in the future to enhance their relevant consumption experience and/or welfare? Are there something you recommend the consumers so that they can better safeguard themselves from negative marketing influences, such as unscrupulous and unethical malpractices byfirms?
  • Based on your findings, what do you think are the implications for the marketers and/or policymakers (e.g., the sellers/brands/governmentinstitutions/other policy markers?) For example, for firms to better target and serve consumers, products to improve the features and designs, brands to improve brand image, and government institutions to develop better policies. Depending on your topic, this component may or may not be applicable.
  1. Otherinformation:   英国商科硕士Essay代写
  • Minimum number of references from academic sources – 4 (four) (journal articles/books/conference papers; this includes your textbook),AND
  • Minimum number of references from non-academic sources – 4 (four) (industry reports/news reports/blogs,).
  • Adhere to the APA referencing styles (see Blackboard – Assessmentfolder).
  • Adhere to the formattingrequirements
  • Grammar, spelling, presentation, clarity and coherence, etc.


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