Lab Activity 11
ESE 124 (Programming Fundamentals)
编程基础代写 1.Pointers (60 minutes)1.(Acknowledgement: This exercise is posted at
1.Pointers (60 minutes) 编程基础代写
1.(Acknowledgement: This exercise is posted at We want to show a string repeatedly by shifting the top character of the string to the right. Refer to a below execution example. Write a below source code, complement the expression hidden by “******” to meet this requirement. Confirm whether it can execute properly.
2. #include <stdio.h> 3. 4. int main(void) 5. { 6. char str[20], *p; 7. 8. printf("Input about 10 characters of string\n"); 9. scanf("%s",str); 10. 11. // Pointer variable refers to address of string 12. ***************************** 13. ***************************** 14. 15. // Show string by shifting top character of string to right 16. ***************************** 17. ***************************** 18. ***************************** 19. ***************************** 20. 21. return (0); 22. } 23. (Execution example) 24. $ ./a.out 25. Input about 10 characters of string 26. abcd1234EFGH 27. abcd1234EFGH 28. bcd1234EFGH 29. cd1234EFGH 30. d1234EFGH 31. 1234EFGH 32. 234EFGH 33. 34EFGH 34. 4EFGH 35. EFGH 36. FGH 37. GH 38. H 39. 40. $
2.(Acknowledgement: This exercise is presented at Write code which prints the characters in a string in a reverse order.
5. char s[10] = "abcde"; 6. char* cptr; 7. 8. // WRITE YOUR CODE HERE
3.(Acknowledgement: This exercise is presented at Write a function that returns a pointer to the maximum value of an array of double.
2.struct type (1 hour and 30 minutes) 编程基础代写
Implement the following C program.
- The program reads a text file that has the following structure. The first row includes the number of following rows in the file. Then, every line of the text file includes the following information: first name (string) last name (string) zip code (integer) age (integer) GPA (float). Write a C function that reads the input file and stores the information for each person in a dynamically created array of struct elements.
- Write a C function that displays the content of the array storing the input file.
- Write a C function that orders the array in the decreasing order of the person’s GPA.
- Write a C function that orders the array in alphabetic order of the person’s last name.
- Write a C function that reads a zip code from the keyboard and then displays all the persons with this zipcode.
- Write a main program that repeatedly reads and implements the following commands: D for the function at step 2; O for the function at step 3; A for the function at step 4; Z for the function at step 5.
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