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编程课业代写 Microcontrollers代写

2022-03-14 11:37 星期一 所属: 汇编代写 浏览:660

ECE2560 ‐ Project

编程课业代写 Use the word template and instructions contained on our web site to submit your screenshots to Carmen. Do not email directly to your TA or me.


Collaboration with other students is not allowed

Use the word template and instructions contained on our web site to submit your screenshots to Carmen. Do not email directly to your TA or me. Files emailed to the TA or me will not be accepted


Step 1:  编程课业代写

Write a subroutine with the following contract:

; Subroutine Name: LIMIT
;Stack Picture:
;SP ‐>  Return Address
;          Output M   (word)
;          Input  N   (word)
;          Input  N2  (word)
;          Input  N1  (word)
;   Subroutine assumes that N1 > N2


M = N1 if N >= N1
M = N    if   N > N2 and N < N1
M = N2 if N <= N2

All input, output and local variables should be handled on the stack.

Attach the pseudocode and assembly code of the subroutine to your submission.


Step 2:  编程课业代写

Watch Screencast19 from 10:22 to finish to review importing data into memory from your disk and plotting data from memory in CCS.


Step 3:

Download SineTable.txt from the lessons tab of the website and rename it SineTable.dat. This file contains data for one period of a sinusoidal wave.


Step 4:  编程课业代写

Write a main program which does the following:

Create an array named input of 256 (word length) elements (using .space) in .text region.
Create an array named output1 of 256 (word length) elements  (using .space) in .data region.
Create an array named output2 of 256 (word length) elements  (using .space) in .data region.

Import data from the file SineTable.dat into the array named input.

Plot this data as a graph in CCS.

Attach the following two screenshots to your submission:  编程课业代写

i) Memory Browser showing at least the first 100 elements of the array input.

ii) Plot of array input (showing the x‐axis and y‐axis).

Subtract decimal 425 from each element of the array input and store it in the array output1. Attach the following two screenshots to your submission:

i) Memory Browser showing at least the first 100 elements of the array output1.

ii) Plot of array output1 (showing the x‐axis and y‐axis).

Use the subroutine LIMIT to write code so that output2 contains a clipped version of the sinusoidal wave contained in output1, so that output2 looks like the blue curve in figure below. Attach the following two screenshots to your submission:

i) Memory Browser showing at least the first 100 elements of the array output2.

ii) Plot of array output2 (showing the x‐axis and y‐axis).

Attach the pseudocode and assembly code of the main program to your submission.





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