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统计Assignment代写 R Studio代写

2021-09-24 16:52 星期五 所属: R语言代写,r语言代做-无限次修改 浏览:536


STA 305/1004 Winter 2020 – Assignment 1

统计Assignment代写 Createa histogram of this randomization distribution; include vertical line(s) to mark the area(s) corresponding to the P-value.

Due: Electronic submission into Crowdmark by Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 22:00. NB: e-mail submissions will NOT be accepted. Use R or R Studio, and where possible, hand in your codes and output for the following parts.

A.Randomlygenerate a sample of 16 data points to form the observations under two experimental designs:  统计Assignment 代写

a completely randomized design and a randomized paired design, to compare two treatments – S and T . Carry out the following steps:

1)Setthe seed of your randomization to be the last four digits of your student numbe


2)Randomlygenerate 8 observations from the N (5, 22) distribution to correspond to treatment S. List the observed values, to 3 decimal places, and the order in which they appeared.  统计Assignment代写

3)Randomlygenerate 8 observations from the N (7, 22) distribution to correspond to treatment T . List the observed values, to 3 decimal places, and the order in which they appeared.

4)Use the order of the observations in 2) and 3) to form pairs of observations. Display the pairs of observations of treatment S and T for the randomized paired design.


B.Forboth designs, based on the data simulated in part A, conduct a randomization test to compare the means of the two treatments.  统计Assignment代写

(i)Describe the randomization distribution for this comparison. How many values does thisdistri- bution contain? What is the probability of the observed treatment allocation?  统计Assignment代写

(ii)Createa histogram of this randomization distribution; include vertical line(s) to mark the area(s) corresponding to the P-value. Use the randomization test to determine if there is evidence of a difference in means between the two Explain your answer, including the P-value of your test and how you define ‘significant’ results.

C.For both designs, based on the data simulated in part A, conduct an appropriate t-test to compare the means of the two Note:  统计Assignment代写 

Assume that the population distributions are Normal but the parameters areunknown.

(i)Explainyour answer, including the P-value of your test.

(ii)Arethe assumptions behind the t-test satisfied?  统计Assignment代写

(iii)Dothe results of the t-test agree with the results of the randomization test? Explain.


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