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网络赠送系统代写 Question代写 conflict serialisable代写 code代写

2020-12-07 17:52 星期一 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:1714


Assignment 2

网络赠送系统代写 Please make sure that you always use notations consistent with lecture notes. Different notations will not be accepted.

Please make sure that you always use notations consistent with lecture notes. Different notations will not be accepted. The deadline for assignment 2 is:

Wed 20 Nov, 5:00 pm (Not Friday this time!)

Question 1 (15 marks)网络赠送系统代写

Consider a relation R(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I,J) and its FD set

𝐹= {A→ DE, B → GI,E →CD, CE → ADH, H→ G, AH → I}.

1)Check if A →I∈ F+. (3marks)

2)Find a candidate key for R. (3marks)网络赠送系统代写

3)Determine the highest normal form of Fwith respect to R. Justify your answer. (3marks)

4)Find a minimal cover Fm for F. (3marks)

5)Decompose into a set of 3NF relations if it is not in 3NF step by step. Make sure your decomposition is dependency-preserving and lossless-join. (3marks)


Question 2 (10 marks)网络赠送系统代写

Consider the schedule below. Here, R(*) and W(*) stand for ‘Read’ and ‘Write’, respectively. T1 ,T2,T3 andT4 represent four transactions and ti represents a time slot.

Time t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12


R(B) R(A) W(B) W(A)


网络赠送系统代写 R(B) W(B)


R(A) W(A)


R(A) W(A) R(B) W(B)

Each transaction begins at the time slot of its first Read and commits right after its last Write (same time slot).

Regarding the following questions, give and justify your answers.

1)Is the transaction schedule conflict serialisable? Give the precedence graph to justify your answer. (4marks)网络赠送系统代写

2)Give a serial schedule of these four transactions. (3marks)

3)Lock the transactions   and    according to the simple locking scheme. You only need to consider the order of the operations, not the timestamps. (3 marks)

Assignment Submission网络赠送系统代写

We accept electronic submissions only. Please submit your assignments as follows:

  • The file name should be ass2.pdf.
  • Log into the CSE server, ensure that you are in the directory containing the file to be submitted. (note: we only accept files with .pdf extension)
  • Type “give cs9311 ass2 ass2.pdf” to
  • You can also use the web give system to
  • In case that the system is not working properly, you must take the followingactions:
  • Please keep a screen capture (including timestamp and the size of the submitted file) for your submissions as proof. If you are not sure how, please have a look at theguidelines.网络赠送系统代写
  • Please keep a copy of your submitted file on the CSE server. If you are not sure how, please have a look attaggi.


  1. If the size of your pdf file is larger than 2MB, the system will not accept the submission. If you face this problem, try converting to compress
  2. If you have any problems in submissions, please email tocomp9311unsw@gmail.com.
  3. We do not accept e-mail

Late Submission Penalty 网络赠送系统代写

20% per day. In addition, you will receive zero mark if you submit after we release the solution.


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