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英国代写proposal Data Analysis代写

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英国代写proposal We are in the world, where everything changes in a second. The government is walking towards smart government so a change must be done.

Table of Contents

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………….  3

Background………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Research problem………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Research Significance…………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Research Question…………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Literature review………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Methodology……………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

Data gathering…………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Sample Size……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Introduction 英国代写proposal


Quality has emerged as an important factor for realizing competitive advantage in the modern liberalized global economy. The quality nature of a commodity or service determines whether an organization retains, adds or loses customers. Low quality leads to discontented customers, the costs associated with poor quality include wastage, wastage rectification and loss of future sales. Technological motivations necessitate diffusion of geographical boundaries thereby giving rise to customers with perfect information about their market conditions. The business environment is increasingly becoming more complex and the marketplace has transformed from being local-based to global-based.  英国代写proposal

It has subjected managers to constant pressures to look for alternative methods to improve competitiveness by enhancing logistics and lowering operating costs. Clients continuously increase their awareness in regard to rising standards and hence very rational in decision making processes. Because customers have access to a wide range of products and services to choose from, they will only go for those commodities that effectively satisfy their consumption objective. Therefore, this ever-increasing demand for quality product and/or services together with the global revolution has encouraged enterprises to invest vast amounts of resources in embracing and institution business excellence models and quality management strategies.


介绍 英国代写proposal




EFQM business excellence model recognizes that people are a critical component of quality systems.

Effective ways of introducing business excellence models in an organization are through training, development, and empowerment of personnel, besides making certain that the quality is not the only thing employees struggle to achieve. It is important to consider personal goals of employees.   英国代写proposal

Shareholders can, with reasonable certainty, claim full ownership of all physical resources within their organizations. However, the most crucial category of business resources, namely employees, can never be truly owned by stakeholders. Employees are the driving force and the lifeblood in any organization, yet they are the most difficult element to mobilize for maximum return on investment for shareholders. The only better way to manage them is simply by creating a conducive working environment in the organization that will favor the retention of the best employees (Pennington 2001).


EFQM 商业卓越模型认识到人是质量体系的关键组成部分。

在组织中引入卓越商业模式的有效方法是通过培训、发展和赋予人员权力,此外还要确保质量不是员工努力实现的唯一目标。 考虑员工的个人目标很重要。

股东可以合理确定地要求对其组织内所有有形资源的完全所有权。 然而,最关键的业务资源类别,即员工,永远不可能真正为利益相关者所有。 员工是任何组织的驱动力和命脉,但他们是最难调动的因素,以实现股东的最大投资回报。 管理他们的唯一更好的方法就是在组织中创造一个有利的工作环境,有利于留住最优秀的员工(Pennington 2001)。

Research problem

It seems that most organizations are adopting an excellence model to ensure that their business focuses on a customer, continues improvement and human resource management. MRHE has adopted the excellence model in 2008. However, it seems that employees still refuse the idea of adaptation of excellence model and yet do not understand the benefit from using the model in their work. In addition, they still believe in old system, which means that they can do their work without using the model. Also, training was not the issue because many training sessions have been hold for that purpose and to establish the culture of excellence.



似乎大多数组织都采用卓越模式来确保其业务专注于客户、持续改进和人力资源管理。 MRHE在2008年采用了卓越模式,但似乎员工仍然拒绝卓越模式适应的想法,也不了解在工作中使用该模式的好处。 此外,他们仍然相信旧系统,这意味着他们可以在不使用模型的情况下完成工作。 此外,培训不是问题,因为为此目的举办了许多培训课程并建立卓越文化。

Research Significance

We are in the world, where everything changes in a second. The government is walking towards smart government so a change must be done. The excellence model can help employees to define their strength and area to improve. If they keep resisting, the acceptance of the model will not be improve. Insight should give us an understanding why they keep resisting on that change and highlight the benefit, which they gain from implementing the model. Also, people believe that employees are the reason to be satisfied or unsatisfied with the services. It seems that the leadership role is a little bit missing in some areas.


研究意义 英国代写proposal

我们在这个世界上,一切都在一秒钟内发生变化。 政府正在走向智能政府,因此必须做出改变。 卓越模式可以帮助员工明确自己的优势和需要改进的领域。 如果他们继续抵制,模型的接受度不会提高。 洞察力应该让我们了解他们为什么一直抵制这种变化,并强调他们从实施模型中获得的好处。 此外,人们认为员工是对服务满意或不满意的原因。 似乎在某些领域缺乏领导作用。

Research Question

H1: Excellence model directly and positively influences the employee productivity in enabler, especially people criteria and people result criteria.

H2: Changing the employee culture is essential to start with before implementing the change.

H3: Leadership commitment is important to support resources and capabilities and motivate people.


研究问题 英国代写proposal




Literature review 英国代写proposal

This section will involve a review of literature on employee resistance of new developments at their organizations. Time and again business and academic world have emphasized that most of the change initiatives indirectly or directly have performed dismally. The estimated fail rate in implementation of changes in organizations varies between 60-70 percent (Hammer & Champney 1993). Based on this estimation, it is clear that up to four organizations in every 10 succeed in their change plans, and hence making examination of organizational change a subject of great interest to consultants, managers, researchers and academicians (Jones & Dugdale 2002). However, their efforts to form a formidable plan or solution that can be applicable to various contexts for realizing the anticipated outcomes have been thwarted by the complex nature of activities involved in transforming an organization (Ford, & Ford 2009).



本节将回顾有关员工对组织中新发展的抵制的文献。 商界和学术界一再强调,大多数间接或直接的变革举措都表现不佳。 在组织中实施变革的估计失败率在 60-70% 之间变化(Hammer & Champney 1993)。 根据这一估计,很明显每 10 个组织中就有四个组织的变革计划成功,因此,组织变革的研究成为顾问、经理、研究人员和学者非常感兴趣的主题(Jones & Dugdale 2002)。 然而,他们努力形成一个强大的计划或解决方案,该计划或解决方案可适用于各种环境以实现预期结果,但由于组织转型所涉及活动的复杂性而受阻(Ford, & Ford 2009)。

Developing the list of different causes of failure witnessed in implementation processes is not that way difficult;

however, the pronounced barrier is the resistance to change (Kaplan & Norton 2005). The problem has been there throughout the history of mankind. Unfortunately, there is no consensus on its content nor occurrence ways have ever been mentioned by researchers who have explored it (Lines 2004).  Our literature review will explore the concept of change resistance based on the perceptions of some renowned researchers in this field. 英国代写proposal

Although, resistance has been condemned repeatedly for impeding change, a voluminous number of arguments that support the goodness of change resistance exist in the literature (Shaw 2002). There are many literature books and scientific literature papers, and the majority of them have different perspectives of approach to the issue (Dent & Goldberg 1999). To avoid repetition, we will strive to find it appropriate to review authors who have represented each of these various perspectives in terms of resistance to change.



然而,明显的障碍是对变革的抵制(Kaplan & Norton 2005)。这个问题贯穿整个人类历史。不幸的是,探索它的研究人员从未对其内容和发生方式达成共识(Lines 2004)。我们的文献综述将根据该领域一些知名研究人员的看法探索变革阻力的概念。

尽管抵抗因阻碍变革而一再受到谴责,但文献中存在大量支持变革抵抗的好处的论据(Shaw 2002)。有许多文学书籍和科学文献论文,其中大多数对这个问题有不同的看法(Dent & Goldberg 1999)。为避免重复,我们将努力找到合适的评论作者,他们在抵制变革方面代表了这些不同观点中的每一个。


This chapter will explore the research design and the methodology that will be used to conduct the study. I will involve discussion of design and methodology including details on the study population, description of sampling procedures, instruments of data collection and analysis. The research will employ a deductive approach to guide the design and data interpretation. The main objective will be to find answers to the research questions

Figure 1 Deductive Reasoning


方法 英国代写proposal

本章将探讨研究设计和将用于进行研究的方法。 我将讨论设计和方法,包括研究人群的细节、抽样程序的描述、数据收集和分析的工具。 该研究将采用演绎方法来指导设计和数据解释。 主要目标将是找到研究问题的答案

Data gathering

Deductive approach will be used. I will be responsible to collect data and information from Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est.

  • Survey: A designed questionnaire is planned to be distributed to the end user in the selected organizations.
  • Online Resources: BPIR – HBMSU



将采用演绎法。 我将负责从 Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est 收集数据和信息。


Data Analysis 

We will use Microsoft Excel to analyze the data



我们将使用 Microsoft Excel 来分析数据

Sample Size 

The number of samples will be consisting of 50 to 80 employees from Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est.



样本数量将由来自 Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est 的 50 至 80 名员工组成。

Reference List 英国代写proposal

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