COMP 1921: Programming Project 2021-2022
ASSIGNMENT 1: PGM Utilities [50 marks]
美国程序代写 We will assign a separate percentage mark for code quality, and your result will be the product of the two numbers
The goal of this assignment is to develop your skills in writing code systematically and well, with due attention to commenting, structure, modularity, defensive programming, testing and good programming habits.
TASK: We will therefore take a small task – that of extending the pgmEcho utility shown in class and used in the debugging exercise. You will construct a set of programmes (or utilities) that manipulate PGM files in a number of ways.
CONTEXT: 美国程序代写
This assignment prepares you for the main project, which is currently under NDA (non-disclosure agreement). We can however tell you that this task is related to the main project, and that you should be able to adapt your code from this assignment for it when it is available. You should therefore make every effort to write your code as robustly and reusably as possible, to reduce your workload in the second half of the term.
This coursework is worth 50% of the final grade, divided between tasks as shown. We will assign a separate percentage mark for code quality, and your result will be the product of the two numbers – i.e. if you complete I.-V. flawlessly, your base mark will be 40/50. But if your code quality is poor (50%), this will be downgraded to 20/50.
Notice that Tasks V. & VI. are significantly harder than Tasks I.-IV. This is because they are intended to push the abilities of the class. However, they are worth fewer marks, which means that a student who completes I.-IV. with reasonable (60%) code quality can expect 24/50 overall – i.e. a passing mark. A student who completes I.-IV. with high (80%) code quality can expect 32/50 overall – i.e. a good mark. And a student who completes I.-IV. meticulously (with perfect code) can expect 40/50 overall, and will already have passed the module, with the marks in Assignment 2 moving them up into higher classifications.
MACHINES: 美国程序代写
For this assignment, you should continue to work on the lab machines, feng-gps or feng-linux, in order to develop your command-line skills further. We recommend that you use vi, nano or emacs for command-line editing until you are comfortable that you can use these tools correctly in future. After that, if you wish to use GUI-based text editors on feng-linux or the lab machines, you may. Any code which does not compile and run on feng-gps with no modification will receive a mark of 0, but we will usually give the student ONE chance to fix it.
We will check the commit logs of your git repository. By the end of Week 5, you should commit a text file called “modules.txt” describing your proposed modules and which module is used in which programme. Each module should have 1 paragraph of no more than 500 characters that describes the module and what its purpose is.
By the end of Week 5, you should also commit a text file called “testplan.txt” with no more than 2 paragraphs each of no more than 500 characters, describing your test plan.
We expect to see steady progress towards completion, as revealed in the pattern of git commits. One of the implications of this is that we will be penalising any student who develops their code without git, then dumps it all into git at the last minute.
THE TASKS: 美国程序代写
There are six sub-tasks, labelled I.-VI, each worth 5 or 10 marks.
I (10). Analyse pgmEcho.c to identify how it should be improved, then rewrite it so that it is more modular, more suitable for reuse, and properly defensive in terms of errors. Note that this should involve understanding the remaining tasks as well.
II (10) Write a programme called pgmComp which takes two pgm file names as arguments, reads them in and tests whether they are logically
III (10) Modify pgmEcho and pgmComp to accept binary PGM as well as ASCII, and write utilities called pgma2b to convert the ASCII form to the binary, and pgmb2a to convert the binary form to the ASCII.
IV (10) Write a programme called pgmReduce which takes 3arguments:
- an input file (either ASCII orbinary)
- an integer factor n,and
- an outputfile
and reduces the input file by that factor in each dimension. For example, if the invocation is: pgmReduce inputFile 5 output File
and inputFile is a 13×17 image, then outputFile should be a 2×3 image in which only the pixels with row and column of 0 modulo 5 in the inputFile exist.
V (5) Write another programme called pgmTile which takes 3 arguments, an input file (either ASCII or binary), an integer factor n, and an output file name template. Itshould divide the input file into nxn smaller images corresponding to parts of the image. For example, suppose that the invocation is:
pgmTile sampleFile.pgm 3 sampleFile_<row>_<column>.pgm
then the programme should read in sampleFile.pgm and output 9 smaller images, named: 美国程序代写
i.e. substituting the relative position of the subimage in the larger image into the <row> and<column> tags in the template name
VI(5) Write a final programme called pgmAssemble which can be used to assemble a large image from smaller ones. It should take 3n+3 arguments of which the first threeare: 美国程序代写
- an output filename
- width of the outputimage
- height of the output image and the remainder are the layout: triplesof:
3i+1. row at which the subimage starts
3i+2. column at which the subimage starts
3i+3. The subimage to insert at that location
We will be running our own test scripts in order to mark the assignments, and doing our best to come up with creative ways to break your code. You should therefore develop your own test plan, test scripts and test files to beat us to it. You should have a single test script called “” which runs through all of the tests you have constructed, but your code MUST be strictly compliant with our standards in order for our test scripts to function, as described under return values. Code that is not strictly compliant will receive a mark of 0, but we will usually give the student ONE chance to fix it.
MAKEFILES: In order for us to be able to compile and run your code automatically, you should also submit a makefile with separate targets for each programme, and two additional targets: all and clean. “make all” compiles all of the targets, while “make clean” removes all object files (.o), all executables, and any temporary files created during your run.
FILE LOCATIONS:Your code should not make any new directories, or hard code any relative paths. All file names should be specified by command-line arguments. This will allow us to test any file location for input and output in our scripts.
All programmes should return the value 0 in case of success, non-0 in case of failure, and a string to describe the result. This is a standard Unix convention: we return 0 on success because there is often only one way the programme can succeed, but many ways it can fail, which allows us to use the return value to indicate what type of failure.
There is an exception to this: if no arguments are given, the programme should return a special message indicating the correct usage and return 0. This message (which is also a standard convention) is a minimal help message that starts with the string “Usage: ” followed by the name of the executable (which can be found in argv[0]) and a brief description of the correct parameters. In this case, input files should be called “inputImage” and output files should be called “outputImage”, so the forms are: 美国程序代写
Usage: ./pgmEcho inputImage.pgm outputImage.pgm Usage: ./pgmComp inputImage.pgm inputImage.pgm Usage: ./pgma2b inputImage.pgm outputImage.pgm Usage: ./pgmb2a inputImage.pgm outputImage.pgm
Usage: ./pgmReduce inputImage.pgm reduction_factor outputImage.pgm
Usage: ./pgmTile inputImage.pgm tiling_factor outputImage_<row>_<column>.pgm Usage: ./pgmAssemble outputImage.pgm width height (row column inputImage.pgm)+
The string to be output on success depends on the programme: Value String Programme Meaning
0 ECHOED pgmEcho Programme echoed the input
0 IDENTICAL pgmComp The two files were identical
0 DIFFERENT pgmComp The two files were not identical
0 CONVERTED pgma2b/pgmb2a The file was converted
0 REDUCED pgmReduce The file was successfully reduced in size
0 TILED pgmTile The tiles were successfully written
- ASSEMBLED pgmAssemble The full image waswritten
Value String Condition
- ERROR: BadArgument Count Programme given wrong # of arguments
2 | ERROR: Bad File Name (fname) | Programme failed to open a file stream |
3 | ERROR: Bad Magic Number (fname) 美国程序代写 | Programme failed on a magic number |
4 | ERROR: Bad Comment Line (fname) | Programme failed on comment line |
5 | ERROR: Bad Dimensions (fname) | Programme failed on image dimensions |
6 | ERROR: Bad Max Gray Value (fname) 美国程序代写 | Programme failed on max gray value |
7 | ERROR: Image Malloc Failed | Malloc failed for image allocation |
8 | ERROR: Bad Data (fname) | Programme failed when reading in data |
9 | ERROR: Output Failed (fname) | Programme failed during output |
10 | ERROR: Bad Layout | Layout file for assembly went wrong |
100 | ERROR: Miscellaneous (text) | Any other error that is detected. |
In each case, fname should be replaced by the name of the file that failed. Similarly, in a miscellaneous error, “text” should be replaced by a description in no more than 100 characters of the error detected.
Note that we do NOT guarantee that this is an exhaustive list of possible errors.
Your work should be submitted via the COMP1921 gitlab repository.
Your submission should be in a directory in the root of your git repository called “assignment_1” and should contain files which conform to the specification outlined in the assignment specification. You submission should contain all the relevant source code and header files, a brief README file explaining how to run your submission, and a Makefile which builds all of the executables specified. It is your responsibility to ensure that your submission compiles and executes on the feng-gps machine. Your commit and push must be made prior to the deadline. 美国程序代写
You should also include a test script called “” and any test files you rely on. In summary, your handin should include:
- All necessary .c and .hfiles
- A makefile as describedabove
- A test script“”
- A readme file called“readme.txt”
- A test plan file called“testplan.txt”
- A file called“modules.txt”
- Any .pgm files which you use for your test
With the exception of the .pgm files, all of these files must be in the assignment_1 directory. You may place the .pgm files in a subdirectory if you wish.
If there are ANY other files or subdirectories in the directory when it has been handed in, you will lose marks. This includes any hidden file (prefixed with .), except for .git and .gitignore.
DUE DATE: March 11, 2022 at 10:00 am.